Friday, June 30, 2006
NCC DAY!HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BAOYUN IN ADVANCE!!!!went to school earlier then usual.due to the small parade today.the parade today was RATHER short???.almost fainted.people usually say that they black out but i white out.don know vision became blank and white, my back ache and my leg numb and my stomach GROWL!was feeling rather terrible but because i though its ending le so i endure but it turn out there are much more.anyway i survive it.haha.then we took family photo together.i mean the whole NCC.i did contribute some very important ideas.wilson was like prasing kokwei then kokwei say is me do de then say i old bird.haha i don mind being a old bird and useful.haha.then wasnt able to rush for the fashion thingy so we went directly to the business de.was feeling very excited at first but i sat down i became very annoyed because my cca marks can onli get me a A2.what the hell la.found out the reason why.and was rather irritated and went to find some teachers.i didnt go and look for teachers because i was despo for the A1 its just that i feel i should be able to get more then a A2.i was irritated because for my four years in school i spent almost all of my time in NCC student council and HPT.all my cca.but all that i get is a A2.its just rubbish.then was assembly.don know why i very high also.keep shouting mr lau mr lau de.haha.was a bit boring dismissed.the sec 3 was having a meeting so i just drop by and listun.after that i went to look for mrs soh and ask about the CCA points.and she say she will help me get the points for HPT also for kelly and i was very happy.haha.then went khatib mac with some of the sec 3s tata.back in yishun and look for my t30b but didnt manage to find it and tata i am home.haha.seriously i don know what happened but today i just feel the bond in the sec 3 is growing and growing stronger.suddenly i felt that the sec 3s was not so bad after all.yeah~so call had dinner with yiyuan but i didnt eat.haha just watch him eat.he is a lot of rubbish he called something which he doesnt know the name of it.and pointed here and there de.haha.then the drink he asked for didnt come at all.haha.lame.but we did had a good talk about some people la.I AM LOVING GUITAR SO SO SO SO MUCH!!xXsIaOgUYDaLeXxx
theGREENfreak freaked 9:56 PM
i just have to say something that is :a moment ago i was being entertained by someone .hahavery interesing but detail not to be saidhahaits lame!arh!it stupid but at least i was entertained.haha.thanks william arh...then i also receive a very werid message in friendster.girls now a days are getting very daring.haha.anyway i just done a clay model of a guitar on a wall.and i like it very will be uploaded soon.haha.I AM LOVING GUITAR SO SO MUCH!hahaXxXsIaOgUYdAlExXX
theGREENfreak freaked 1:27 AM
Thursday, June 29, 2006
did not have any lesson was the celebrateLIFEseminar.not so aspiring afterall.was rather boring expect for some part.haha.I AM LIVING A LIFE OF LEGACY!!!the first part was to write our history and there was a part from 2007 to 2011 i didnt left it blank i said..A GREAT MAN FUTURE BEGINS!!! was clay moulding.was the nicest of all la because we get to do our own clay.haha very fun.i did a hand holding a camera not oo bad.haha picture will be uploaded soon.haha.FUFU nose bleed was pretty worry about him when i heard about it la but in the end not as bad as i think.hahaanother part was the MAN IN THE MIRROR .wasnt as aspiring as what its says la.was pretty lame.but i do agree to certain stuff.they said guys don like to talk about LOVE i agrre to that but i am not that kind of guy because i talk about LOVE!i lOVE alot of people!haha and also from the the talk there is one that i agree alot.that is~Being a real man means to be responsible, caring and emotionally availble ( the ability to feel and empathize with others )next was the knowledge CAFE which i think its very lame we just move around and EAT when we are not suppose to be doing la.haha.erm tomorrow will be going for FASHION DESIGN TALK and BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION TALK.don know what to expect at just wait and see bah.will having all these help me in deciding what i want to be???i am not very sure about what i really want to be in the future.i cannot see myslef sitting in a office and do all the typing and stuff but more on action stuff but i really don know whats good for me. hope tomorrow will benefit me alot .am i living a life of legacy or not???I AM LOVING GUITAR SO MUCH!xXXsiaOGUYDALeXxX
theGREENfreak freaked 4:22 PM
The DSC-T30/B is the cool, sharp ultra-slim Cyber-shot® camera that turns on inspiration, turns off blur -- with high-tech creative features for shooting and sharing, including 7.2 megapixel resolution, High Sensitivity Mode (ISO 1000) for superb results without flash to preserve the mood or shoot in areas where flash isn’t permitted, and the Super SteadyShot® system to reduce blur from shaky hands. You can also create slide shows with select music playback1 for viewing on an extra-large 3.0" Clear Photo LCD Plus2 screen.
I LOVE IT!haha nice isnt it.haha
still saving for it.
theGREENfreak freaked 2:35 AM
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
today was not bad either.haha.anyway i manage to sleep early at 330 yesterday.haha.went chapel.had chapel service.GREAT!you know why??because mrs tan keep saying 5 agape and sec 5.aha.SAFETY PIN to pin!HAIRCLIPS to clip!NAMETAGS to tag!haha.thats MRS TAN idea!hahathen when one seems to be listuning to MRS POW!because all rushing the math holiday assigment.everybody ask here and there de.haha.after recess was english.i am feeling so happy about my english class now because miss choing wasnt as bad as i think she was in the beginging.haha she is great man!her english don play play lol.her picture discussion very good arh super!haha.did oral with her then when she explaining i don even dare to look at her very werid.haha.SHY!no la just werid.then physics!nothing much still as slack as before.then was POA, mr chin went competition so no lesson then got relief teacher.we were laughing away saying some not so dirty de dirty joke.then he look like us like what like that!haha.actually we were looking at video then laugh until like don know what so i think the teacher though we were looking at something dirty!haha.after school, slack here and to people wait for kokliang and kokwei.then kana ''asked'' by miss tang to help carry the snooker table!haha so UNLUCKY!HAHA.went to eat and home!and in short DENISE YOU OWE me one!haha.I AM LOVING GUITAR SO SO SO SO MUCH!xXXsiAOguYdAlEXXx
theGREENfreak freaked 10:41 PM
haha.i gonna blog about what happen to me!haha because i was like hell a moment ago but now i am in the heaven because i just finish my MATH holiday assignment!!!!haha its damn diffcult la , didnt really finish there are like still 1/4 of it which i don know how to do.haha.but i am happy about the 3/4 done.haha.for the moment i relise my house is quite a good place for studying.haha.
anyway tonight then i really relise EVE fu is so caring!haha because she help me scold the don know who in fishy's blog for scolding me!haha THANKS EVE!haha.ok i think that person expected me to be angry or pissed!but no!!!!!haha i am like not affected by it haha.i astill very high now!!!I replied the person by saying.'' AM I SUPPOSE TO BE ANGRY???O OK! ARH!I AM SO ANGRY NOW!!!haha.lame!haha.i am very high now for don know what reason.haha.
k something to be happy about. SCHOOL BAH DIVING (=I AM LOVING GUITAR SO MUCH!HAHAxXXsiAoGUyDaLeXxx
theGREENfreak freaked 1:43 AM
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
i starting to love school so much because everyday just seems so full of lessons and fun.haha.ok maybe i should rather say most of the lessons.haha.well my lessons started with mathematics,couldne get back the MATHtone.haha so getting a bit lost but should be fine in a few days time.went for english at 5 blessing was expecting it to be like gone case but it turn out fine.she haven started teaching but we did compre seems ok.don condenming her until i realy cant understand her lesson.haha.still coping well.went recess.haha not much people turn up for recess because the SEC 4s was kept back and the sec 5 got to enjoy the canteen with the sec 3s.but i bet we will be with the sec 4s in a few days time.haha and i am very confident about it.haha.GEOGRAPHY usual i was bored and started walking outside the class and do you actually know what i saw????i saw a teacher carrying like a stack of notes which is like 3/4 of his height la covering his face already.and do you knwo who he is he is MR LAU!arh!!! its like when h eenter the class everyone in the class shouted.because its alot! total one person received about 13 set of notes i think adding up to about 150 lau really put in alot of effort man!like him.haha.his lesson was ok but very long so by the end second period, whenever he says something we the class wouold be like arh!erm!la!haha shouting all over but he still continue then we also continue haha.very fun and for some moment my class also very quite de but when you turn over you will see black black de thing on the table!thats the peoples head!haha.then end of period two and starting of period three both his lesson what.but different subject so we greeted him again and say thank you again and again.haha to make he siao.haha.but he PEI HE us and greet us too.haha.SOCIAL STUDIES today was fun we talk about the history of MR LAU going to mr lau is SIAO as usual.anyway i think he is super good at handling us no other teacher can do his job so well.haha.then its chemistry its fun too.haha.i made the experiment seems so diffcult.haha because i very blur by the name.everyone also keep adding wrong stuff in.haha.FUN!chemistry lessons seems so fun nowadays.haha onli two day though.haha.the bell rang and we went home i walked around to find someone to go home with me!wanted to go popu;ar to buy some stuff.found FISHY and she happened to want to go shopping for stuff at POP.haha just nice.we went POPULAR bought our stuff and saw cheyene.then saw kailin and the i forget who le and another girl.then saw phebe and peeps.then i went home.Bryan asked me .why you and the two boys not so close le???[namely FUFU and JJ]i answered because if too close makes me diffcult to concentrate on my studies.but thinking about it its just one of the reason so.don know why just feel that being with then might be fun but its also tiring.i am not like vanessa able to handle them well.haha.i might be always playing around all the time,but when i am with the two boys i just cant behave like what i really am.Sometimes i tell KOKliang that the two boys are cuter then the KOKERS.but haha its diffcult to find another KOKERS can.haha.KOKERS understand me more and thats what i can say.we know each other feeling.i can be myself infront of KOKERS.and i like it so.i am happy to know i MIGHT have KOKERS with me when i need someone there.THANKS.i am loving GUITAR so much!
theGREENfreak freaked 5:28 PM
Monday, June 26, 2006
should i say i had another wonderful night because i didnt sleep at all.just couldnt get to sleep.was trying to knock myself out by making myself tired but it just got i started packing my ''room'' and prepare my place to be a good place to study.made myself one timetable will be folling it starting from next week i think.this week will be my clearance week to clear all my school debt.haha.then after that i starting folding all the dry clothing.haha ,boiled some egg for my breakfast and made a milo for myself.haha.went to bath and i am more then really to go to school.its the first day of school and i like it pretty well.things turn out really great haha.met janelle and go to school together when i was suppose to be meeting yiyuan but its usual we talk here and there and when we reached khatib a i don know who carried a box of books to school la.its janelle friend and a councillor seems pretty heavy, she requested me to help her take so i took.not i stupid or what.haha.carried it to the parade square for her and left it there.saw ANADEE EILEEN ADLENE SAMANTHA and more i know but i forgot le.haha they are werid haha.anadee tied up her hair and look ''OK'' haha.and for the whole day she seems irritated when i look at her hair!haha talking about hair!SAMANTHA got a hairy hand but thats not the point.after a few months of wrapping its all turn into FATS!HAHA.then i went back to my class and got a gift from MISS TEO!haha isnt she nice??haha she gave me a small keychain.its nice!haha thanks..i am very HAPPY because my class didnt end up anywhere just that it ended up the place it used to be!haha.but i am sitting like in front now!arh! very hot and cannot really see.but no choice.went for recess.then had MATH its boring.then its MR LAU lesson was rather fun.haha and as usual my dear mr lau went CRAZY!haha.then is CHEMISTRY.didnt knwo what to expect.and i was rather tired already but i didnt sleep at all because MRS TEO lesson was very nice.not like THOMAS de.CHEMISTRY GOT HOPE LE!haha.MRS TEO my ray of light!school ended.went eating with KOKERS FEIFEI and FISHY.and home!things to give started off change of class.the gift from miss teo.MRS TEO is much better then to concentrate in class today.I AM STILL LOVING GUITAR ALOT!xXxsiAOguYdAlExXX
theGREENfreak freaked 4:33 PM
Sunday, June 25, 2006
went church in the morning.did though of skipping it but i didnt.still trying hard.ok usually i would be like ten minutes late when i arrived.but this time i am like 5 mins eariler.i am gald but it isnt long.sweekoon wore a coat and he caem to me and say is it nice.ok perherps the coat is nice but it doesnt match with his pants.and hello you maybe wearing it to show that you want to respect GOD but the problem is you are wearing too formal!but it doesnt matter becuse i don care.haha.ok thats not the point because remember i reached 5 mins eariler but do you all actually know what.almost all of the rest are late for like min 10 min!arh!when i am early they just had to be late!and its everyone!haha.after service we went behind to eat and before that something else happened and not to be discussed here.then i went home.tata.was expecting to celebrate my relatives birthday but was pushed back so i got nothing to do.was i rest one last day at home.and in the end i slept through the whole afternoon.WASTED!haha but its ok.then i went out for dinner with yiyuan and vanessa.was eating and bullshitting la.whatever.please note after the two had went home i had to run all the way back you know why??to help vanessa find her HUO YUAN CHIA that was suppose to be lent to yiyuan but he didnt take care of it thus the big trouble.yeah school starting tomorrow.sad because wouldnt be using the same classroom anymore.just hope it wouldnt be on the last floor.the second wouldnt be startingSCHOOL BAH!(''scuba'' diving)understand???haha lame.I AM LOVING GUITAR JUST SO MUCH!xXxsiAoGuydAlExXx
theGREENfreak freaked 9:54 PM
the time now is 0221 in the morning.there is totally nothing for me to do.i went through all my friends blog.having a very werid feeling now.some of them seems to be feeling very low and some of them made some serious decision and what am i doing?i wasted my whole month doing totally nothing.maybe the best of all that i had done is my decision to go back to church and learn again.
when school reopen in like one day time.i will try to study alone home.not going out to study anymore unless it doesnt workout.i am going to bring my world to a whole new place.i am going to start studying for my O make sure i can get into the poly i want.although i am not very sure which poly i hope to be in but i think i had more or less know where i want to go in my interest.i guess my study will more or less confirm after i really understand what all the course are about.i wouldnt want to get into some werid course that are werider then what i am.
some people says that wa you do have a lot of interest now.cant you think about your O LEVEL first.but its ok.i really hope i can achieve my interest.i hope i can learn FIRST AID by end of this year.after my O LEVEL that is 19 november.should be ok.then i shall start looking for a job to start on my saving.i seriously seriously hope i can learn diving and continue my kayaking.shall start on 3 star.its not that cheap afterall.
i started on saving since last week to make sure i can get my digitalCAMERA by end of this year so that i can start taking down my interesting life after my secondary school.i seriously believe i will have a very interesting life after that.
1) start STUDYING alone.
2) start SAVING already
3) get my DIGITALcamera
4) get over with Olevel
5) learn FIRST AID
6) start WORK
7) start SAVING again
8) learn DIVING
9) continue KAYAKING
10) if possible MOUNTIANclimbing
theGREENfreak freaked 2:44 AM
thats my start of my day on 23/06/06
i saw RACHO!proven!

its nice!

whats nicer is the place is nice too!

thats not my table!
but i took picture with them.

this is not all!
isnt it nice???haha

the best food of the day!CREAM PUFF!its coming!haha

me and bear bear!haha

me and shuling!!!

thats the food!tata!I AM LOVING GUITAR SO MUCH!xXxSIaogUYdAleXxx
theGREENfreak freaked 12:11 AM
Saturday, June 24, 2006
I HATE!not say hate lah but just feel disgusted.
by people who actually getting bro and sis everywhere.
then go around jiejie and korkor de
haha.really disgusting.
i went around to look at peoples tagboard to find out theres a new bro out in town!
you know why??
because i can see in alot of people de tagboard!
arh!so digusting!
it happened to be worst when i go and think about it!arh!
thats nothing at all just blogging for fun since there is nothing for me to do!haha.
i also found out something.
that is
the internet world is so great???
because when two people does not appear close together in the real world they might just be close in the internet world!
its just werid.

nice! =]
theGREENfreak freaked 10:38 PM
Friday, June 23, 2006
had a very very long day today!two different day!hahasaw a lot of peeps.!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JONATHAN!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HAFIZ!!! (HPETS)first i went to meet swee koon, ze suan, jonathan, jie ming, weiliang, bear bear, shuling and me!haha but bear was late for!!!!!!! don know how long la.haha but ok la!so we went to take the train from yishun to someset!haha. so i chatted with shuling and bear bear la!haha very funny!then reach the place le also very funny.bear say want to pull underwear!but hold it its a mistake she pronounce it wrongly thats why!haha ok we reach the place.anyway i saw RACHO and JOYCE CHONG! at yishun MRT station.we went in the place blur blur then didnt know we can start eating until JONATHAN said it!haha. anyway jonathan treated us to SUKI SUSHI because its his birthday today!how nice can he be??haha.we started eating.and eating.and eating. and eating.not stopping at all until the food gets boring.its all the same!haha then we ordered the extra thingy la all nice de!!!very nice!haha but in the end also very full la!i mean JONATHAN! not me! then here comes the cream puff!haha weiliang jieming and me started eating eating and eating overall around ten over plates of cream puff were ate!haha anyway did i mention that kailin and failure actually dropped by to say hi??haha then the second time they came its with KOKWEI!haha that more or less end my day with them!haha.o ya we saw the twins ling yi and ling en.i saw ZHIBIN my programmne continued the moment i stepped out of SUKI SUSHI.i went to join FAILURE kailin and KOKWEI. we watched a movie ''TOGETHER'' . don need to say much.i watched SCARY MOVIE 4!haha its nice la but werid werid de le like very short onli!haha. their japanese also very funny what sashimi sushi thingy de.haha.FUNNY!then we walked around for a long time.then suddenly KOKWEI said he had to take laptop from bro so we went ''arh jo ni'' haha.then we took a cab back lol.bullshit and tok a lot on the cab.before that we met MISS TAN SOR TINwent home and on the way met swee koonmet lishiits a wonderful day.i am proud of HIM!HOLE please take care!you hurt yourself!be more careful!i am STILL loving GUITAR so much!!!!XxXsIaoguYdAlExxX
theGREENfreak freaked 11:32 PM
Thursday, June 22, 2006
thats how his church look like near!
feeling excited to see him.haha

thats his name of his church.

thats how his church look like further away!
i knew we wouldnt be able to take a picture together so i took one of him!he doesnt know that!
without him!chunfu will be very GENTLE!
because he is firece and nice!

thats what we ate!

at swesens

do you all ever know that a toilet can be borrowed??haha

thats the very nice de BIG PRAWN NOODLE!.
theGREENfreak freaked 9:49 PM
i just finished my dinner!!!yeah!!!whatever.ok let start from morning, woke up at 10am plus plus.did nothing much watch some show and stuff!then i went HAIR CUTTING!haha i went in the hair salon. i sat down but the hairdresser didnt ask anything and she started cutting!i was like o my GOOSH!!!my hair is dead this time!haha.but who knows in the end it doesnt look as bad as what i thihnk it would be!its quite ok bah but its my shortest this year!ok school starting soon le!!!jiayou bah! received a lot of calls and message today didnt see them eariler!just saw them!arh!my sore eye is coming back to see me!arh!!!JONATHAN'S birthday is tomorrow.anyway i saw a show on channel 8 or whatever channel la!the place is in malaysia the activites they did is like!wa!!i like it!hahahah.thats all for today!haha might be cycling later!
theGREENfreak freaked 9:03 PM
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

since its not possible for me to lean diving now so i just have to enjoy looking at the pictures now!!!haha
diving its nice to ME!
theGREENfreak freaked 11:30 PM
lets start from yesterday night.was using my com until arounud 3 plus in the morning.adn after that tried to go to sleep serveral times but to no i starting climbing out of bed and going back to bed again and again.but nothing is changing i still cant gte to i went JOGGING at 0530.amazing???hahaha and had my breakfast after back and bath and use the com and off i go for the council investiture practise.
so i was on my way and i saw two idiot who don wnat o tell me who they are waiting for so i left for YCK first then on the waythey called me and asked me back..haha guess who i saw???MISS TEO!!!haha and she was really really sick.had some chat and handshake and we went our own way.
we reached the school on time was not late.i was lookinh through all the newbies of student council and what do you know .out if ten people i onli know one.thats the ratio.arh!then they started bullshitting and stuff and wasted my percious3 hrs doing their own stuff without including the senior council!!!like what. they can call us to come 3 hrs later one lol!its onli after 3 hrs did i finally did anything.was rather irritated that they wasted my time.well they are DSAing for SA AND AJC.was decidin should i go for DSA.asked some friends some said yes and some said otherwise.and lastly decided NOPE!my wish is to the POLY!if i am going to JC i am going in with what i good use!hahha.diving first aid mountian climbing guitar bass!!!!!arh!!!any not to forget about the practice!i am also pissed because of swee koon!i am going to say it here.because excuese me!we are doing some serious stuff here and can you like stop taking the photos! and when the first time i shouted across its what i really want to shout! arh! but its ok..haha
ok i left at exactly 1pm to meet jie ming and jonathan because we are going to meet PASTOR GOH!!!haha its already one year ago that we actually go and find him.was rather usual we went to have our lunch together and chatted over meal! so we went to swensen.and after that we went to eat the famous BIG PRAWN NOODLE!!!its so much nicer la.haha so whatever exercises that i did its all gone!!!ahr!haha but its really nice to be able to see pastor goh again.well.pastor goh did change alot.the way he speak and stuff.and he is OLDER and he has being telling us from the starting of the meal to the end of the meal.can see from the way he speak and do stuff that he is really older and weaker .after the meal we went back to his church slack in the air con room for like one hour and listun to his short he said to be happy with what your position in life are now.if you are young go enjoy it! ENJOY YOUR LIFE! although he is justing repeatin the same thing over and over again but its really nice to be able to listun to what he had to say.we went back after that.and on the way all of all said that PASTOR is really getting older.and was thinking when will be the next time we get to see him again?? and just to think about it when we are adult aroung our mid 20s he is already reaching his fiftys.its amazing that after a few years we are still looking for him..i wonder how long will it last???
theGREENfreak freaked 10:06 PM
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
ok we took this picture while we were still in MAC and we were playing ''basketball'' at that time.haha

yes we reached a place which i wasnt very confident of reaching again!!!haha seng siong!haha..its ganitic/

thats the place where the BIMBO and DUMBO and E.T started shouting!!!Arh!!!its alive!!

11 froggie went jumping down the sea.and 5 min later all them went naked!and now they are there suntanning waiting to be bought!

there are lots lots of sotong and fishy there!!!haha

we we we! are the promoter of the canned food!

can you all see the difference???

thats the place where BIMBO started talking about which pad is better to use ahah!

do you all even know there is such things known as a g string pad???i didnt know until then!haha

thats the end of ou rshopping day!

the bus i took!!!!then DUMBO was like saying isnt that the same bus!

IN CONCLUSION: they took 5 pcks of MAYO 3 pcks of sweet chilli 9 pccks of garlic chilli!and some sugar!!!!!
theGREENfreak freaked 9:20 PM
well.yesterday went ''shopping'' with DUMBO BIMBO jinshi and eileen.then after that went to look for KOKers and wilson.and went home!isnt that short and sweet???haha anyway i got lost a lot of time when i am with dumbo bimbo eileen and jinshi!haha.
o ya, got to know a ''interesting'' policeman on msn.haha chat for quite a long time.nothing special and i didnt know how come he is in my list.haha werid.
will be hibernating today at home.maybe sort out my stuff and really start mugging.but i don think its possible haha.
theGREENfreak freaked 2:02 PM
Monday, June 19, 2006
well, when for service but was a little bit late but please note i am not the onli one late, chze sing and ze suan is later then i am!haha the speaker we go ttoday was rather interesting.haha.after service we had a little ''chat'' with jocelyn ONG and cathy both mei and yi xuan's friends.they are just crazy and a little cracky up their mind!haha but nice knowing them.but they will be leaving singapore on friday if i am not wrong.ya good news, i asked pastor wee on a new start on bible study..after so long la YES!haha then after that we went for lunch after lunch was feeling a little bored and hot so we went back to the chapel.haha we started playing songs again.haha then we manage to get MARC jiajun to start back on my disbandED band.still discussing but should be ok!but even if its ok its should be around august,after superband is over.because he will still be buzy over hos competition so shall be after his com!haha.then we started discussing and we notice we didnt had a bass player and jiajun said we need to have one before he teach us!haha so after a long discussion and after chen ning decision I AM going to learn..haha lets see whats going to happen bah.but i still love GUITAR most!haha so started to feel i went to look for my band file which is suppose to be in pastor wee office but turn ou tthat its missing!!!!!ARH!!!!!my guitar baobei stuff is inside and someone ''lend'' it!!!!!!!like what the lol!haha but never mind maybe will ask jonathan to make a meeting with pastor goh and get some tips from him!yeah!shall be meeting him soon i think after one whole year!haha.wish i can make full use of my time well.for both studies my guitar/bass and bible study!haha.after that when to my ah gong house to have a father's day dinner haha.and went home after that.then my cousin was like saying i am just like my cousin because like adventure!haha.i like it what!haha .then took a cab back...nearly die because the driver don know how to drive.tata thats allXxxsiAOguYdALeXxx
theGREENfreak freaked 12:05 AM
Saturday, June 17, 2006
FINALLY!after like a few months did i decided to go for my church cell group again.don know why but i think i will really going to have a healthy balance between my church life and others.became the guitarist last minute, didnt get that werid feeling for a long time and it fell great.maybe i will try to improve my guitar skill if possible.seems to be losing it.although its werid when i enter the chapel and its not longer the cell that i really know but i will try!during the sharing part, pastor wee talk about what is the thing that one had gain from the retreat camp.they didnt ask about me but i think what i really gain from the camp ots that it gives me a chance to think about what should i do with my christian life abd ny answer is to gain as much knowledge that i had lost these past few years when pastor god was still in the church and much more knowledge. these few weeks will decide where i will go.blah did had some fun during cell although it wasnt fun.after cell we did so call had a little fun of ours.chze sing still remember how to play her keyboard i still rememebr how to play my guitar and cherlene still remember how to play her drum and we played a song together it was a very nice feeling.haha.though its no longer the same number of people but its still nice.went to find HPT people in the canteen. the people were planning for the handover.but left in a while.we went to khatib mac and continue planning.our hibernated brain started to work again!haha don know why but i enjoy planning.just help out a little since zhen hui wasnt around.anyway i was being called a BROWN SHIT because i wore brown shirt and pants with my brown bag and cap!hahah thanks arh SAMANTHA LIM!went home with janelle again without pressing my bell!hahadid enjoyed myself today althouh it wasnt so enjoyable today.hahaXxxsiAoGuyDalExxX
theGREENfreak freaked 8:35 PM
OK LOOK PROPERLY!!!thats Miss NG beside me!!!!haha proven! she went to the same camp as me!haha gald to see her!conversation:miss ng: still got take art not??me:no la, POA fail until die liao..HAHA
thats the key that i have to carry with me everywhere i go.although its a spare key but it saves us twice during the camp because JONATHAN left the key in the rrom twice!

well thats something like a passport!all is needed!

during our break time on the way there at the RESTURANT!
they fooling around!!!haha
thats how our hotel looks from the mall!

when we just reached and waiting for our keys!!!

the catcaus that i got form the wedding door gift.manage to bring it back but it broke into pieces!!! kelian!

our room after a few days of HADWORKING!haha

our fridge ..don care about the beer part do note we got milk and others!!!haha

some of the main dish an GUAN treated!

thats the nice but kelian banana split with small banana!!!haha

thats what we do when we are bored!thats my creation!!!on zesuan's fat leg!!!haha jkjk

thats what we do during break when i am awake!!!haha and whats bear bear doing there?
and thats what we do when we are really very tired!!!haha

the shoe i bought!

the two shirt i bought!

the small stuff i bought for kokers and myself!

the werid and cute fan!!!

ok we are DONE with our shoppping!!!its tiring ok!

our night spent booing and cheering together!!!

last day preparing to leave!
with the speaker!XxxsiAOguYdAlEXxx
theGREENfreak freaked 1:16 AM