Saturday, July 29, 2006
thats some old pictures which i didnt upload.

its the world cup final night.
were out with KOKERS and jinshi.
had nothing to do so PUMPING for fun.haha.
logistics trio roxs.

were waiting for the gate to open.haha
so was sitting there and ''enjoying'' some show.

my poor phone which was announced
death that night but was saved a few days later.

thats all.
i am loving LOGISTICS so much.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:00 PM
didnt go out today.stayed at home.didnt went for cell too, due to my stomach.kokliang messaged me le and he knew about neice was given birth an hour ago.haha.another family member added to my family tree.
i wonder:how come i was was anxious about getting that award? what was my purpose of getting that award? to prove to myself i was good or to show to others that i was good?.to make myself feel worthwhile to have done so much in the past or just to show to i trying to ''show off'' to the other?so what if i got the award, will it prove to others i am better then the rest? but the truth is that i didnt get the award and so be it. it also doesnt prove that i am lousier then others.all these names was nominated by all the teachers, so by getting the award means that the teacher feels that you are good, it doesnt prove that you are really good.but in another point of view it just prove that you are few of the better ones.its fine with me not getting it because i feel that there is no use getting the award because it just simply mean that you are good in your own secondary school and it doesnt mean that you are the best. just my kind of thinking,maybe its just a way of making myself feel more comfortable.I AM LOVING GUITAR SO MUCH.someKINDofMAN.
theGREENfreak freaked 9:46 PM
Thursday, July 27, 2006
20 JULY 2006 THURSDAY rainy.
didnt blog last few days because i was feeling kind of tired of using the i got to sleep early these two days.
ok i am so freaked out by my dear english result.14/30.but i think its good because due to the result i got, i was kind of PANICking for my o levels..i was staring into space for like two period.just fel that the compo that i wrote was disgusting and ungrade able. should have get a 0 instead.anyway i will be sending like 2 compo for 2 teachers every two days.hoping it will help.just freaked out.
i am really feeling so PANIC for my o level now!!!! so i am still considering my decision in staying in grade just sucks.but i am POSITIVE.
had ACERS in the afternoon.attendance was GREAT.sec 3 has full attendance again and sec 4s has a handful of them.had physical training and stuff.was kind of being pissed off by KOKERS and FEIFEI.but i tried to keep my smile on the whole day.though of many different ways of training.SMILE=).my training just don stop people from sweating.haha.
ok.some ''good news''.i will be receiving the merit award.not really happy about it.its not that hard to have that awar because i am not the onli one.i am 1/40 of the receiver.nothing to say.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:35 PM
Monday, July 24, 2006
shall blog about what happened yesterday.went to church for service.after services had some discussion on our church youth band.its a MUTUAL AGREEMENT kind ok.we decided that our band can onli be formed after NOV 20.after all of our major exams. a little bit dissapinted by that decision but thats what we should be we went to J8 to have our lunch.the council boy harrison joined us for lunch.then was being fooled by me.HAHA!! because me and chzesing acted as if we were togetehr .so dear here and there.haha i really think he believe we are together.haha.after lunch we went to have a walk around.went to some kind of small market in J8 very tempting.haha.after that we bought some cakes from bread talk.haha.looks are deciving.haha.
charmaine called to say go support her at i called the KOKERS and fefei lol.but ended up by the time we reached school it was already prize DOTS .haha.but its ok because the fun has yet to come.haha.
wanted to go NEWTON CIRCLE to have our dinner. so we alighted from newton and walked but we ended up at far east.haha.LAME!! so we walked back to the MRT station onli to relise we should have check ou tthe other side first because the cirlc is onli at the other side.haha.forget about that.s o we went to newton.we were just like BOSSES because everywhere we go people asked us do we want to eat.haha.big boss man,haha.the food wasnt so nice after all.haha but we decided to set every two weeks (sunday) onces to have our dinner anyone interested just tell us.yup!haha.
so after our dinner its yet anotehr walking day.because we walked from NEWTON to CITY HALL which include bugis you all know kok liang lost his nelgene and he very upset we decided to buy him a we reach don know which center which sells nelgene.we went in then i ask kokliang go toilet with me.then feifei and kokwei go buy.haha.then kept it in my bag.then that stupid feifei keep using the bad to beat people.haha.but he cannot bully me afterall!!!.
thats all for that day bah.
got back some common test results.
MATH 47/100 just that little bit but its ok all because i careless which causes me to lose my 10 marks.
CHINESE 56/100 doesnt matter, just hope my o level will be better.
CHEMISTRY 55/100 finally!!! i passed my chemistry.
SOCIAL STUDIES 76/100 ok onli.
ooooo i got a new chinese teacher. its a sweet looking female teacher.who doesnt look like singaporean but she is .haha.too bad for her she will have a terrible time.haha.but at least she is better then the old male teacher.
during ss lesson pinwen was saying ''Mr Lau you work so hard for what who knows you will die tomorrow le'' i do agree that little bit but seriously what if you don die tomorrow then you are not able to get a job.isnt it worst then death so for now i still think continue to work hard in everything you do is better. don thikn you will be death your life to the fullest.=)
had mock exam after school.very boring can be considered diffcult.the arrangment of the paper was wrong the whole thing appeared very all the shouting from the UG makes me even messier.and that make me very frustruted and plus kelly kept asking how do you answer this and throughout the paper i was very irritated but not for long.finished the paper and went to look at the rehershel.was boring went home.and here i am.
theGREENfreak freaked 6:18 PM
Saturday, July 22, 2006

don think its little its alot!
but something werid is at the starting place i can see near to few hundreds of partcipants but at the end i can see don know how many times more!they cheated!

we the people getting started , the camera getting warm up!

the starter's pack.

one picture i took on the way.
i think its beautiful.

we haven finish playing and winnie is trying to kill me!!!

getting back to route and I taking picture!

Took a little rest and bought some frinks because we really need COLD drinks!

they seems bored so i took a photo of them and they laugh after that.that should make them happy.

there you see, i CARRIED her!!! and ran across the road.

waiting for bus to go to next zone.

just look at how many RED man is in the BUS!!

o ya, i saw almond, xin ren while playing he is one of the station master.haha
he caught my eye so i was looking straight at him and he was looking straight at me.then i asked DO I KNOW YOU??haha.then he say nononon.haha but in the end we do know each oither.haha.

my attire for the day my bag inside the jacket so cannot see.

upon reaching.our group.

the GIFTS!!its a lot.

we and our CERT!!!
haha.everyone look nice.haha
theGREENfreak freaked 11:08 PM
very happy.
lets congrate all O LEVEL takers today, you know why??because its 100 mores days to O LEVEL written paper.=)
went out early in the morning to meet adrian, bryan and winnie.went Jalan Besar stadium for the FUN ON FOOT compeititon.we walked from places to places in total adding up to 17 stations and very stations have question and activities.many many different activities.the 17 station is divided into two zones.we were onli allowed to take public transport from one zone to the other.first zone is at jalan besar the second zone is at balestier.we walked around the first zone from around 9 plus to 12 sharp and at zone 2 from 12 to 2 lol.its lot of fun to be playing the heritage help from many people.MY DEAR* melko and KOK liang.but actually not much of a help except melko's was running and running and walking and walking.and you can see all the RED people running and walking and you will be wondering how many stamps they got.haha.anyway the equpiment in my bag is USEFUL! at least to winnie LEE.she have an umbrella from me to stay within shelter and a small fan to cool her down.haha.
there was a part whereby winnie was super tired then we were talking about piggybagging and we did.i piggy backed winnie and ran across the road ahaha.its very very fun.anyway i was the cameraman AGAIN!!!yeah! we took a number of pictures along the way.and i knew how i could be in the picture and at the same time be the cameraman.haha.PRO! cant say no.haha.
when we reach the second zone it started raining and my equipment got useful again.haha i wore my RAINjacket. so i was the onli one able to move in the rain freely so as the rest was resting i was on a mission to find the road alone.haha.its fun running in the really get tiring after some times so we started to slow down and we started to see BALESTIER ROAD like everywhere!!! so we got a little bit lost.haha.but its still fun.the nicest part is when you shout jiayou some people will reply then you say good luck people also reply and what do you know i am the onli one doing that.but most of the time people don reply me back.haha.
thats all i think anyway we didnt win the trail at all.but we were not the last we were better then half of the people!haha.GOOD JOB AGAPIANS!haha.
o ya job SCOPE!haha
CHUNFU~ TeamLeader, Cameraman, Joker, part time map reader, Doramon, RUNNER!
BRYAN~ Map reader.
ADRIAN~ Bryan's assistant.
WINNIE~ reader. note taker.
after that went to sembawang park for barbercue.its with my church cell.had a little fun.thats all.haha.
tired le.really.
theGREENfreak freaked 11:06 PM
Friday, July 21, 2006
today is full of activitives. just got some rest now. had PE.i got 5 marks for my sit and reach(47cm) 5 marks for my shutter run(9.54s).during shutter run was super dangerous la.people were falling like baby starting to learn to walk.its like every 2 time one person was super dangerous.i didnt fall! was ok but irritated by bryan but ok le la.
it's just that i don understand why!! when the teacher said that he will give us the answer later he would still want to get the answer.he just keep asking for the answer.the more he ask the more i got irritated.he just keep shouting across the class and ask for answer.then for us who are slower even before we touch the question we knew the i didnt do the practice, just waited for the answer.the teacher is stupid too.stupid for giving the answer, its expected because he is bais towards its expected!!!ARH!i don like it.the enuice even worst.after checking the answer she shouted i got every question correct.its like hello i don get so high marks and you want to show off and anyway its not the first i was really really irritated.these people are just plain disgusting.
was thinking later at hall confirm i very sianz but ended up i very high keep shouting and shouting.think too irritated then shout to feel better.don know.haha.the performance was rather boring for the sec 4 and 5s la.because its like we people memoried race riots then they come perform for us that.its like we know whats going to happen next.haha.
then was the prize presentation, we all feel very sian because this time e didnt get to get any prize at all.haha.think our prize taking journey ended. just think about the past few years i think my class really got the most number of award la.damn lot la.always get first and second no thirth at least got award for ten plus event???haha.
anyway i heard they are people who actually destory the art pieces of others.what kind of idiot people are them.its diffcult to get a art piece done can!be more considerate time i destory your artifact then you know arh.stupid people.peopel out in their bst to get their art piece done and you just break it into half!they do it not for you people to break la.wonder how all these people they actually think with their brains first.i so don respect them.yucks.
went armt market with KOKERS and feifei.bought some stuff.went town afterward to see shirt that they want.anyway i saw.guess who i saw.GUESS!GUESS!MISS TEO!!!HAHA.we had some to know she enjoy herself better there.and she said ''please continue to take care and work hard and that she still remember us.''to be spread to the rest of the it brighten up my day it was really nice to see her again.
went home after that, had a haircut.met yiyuan for dinner.KOKLIANG LOST HIS NELGENE AGAIN.poor thing.
tomorrow the compeitition.MUST JIAYOU LE!for fun ! chances of winning not very high, but will try to win!!!whoever want to see how i am doing call me anytime tomorrow from 9am to 3pm.haha if i am free to pick up the call i will!haha.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:48 PM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
paper was terrible???haha one of it was terrible.chemistry was the better one for the first time i feel i can pass my chemistry.the terrible paper is POA.don really understand the paper but finish it afterall.
was doing the poa paper.then MEIHUI who was infront of me suddenly raise her hand then i was wondering why she did that.but i didnt bother it anyway.then for the next moment i raised my hand know why??? both of us forgot to bring our calculator in.and thats why!!haha POA paper without calculator.didnt get to bring it in afterall.doesnt matter because not more diffcult calculation.haha.
don know how to say it not really counted as luck.haha.just that out of a sudden after school alot of people come find me and chat with me.its werid la because usually fufu and gim hwa foesnt talk to me unless they need my help.haha but today they came to talk to me together.werid.haha.and we chatted for like twenty mins.haha.just werid.even yiyuan come to talk to me.haha.double werid.haha.and i ended up not having my lunch.diao.
went to citymall or something like that to collect our shirt.adrian father drove us that.took the very ugly ugly shirt and we went home lol.on the way saw shermaine then she asked me where i stay then she say she stalk me.haha.JOKE.she said she's a STALKER.haha.
might be meeting vanessa for

my very important de stuff.haha my notebook with my olevel sticker on it my ic my entry proof and my new chinese book!haha.

thats the siper duper ugly de shirt.bleahz.
theGREENfreak freaked 5:39 PM
19 July 2006 Wednesday, late at night. cool.
as usual, done with my studying although not very successful but should be able to pass the bored.went to check out people's joo's blog.there is a part with a story.a nice story.requested her to send to me dont know when i will be receving it.but hope soon.checked up joo's shuhui, cherlyn's, zhenhui's, kelly's, blah blah blah o ya rats de blogs.has being around a month since i last saw the rest.but its fine as long as i know they are getting on well.
so again it got me thinking. everyone has more or less had their route out already and now i am juts starting on my o level.wonder where my grades will get me to.hope it will be benificant to me.i am starting to miss all the camp days. raggard and smelly.but fun and dirty.its the nicest.but it wouldnt be back until after my o level's.will start to equip myself.CONFIRM die die i also want to go for my first aid saving for my dear camera does take a long time.maybe i get my backpack first before my camera or something.i really love ADVENTURE!!!ahr!!!FIRST AID COURSE.DIVING COURSE.KAYAKING COURSE.go for backpacking and mountain climbing.hope to go for all that within 2 years bah.if i have the money should be able to finish all that within one year but the problem now is still the money!.sadden.
i wonder what kind of person i will be in the future.hope to be someone useful.skilled in many espect not like what i am currectly to be lousy in almost everything.i will strive to improve myself!!!.
camp days wait for me!
i will be back!!
real soon!!!
after my O SSS!!!!
adventure, sea and photography wait for me!!!
after my O SSS.!!
the days will soon be over.the days to be studying for o level.perherps the next time i look at this entry it will be when i get back my results.time really passes very fast when you didnt notice them.
wishes to be
theGREENfreak freaked 1:38 AM
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
went school alone because sec 3 doesnt need to go school.reach school eariler then usual.then bullshitted with kang qi and ivy.went to class was expecting the paper to start but i didnt relise it will onli be starting at 11++ la.stupid.
during the rest of the lesson studied for physics after recess studied that little bit.was getting quite confident the paper and HALF LIFE.haha.haf life in short is the time taken for half the amount of any element to be decayed. smile=) haha.took the paper.almost all the things i studied didnt come so pretty depressing.but after a while was being entertained when i look around the class.everyday was looking very disappointed know why all of us didnt study the correct DEAD lol.
school ended.
i walk past my chua by the corrider then i greeted him and he replied "good afternoon ~~~~" guess what its not chunfu but its good afternoon JACK!!!what the hell.haha.isnt it funny???its not the first time though.arh!haha.ok not funny.
met fishy brenda KOKERS to go for lunch, at adelene de house de laksa.brenda was noob because she didnt know of the place until there was nice!!haha.saw some familiar faces there.haha.
went northpoint to get a present for brenda's dad.very attitude service.hhaa.but its fine.BTW saw rachel gan and the other girl.after buying all the stuff we went home!going to sleep soon.will spend the night studying.
theGREENfreak freaked 5:17 PM
was just talking about the chinese book i i decided to scan the cover page and let you guys be envy of it.haha.just joking but seriously i think its going to be a nice book.
the moment i saw the book i was like.the cover page all very nice.haha then turn to my left and saw my friend and i say don you people think this look like him, them alot of my friends agree.then while taking the book i walk past him agian then i ask xinyi, does that look like him, shelike a bit.haha.i g

ot good eyesight.
manage to take a glance at the intro, very interesting funny too.anyway the title is pronouce as NI2 YA3 DA2.not ER2 YA3 DA2.haha confirmed.or if wrong means i forgot how it pronouce.and and and this is the first CHINESE book i bought for myself.after finishing will change with bryan.he got the bluee version.
hope to have the habit of reading =)
theGREENfreak freaked 12:07 AM
Monday, July 17, 2006
ok today was a fine day but my day was spoilt for that 5 secs because i onli allow myself to be controlled for the most 5 mins!haha.ok i onli relise its the listuning today at about super later yesterday la.if feifei didnt inform me i didnt know it at all la.lame.had meeting with HPT in the morning with shannon.about acers and thing is i gave all out all my cards.with all the labelling on the top left hand side of the card.guess the cards should be fine bah, they tried to find the answer.answer not confirm not announcing it continue least most of the people apprecitate .
went to class for geography common test, should be able to pass well.not to As la but pass was chinese and we didnt do anything at all la, everyone did our own stuff.i look throuhg the MATH and did some sudoku.
the 5 SECs of irritating situation.
ok it's pinwen.i just don like him but its fine.
i have ears so i heard what he said all along.
the first thing is something like her never study for math then he say its dead.
so he went to ask people.and he knew how to do some of the stuff le.
the next thing he go and ask people they know who to do not, then he say he know then he ask the person to explain then he kind of like rebuke back and say wrong.then said something then seems irritating to me but i guess he is joking with the person bah.just plain irritating.
in my term.
he didnt know how to know.
then he knew.
kind of like showed off.
and laugh at people.
perherps thats not true but thats what i think.
back, so i was irritated for that moment.allow myself to be carried away for five secs counted 1 2 3 4 and 5 and next i felt better.SMILE=) its useful ok.don talk about that since its doesnt really affect me anyway just irritating.haha
had recess saw weakling, haha, interesting de person.went back for exam.done with exam mr lau came in laugh laugh laugh then we die die also don want to greet.haha its fun ended.we went for lunch i bought a book nice de.haha.then had listunnig very fine,easy!haha done with it and went to northpoint walkwalk with adelene and janelle.
lets see.ADELENE is the shortest in HPT.
ADELENE is very aunty.
oophs.not aunty i mean TRIF TEE!haha.
so i went home.
done with my nice day today.
theGREENfreak freaked 6:17 PM
Sunday, July 16, 2006
was thinking about something these few days.and i came up with my own kind of thinkings.
It doesnt hurt to say a job well done,
It doesnt hurt to encourage others,
It doesnt hurt to praise someone,
It doesnt hurt to give a pat on someones back and smile,
It doesnt hurt to care for someone,
It doesnt hurt to help someone out.
~CHUNFUi wrote all these because it simply doesnt hurt by saying a job well done, to encourage someone, to priase someone, to give a pat on someone's shoulder and smile, to care for someone and to help someone out.
sometimes i wonder, since it doesnt hurt by doing all these, why these stuff didnt come from most of the people.Whats so diffcult to do all these stuff???its just simply the opening of your mouth and a action of people, its just so simple but not many people does it.
Some people might say whats the different weather i do it or not, because to them there isnt any difference.but to the one receiving all the encouragment and praises, its a lot of help.just by saying a good job done, it helped to spur the person up, by encouraging, it help the person to know that there is still hope and by caring and helping it help the person to know that he or she isnt standing alone and that there are always people around that will be with them.
It might just be a lttle action but it does have a lot of impact to a people dont restrict yourself form doing all these but instead do more of it but do it wholeheartedly, not for the sake of doing it.Lets spread all the love and encourage to all the people!!!!
theGREENfreak freaked 8:18 PM
nothing to blog decided to load up some pictures.ENJOY=)

look at them they are so concentrated.
its so fun looking at them playing this
because i am always laughing away.

told you its fun!
they enjoyed it!

ok i took this when i was being squashed!!!
haha.i am not the onli one that day .haha

thats just a picture i done.isnt it nice???i think its pretty style!haha
the 5th student council 2006.i am not inside but i am the cameraman!haha.
theGREENfreak freaked 1:43 PM
Saturday, July 15, 2006
----- To the special you........
You have to read this it is absolutely beautiful......
Each year he sent her roses, and the note would always say, I love you even more this year, than last year on this day. My love for you will always grow, with every passing year."
She knew this was the last time that the roses would appear. She thought, he ordered roses in advance before this day. Her loving husband did not know, that he would pass away. He always liked to do things early, way before the time. Then, if he got too busy, everything would work out fine. She trimmed the stems and placed them in a very special vase. Then, sat the vase beside the portrait of his smiling face. She would sit for hours, In her husband's favorite chair. While staring at his picture, and the roses sitting there.
A year went by, and it was to live without her mate. With loneliness and solitude, that had become her fate. Then, the very hour, The doorbell rang, and there were roses sitting by her door. She brought the roses in, and then just looked at them in shock. Then, went to get the telephone, to call the florist shop.
The owner answered, and she asked him, if he would explain, Why would someone woulddo this to her, causing her such pain? "I know your husband passed away, more than a year ago," The owner said, "I knew you'd call, and you would want to know. The flowers you received today, were paid for in advance. Your husband always planned ahead, he left nothing to chance. There is a standing order, that I have on file down here, And he has paid, well in advance, you'll get them every year.
There also is another thing, that I think you should know, He wrote a special little card...he did this years ago. Then, should ever I find out that he's no longer here, that's the card that should be sent to you the following year."
She thanked him and hung up the phone, her tears now flowing hard. Her fingers shaking, as she slowly reached to get the card. Inside the card, she saw that he had written her a note. Then, as she stared in total silence, this is what he wrote...
"Hello my love, I know it's been a year since I've been gone. I hope it hasn't been too hard for you to overcome. I know it must be lonely, and the pain is very real. Or if it was the other way, I know how I would feel. The love we shared made everything so beautiful in life. I loved you more than words can say, you were the perfect wife. You were my friend and lover, you fulfilled my every need. I know it's only been a year, but please try not to grieve. I want you to be happy, even when you shed your tears.That is why the roses will be sent to you for years. When you get these roses, think of all the happiness that we had together, and how both of us were blessed.I have always loved you and I know I always will. But, my love, you must go on, you have some living still. Please...try to find happiness, while living out your days. I know it is not easy, but I hope you find some ways.
The roses will come every year, and they will only stop, When your door's not answered, when the florist stops to knock. He will come five times that day, in case you have gone out. But after his last visit, he will know without a doubt! To take the roses to the place, where I've instructed him and place the roses where we are, together once again.
Sometimes in life, you find a special friend; Someone who changes your life just by being part of it.Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop; Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is Forever Friendship.

This is the sacred RED ROSE. You MUST pass this rose on to at least 5 people within the hour of receiving this rose. After you do, make a wish. If you have passed it on, your wish will come true and love will come your way shortly. If not your life will stay the same as it has always been. Just be nice & pass it on....May we all be loved so much. Friend if I don't get this back I can take a hint!How many people actually have 8 true friends? Hardly anyone I know! But some of us have all right friends and good friends!!!
You have been Tagged by the YELLOW bird! Which means you are a great friend!! Send this to 8 people or more and if this is sent back to you then you know that you are a true friend...!
i received this from my me i think it is a very nice story no matter if it is a made up story or a real story.TRUE FRIEND.
theGREENfreak freaked 9:53 PM
stayed up late yesterday night.was writting postcards from 1 plus to like 3 plus i supposed.its tiring.but it good =)
therefore i woke up late in the morning by the time i woke up its already in the afternoon.didnt turn up for cell's kokliang compeitition, hope yo hear some good news soon.haha.and i got my recepit for the heritage game already.i suspose i will be collecting the shirt compeition is held on the 22 july, is on a saturday therefore not going cell unless there is time.and YA 22 july is 4 more months to my birthday but thats not the point. the point is 22 july is 100 more days to first O level written paper. so will be celebrating 100 more days to o level bygoing for the comepetition.we all say confirm wouldnt win de.haha just go for fun!haha,relax a bit.haha.
did nothing today except studying i suppose.
theGREENfreak freaked 7:50 PM
Friday, July 14, 2006
smile =)
the first day of common test is over!haha.
didnt had lesson at all.was studying for exam.
english was fine its either good or chuai.but for social studies is not so sure.just that for he first time in history i felt so uncomfortable about my social studies.
met KOKERS and eileen and we went to have sakae suhi to have our lunch cum dinner.haha.the food was not as nice to suki sushi but was fine la.haha.ate too much and my stomach was really full.haha.anyway pinwen did came in half way through to eat too.saw sheena called for her but she didnt hear me but later pinwen gave her a call to check if it was her.haha and indeed it was her afterall.just that she didnt hear me calling her.fine la.
then we went woodlands and kokliang got the shirt he wanted and i got a slipper.haha and eileen got it too.and one big NEWS!that is i got my line back! i am CONTACTABLE NOW!haha.isnt that one big goodnews???haha.
we left and met jinshi to get the markers kokliang counldnt find in woodlands and on the way we met BAOYUN!!!! had some talk with her.went home with jinshi and i am home now!
am considering to get a PASSION CARD!HAHA.
theGREENfreak freaked 9:00 PM
had a very buzi day today.
anyway people congrate me because i just finished my notes and will be studying for like an hour more and i will be in my bed.hope i can score well for my SS and english.
lessons was ok and the nicest part of the day is character first.its funny la all about your talent.haha and mr lau also told us something very sensitive. i wonder how come he feel alright even when we ask him something so sensitive. so he is still the best teacher haha.
after school went to have lunch with kokers and feifei.then we walked back to school from AMK central.i love the stick!HAHA.sec 3s had their meetings and i have my part of the logic time!haha.onli for the sec 3s.i hope they did learn something from today's activity.i hope they understand la.but at least they seems to look understand.
we ended late not because of me its because theyc annot complete in time!haha.then we were on our way back la.then they decided to ''WISH'' kokwei happy birthday.and accidently break the lens of his specs.haha.then went causeway and home.
i am now so social studies now la.
whats the idoit stuff of mergin
g and next few month separate.haha.stupid
la and now we h
ad to study about it.
you all can see how messy it went.haha.WISHING kokwei happy birthday!haha.
theGREENfreak freaked 1:07 AM
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
seriously i am feeling very tired.very tired.
i hate myself for being me.just being myself makes me feel be always worrying about others. To always try to cheer people up. it makes me feel tired.
i might always be wearing that smile of mine. but deep inside i am so damn bloody hell tired.
had a very tiring day was ok english was good.tried oral today .Miss choing said i should be able to get a high A2 thats the happy part end.went for english prelim oral, not as bad as chinese.saw miss choing somewhere in scholl.asked her about how i did she said GOOD!.thats the next nice thing.
waited for janelle.went home with kokers and janelle.
thats all.
i am feeling very tired.
theGREENfreak freaked 6:56 PM
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
had a pretty terrible but fun day today.lets start from the fact that i woke up late in the morning, i woke up a the time 650am!!!!and guess what, yesterday i told janelle to give me a call if she didnt see me at 650 because i am worried that i will wake up late and in the end i really woke up time i wouldnt dare to talk about such stuff just in case it really turn out for i rushed my way to meet janelle la.was running non stop haha.
lesson was okay! math turn out better then the last few days.then for com HUMS.was really terrible because mr lau went seriously crazy!really crazy.haha irritating haha.
oral was terrible because i kept stopping and stuff la.but the examiner was funny.kept joking around.but seriously i was so damn nervous when it was almost my turn.people please think!i am the last 2nd person and guess how bored i can get la.i waited for like 2 hours before it was even my turn but anyway its over.just hope i wouldnt fail it.i bet with winnie that anyone of us get distintion we will treat each other to a meal.i really rather hope to treat her a meal but no so possible.
after that just bullshit and helped the sec 3 to decorate the HPT board,simple but nice! a new lock.yap.
thats all bah.
tomorrow would be a better day.
take care
theGREENfreak freaked 8:14 PM
Monday, July 10, 2006
SHERRY did it!
she is so talented in these kind of stuff la!
thanks SHERRY!
theGREENfreak freaked 11:53 PM
i am like so tired now la.ok i watched the fifa world cup final i shall talk about last night.i was on my way to woodlands to meet jinshi, kokliang and i was in the train, the moment i walk ou tof the train my phone went crazy, it kept showing the message please insert sim card. arrh!my sim is spoiled.i was so given up on my sim card but i was still trying to see the problem while waiting will get a new sim soon, wanted to do it today but too tired le.
so the rest came, and we started out lonely night, we went to the library to see if its open but they said its not opened yet therfore we went to the nearest mac to spend our time.we were one ofthe last to leave mac.then we went to find a corner nesr the mrt to sit sit and talk talk.haha and bullshit.kokwei spoiled one of the lamppost, we did push up out of no it was almost time so we went to the library to wait for it to we went in and we were stamped with the world blah blha blha i for got whats the word le.haha and for that moment i though that i am a book haha.we got a door gift or maybe you can say a doorbag.haha.alot of stuff is inside mostly rubbish though.and the match started, ut was nice watching the finals in the auit room with the same feeling of the nearby coffeechops but not the same rudeness of the uncles, the people there were very excited throughout the me i think its fun because this match seems to be a very entertaining match all the chest hitting with the head and throwing of the ball in front but it drop back.haha.during half time there were toilet breaks and biscut and drinks were provided.not NICE! but its good enough to entertain our stomach. the match endedand we went straight to school.reach the school about 545am we were the first, we changed into our school uniform and we went to the back to eat.haha nice!eating breakfast in the morning!!!kawy tiao!
we went back to school and the stomach ache thingy start to come.blah blah blah, lesson start i was like almost half dead before recess but after recess i was ok!but moral still very low even jasmine say sso.haha.ok lets talk about the nomination of the merit award there as a part whereby we have to write out strength and something like that .it was suppose to be done by the teachers but don know why we have to do it ourself.i don like people writing their own good stuff.both hafiz and benjamin wrote like bullshit.damn long la.since the day we started doing our cca summary i don feel so good bout the two.perherps because to me i feel they are thinking too much to get a A1 and even go all out to make themselves sound super nice in the cca summary i always feel disgusted about it its plain disgusting.arh! both of they became so disgusting because of the cca summary.thats what i xin!arh!but doesnt matter at all because its non of my lesson was over .i guess i didnt say fufu asked me to help him keep his phone eariler right.ya he did so after school i went to find him and nope i cant!haha.he was kept back in class because afterall i met him and gave him.he is quite interesting because i just told him i am having a mock exam and when he walk pass my class he say GOOD LUCK!haha.the mock paper was ok i think i got to sleep for like half an hour.i slept until only a few of my classmate were left.haha.the moment i stepped ou tof my class i saw kokwei and kokliang was walking down the stairs.itsnt that interesting.then we went home lol.janelle was with me and i went to have my lunch and went home.tata,thats my day!!!!will be pretty buzi i think.sommon test gonna be dead aand tomorrow is my oral exam!
hope everything will be fine.
theGREENfreak freaked 11:16 PM
Sunday, July 09, 2006
mix feeling.woke up late today.real late.didnt meet the rest of the grads in the morning because i had church.but turn out i didnt turn up for church because i i woke up late, had my lunch saw zhenhui helping her mom after the service end i went to look for the rest at coffee express.and after that we had band.
band =(
was very chuai.we didnt had a guitar cable, mike and stuff.i almost cannot remember my am at all.out if a sudden, i just felt very sad and depressed.i havd thrown away everything that pastor goh and jiajun had taught me in the past.all of it!but after all we got very thing ''ready'' so i said can i say something.i said.i am very depressed and sad.the rest of the stuff that happened isnt going to be written down here.the feeling was just like myself breaking apart.the feeling is unbearable.but i suppose stuff turn out ok.we are able to paly a few songs and stuff.totally different.but our first aim is to play at sec one camp!so if we are able to acheive that the campfire ic and the band will be mostly the same people.went northpoint after that and helped chze sing and went home.
i deirc.
i felt lost.
i felt useless.
at that moment.
i felt i had dissapointed
pastor goh again.
althought its just the begining.
I LOVE GUITAR!but i guess i am not up to it currently.
theGREENfreak freaked 6:59 PM
Saturday, July 08, 2006
i hate being bored.i hate being real just make me think about the past.i suspose i shouldnt have anything left for me to complain.i had a good family although we are consider quite poor we can still live happily.i have a nice sister.i had alot of friends in school.i used to have NCC .i have HPT and i have a good class in school.just talk about being in HPT.i have so much real friends with me.i have failure, at least she knows when to shut up.anyway she nice ok.haha.vanessa too.nice girl too.fishy a true friend.yiyuan a nice friend.feifei none to say.lastly pretty obvious the KOKERS. =) i thank GOD for all these people ni my life.especially KOKERS.its a extra for me,because from the start if my understudy wasnt them at all, i wonder what would it end up.KOKERS.great guys.can really depend on them to get things done.kokliang, good to talk to, understand me well.a bit cock though.kokwei, not so good to talk to but understand me real well too, attitude guy haha but not to me. actually kokwei is a shy guy he is not good at expressing himself.haha.i like the KOKERS!i LOVE them as my brother.not gay yup.thanks KOKLIANG thanks KOKWEI.
i am glad to have all of them
i am glad to have KOKERS.=]
i have a good church too.from the start of my secondary school, if its isnt because of my church i don know where i will be now.the guidance i got.thnaks.i used to love my church a lot.damn lots.because i use to feel i can really depend on them but i no longer feel the same way.its just different.because of church i got to know a lot of good of them is chze sing.real nice sister.we were once being warned by pastor we are still young cannot be together.haha its just because we were close.i guess church its the cause of many things,my good upbringing i suspose.the way i change came from church too.i guess.i change when i was sec 1 and i changed again when i was in sec 3.due to the disband.i am always thoughing myself.since we were thinking about band band band nowadays it just bring me to think about our old band.just painly cherlene chze sing jill and me.just the four of us.its the nicest part of my life.all the three girls are important to me .very important .they are just like my younger sis.jill had left the church.i didnt get to really speak to her for like 2 years already but i really hope she will be back.i like having her around.after she left, everything in church changed.everything.everyone just inst the same still feel boring for me after two years, there isnt any life at all.i don know about band.i don know if i want the band because i want t prise GOD with it or i just want to get the feeling of the old band light up my fire in christ again. i really don know.i though myself being a christain because even someone who we think would never leave GOD left GOD.the one who seems like the model chirstian left GOD.
i shall remain hopeful.
hope jill be back.
lets hope she will see this.=)
things always matter what things always change.people says no use missing one absence.because when you miss someone its onil for a small period of time.after time years wheather he come back a not it no longer bothers.i really agree to same goes for me missing jill's absence missing the old church feeling but at least it bothers me now.
i like my life now.but still missing the past.
i LOVE my friends.=)

people changes.just like the pictue says =)
thats just a year different.
I AM LOVING GUITAR SO MUCH!not as much though
theGREENfreak freaked 11:45 PM
today was not as exciting like any other day in school.o ya
so back to today.woke up quite late today because was feeling not so well la.but i when to cell after all.its okay la.nothing much except a very interesting game which i found it very useful.will be using played guitar for a little while and i when home.borrowed cherlene's band file to photocopy.and good news! my band file is DONE! very beautifully done!haha. nothing much ~
I AM LOVING GUITAR SO MUCH! a little lesser though. =(
theGREENfreak freaked 10:25 PM
Friday, July 07, 2006
Second part of story.thats the sec 3 HPT!!!total attendance! al fifthteen of them!isnt it GREAT???YEAH!!!
me and JANELLE!!!haha!
What you see is what you got!HDB!Himbo! Dumbo! and Bimbo!
don you think DUMBO look dumb in this picture???

me and some of the beautiful girls of the sec 3s.pantee jinshi dumbo eileen and janelle. anyway thanks joyce and jinshi for the pictures as well as samantha pantee.I AM LOVING GUITAR SO MUCH!xXXsIAoGuyDaLeXxX
theGREENfreak freaked 11:42 PM
as i was saying i was the PHOTOGRAPHY!so i took pictures of everyone.thats the old president and two vice by the side.MISS SHERON MISS CHERLENE and MR KOKLIANG!
ok thats the new president with his two vice by his side!MISS WENYAN MR SEAN and MISS YIN XUI!
thats SAMANTHA my pantee, the newly invested HPT HEAD!replacing the useless FEIFEI!
and thats my trustly LOGS! and newly invested treasuer!new LOAN SHARK!look at her smile!
replacing amira.

thats my nice JANELLE!haha.and the newly invested sercertary!haha.replacing yinxui.

thats all the senior councils from HPT!FEIFEI Charmaine Kokwei and Kokliang!
replacing me pinwen and kelly.

thats our newly invested PRESIDENT of the student council.replacing Cherlene Ong.

and lastly we never fails to take a picture together!me and KOKERS!me and my two LOGS understudy.the part time Photographer and newly invested senior council.*more photos coming up!I AM LOVING GUITAR SO MUCH!xXXsIAoGuYdAlExXX
theGREENfreak freaked 9:28 PM
had a very long day today.and i wasnt feeling very well since the start of today.was my swallowing thingy.terrible horrible and vegetable.haha.nothing much during school time.had PE and its was onli ok because we onli get to play volleyball outside the hall.haha.before that we had chemistry and we made a mess out of it.haha people screaming over broken test tube and stuff.then was POA thats the period i wasnt feeling the worst, i almost felt that i am dead!haha then the people around me kept saying i siao.haha.had early dismissal i went to the council i went to the hall.congrate some of the people then janelle passed me the i started working part time as a photographer.haha it was from the start to the end o was carrying a camera to take picture.but the stupid thing is the janelle gave me an extra battery to change in case it ran out of i went to change and what do you know it was a bigger size battery through out the thing i was oning and offing the camera.haha.anyway i said it was fun because i walk around the hall like nobody's business.haha. after that they had some snacks so i continued taking pictures and i went to disturb andre group of councillors because they were very afraid of CAMERA!haha.its fun making fun of the visitor went off then they had their debreif.i talked that little bit onil.haha so after council breifing we had ours.ous was much better.ok my thouh about the sec 3s.THEY ARE NOT HOPELESS! they are full of hope at least for this moment.all 15 of them turn i guess things with turn out better for them. =) then were at the council room.then waited a ''while'' for feifei and kokwei.then went eating with KOKERS and feifei and we went home.still feeling very unwell now.CONGRATE to SEC 3s for being invested as COUNCIL.CONGRATE to JANELLE SAMANTHA and JINSHI to be invested as EX-CO.CONGRATE to KOKERS FEIFEI and CHARMAINE to be invested as senior council. *photos soon...I AM LOVING GUITAR VERY MUCH!xXXsIaOgUYdaLExXX
theGREENfreak freaked 8:33 PM
Thursday, July 06, 2006
arh!i am very unproductive today . so i will try to real productive later on.the day before i studied for like 4 hours and yesterday i studies for 4 and a half hours so for day i at least have to remain 4 and a half hour!DALE !JIAYOU!anyway i found out tthe meaning of dale if ''valley'' i am a valley! was ok in school.had very interesting lessons la.just want to talk about weirdew old new chinese teacher.i mean he is old but he is a new teacher to our school so i was talking about the old new chinese teacher.the first thing i told him is i want to go toilet then don know why he hold me until very tight me go 4g and 4h find back my oral paper la.and i onli got to go toilet 15 mins later la.stupid!hhaa.ok character first was fun.very fun.haha.after school found weakling then we had small chit chat in the toilet.haha.because i was on my way to toilet not anything first i was waiting for fishy to go home but it turn out that fishy cannot be found le so i went home with chze sing.very ma fan de.haha.we were like half way across the road already then she say she want to take book back.haha so we went back lol.then feifei saw me and was like what hell how come you stil in school thingy.anyway i am glad i went back to take book because because i went back with chze sing i get to get my small knofe from pastor wee and i manage to have some word with my very long never see the two liao so very happy haha. don know why also.then kokwei say die liao oral confirm fail.haha.then we were walking out of the school.haha then i was literally stop by FUFU because he happened to be going to yishun so he went off with us.and he talk about what happened to him for the past few days with jason.i was like HAHA!HAHA!because its all like a joke.but it great that fufu and jason okok le.haha. anyway i am declared a GENTLEMAN!haha because on the way to yishun i was like holding on to chze sing 4 ex book la.its heavy and i helped yiyuan carried something which doesnt really need to be brouht home la its even heavier.haha but its ok.i enjoy helping people!haha.anyway after i sent fufu to the place he wanted to go me and chxe sing went to have lunch then the people around us was like gossiping i think.haha.its ok because we are good BRO! and SIS!haha.then i went home!i have being thinking about what i hope to be one day.and i relise i got a few job i want to do.haha.FIREMAN! POLICEMAN! and FROGMAN!(diver)thats what i hope to be one day i onil hope being one of it, but most of the chance is that i will drift away from what i want to be and be affected by the world to be in a job that earns big bucks.haha but thats my DREAM to be the MAN!hahaI AM LOVING GUITAR SO MUCH!xXXsIaOguYdAlExXX
theGREENfreak freaked 9:55 PM
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
ok i am quite buzi but i still remember blogging haha.i just finished my 2 mathematics homework and i still have my hum (not very important) and two english assignment to be after blogging i will go and do my work.second day of studying wasnt so successful.because.i didnt manage to start in time to do my work instead i was very late.finally today i manage to remember to bring my uniform back very happy about it because i forgot everything about it for like a week.haha.ok after lesson today i went to the canteen to wait for feifei to go home together. so i was waiting for him la so i talk to weakling for a while then being dragged by denise to go buy BREAD!arh!its not filling at all.haha.then feifei we went home together.wanted to start on my work striaght after bathing but i went to edit my school timetable and my house time table and that took about an hour.then i relised my notebook was plain so i went to add a ''little'' stuff on to show the people tomorrow!haha.feel so proud of myself! wonderful notebook.but my printer went ou tof ink i went to the nearest shop that used to be selling that but in the end it ran out of stock.then when running back i saw the guy '' i forgot him name le'' ok then the next min i saw ''YUAN GE'' . so i reached home then i ran to NORTHPOINT to but it so in conclusion i wasted abuot another 2 hour doing so. then i had my dinner then someone called and i went for dinner with him talk and bullshit!haha B3 for english!haha. so i onil manage to start work at 845pm.arh!!!!! i am suppose to start at like 4!but its ok.tomorrow will be better!haha.lets talk about something bad.actually you know my ink manage to print half of the picture but i went to buy the ink because within the pictures printed FAILURE wasnt fir a moment a terror imagination came ou tof my brain.saying ''FAILURE THIA!why don have my picture!!!'' then i tried to explain then also no use.haha.sp i though to myself no matter what also need to buy ink so i went to buy it lol!haha.just funny!haha.ARGH!!! o yeah i finally remember to talk about it in my blog that is for like one month there is someone who has being buning a corner of my block life can!arh!so stupid burn le people wash le then the person burn day i am going to catch the person!so irresponsible.haha.i think the person burn the lift for like 5 time le!ARH!HAHAHA.tomorrow will be a better day!!!hahaI AM LOVING GUITAR SO SO MUCH!xXXsIaOguYdAlExXX
theGREENfreak freaked 9:59 PM
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
ok i am here because i am feeling so tired from doing all my physics and geography work.its just get from bad to worst.not that i don know how to do its just that its getting more and more diffcult.i am just taking a little break from my DAY ONE STUDYING AT HOME!haha.its tiring la but i will continue !haha.its fun studying la but its tiring at the same time.lets talk about my first day trying to study at home.its fine until now just that my timetable need to adjust that little bit.just not right.its better then studying outside because just for 1 and half hours i manage to finish up two physics homework and 1/3 of my geography work!!!HAHAHA.its just so fun doing work.ok back to what happen to was a wonderful day too.haha.everyday first day in schoo lof the week also start nice because for don know what reason i will be very high on that day.haha.just happy to be back in school.anyway i am not pissed about anything le.haha.i just cannot imagine myself as a council because of many stuff.haha. so i bought a school badge during recess and change it and i keep my council badge in my wallet. i don think it wll be up in my school uniform unless i am being forced or something.haha.the feeling of wearing a normal school badge is much better then wearing a council badge.just image when i was inprimary school i am always so envy of those around me who are the prefects and in secondary school i am envy of those who are council.but now i have already reached the highest position in council what can i expect more????.i will no longer think about any stuff regarding council if possible.i am just gald i am back to being a normal ha sbeing like for 3 years since i last wore a normal school badge to school.I AM FREE!I AM RELEASED!A NEW BADGE UP MY CHEST!A OLD BADGE IN MY WALLET!A NEW BEGINING!i am just a nobody... a normal student in presbyterian high don bother me.I AM LOVING GUITAR SO MUCH!xXXsIaoGUyDaLeXXx
theGREENfreak freaked 5:41 PM
Monday, July 03, 2006
I AM SERIOUSLY PISSED LA!!!!you might say i am childish!haha.whats happening to council now lol!hello first we are going to be invested next we will not be invested but we will still be council and next we are stepping down.arh what rubbish are all these la!HELLO!do i look like a fool to you????arh????arh???.i ahve accepted the fact that i will be stepping down.and you know what.there will be a stepping down thingy tomorrow la.and i just know about it a min ago can!!!although its just a ten min but can you all just use your brain to think!last min le!!!HELLO!even 5 min i also think thats not very good to inform others just the day before can.cant you all just might as well just tell us to step down and nothing else.whats the use of ACTTING stepping down??whats the use la!like what you said its just a 10 min thingy just whatever speecha nd thingy then whats about it!???make us feel happy arh!arh!stepping down ceremony = BULLSHIT!arh!I AM LOVING GUITAR SO SO SO MUCH but i hate all these rubbish!arh!XxxSiaOgUYdAleXxx
theGREENfreak freaked 10:08 PM
well.i woke up real late today la was awaken by the message janelle send me.lame la.they was having a ''acers day practice''.so i said i will be going.then on the way when i was going to ask KOKERS weather they are comeing not then janelle sent me another messge to say no more le!!arh!!!i was being cheated to leave house today.but afterall i still went to look for the sec 3s.haha.then we went to woodlands to walk walk.i bought a small BLUE radio/which is like so idiot because they doesnt sell it in green.ok then i bought FAILURE'S present and i bet she is going to complain about it next time.expected de.haha.then we went timezone to look at the people playing the sweet machine.haha.was pretty interesting.yesterday when i was there i wondered why the KOKERS stood there to watch the people played with it but today i know why.because it was rather interesting.haha.eileen is great not because she know how to play just that she knew how to cheat people.there was a lady there playing la then eileen manage to talk to her then the lady gave us lots of sweets and some small figuring.haha.eileen even exchanged number with her and she is going to get the figuring that the lady had at home from the lady.haha.anyway i was hanging on to like 4 nalgene bottles then everyone was looking at me we went home eariler and me and janelle went popluar to buy a notebook its like its stupid because there isnt one that i like but afterall i bought one.haha.then we walked the ''pa sa ma lan'' and in the end janelle walked all the way from northpoint to somewhere near my house.haha.then i went home lol.haha.I AM LOVING GUITAR SO SO SO MUCH!!!xXXsiAoGuyDaLExXX
theGREENfreak freaked 7:10 PM
Sunday, July 02, 2006
MY CREATION!!!my first one that is done in school during celebrate life .please note that is a hand holding onto a camera.the camera sucks but i think my hand is ok.
thats the second one.pretty ok too.i dry it but using a hair dryer.and painted it.haha.incase people don know what it is.its a guitar on a wall.haha

theGREENfreak freaked 10:46 PM
went service and please note i am not early AGAIN!!!hahaahahaha.ok thats not so funny after all, but seriously i am very glad about it.yes!i did it again!haha.service was ok today.after service we wanted to JAM de but because i had to leave early and stuff we didnt.haha so after service i went to woodlands.saw JOYCE KHOO and she told me abou ther horrible experience with a crazy guy.i was on the way to woodlands but i really don know why i alighted at ADMIRTLY station la.literally i went out of the MRT i went to the wrong stop.thats not the interesting part, the interesting part is that i actually though that woodlands got renovate in like a few weeks.haha.i was shock when i though that way.pretty scary i went to woodlans to look for KOKERS.we went to eat and the food was ~NOT NICE!!!!!haha.then we went back to the library to study!hahah when we reached there there was some kind of a warning letter or what the end we didnt really study.haha.we were noisy.VERY NOSIY!!arh!haha.then we went popluar and places.saw my T30!haha seriouslt it wasnt as slim asi though it is la.haha.but its fine with me i still like it.its stated as $756 for it.not very confident to be able to save to that amount by end of this year but will try.haha.did considered buying t9 instead but i still think since i want to buy i should buy the better one.haha.then we went home cause we were all very tired and SHACK!haha.lets talk about something which i was a little bit pissed over with.first.i had to attend the council investiture.second.i don need to attend the council investiture but i am still a senior council.thirth.i don need to attend the council investiture and i am going to step down this year.whatever, i am not really pissed and angry about all these stuff but i just feel that its irritating since it kept changing and the idiot thing its that after i contributed so much to council i didnt get a single cca point from it.haha.doesnt matter anymore since i already got a interesting stuff is i knew 3 interesting people online.1st a singaporean living in MALAYSIAN2nd a interesting POLICEMAN!and lastly.a normal guy.I AM LOVING GIUTAR SO SO SO MUCH!xXxsiaOgUYDALExXx
theGREENfreak freaked 10:23 PM
went HPT to discuss about something and confirm with something.went later anyway.ya then shannon taught us some when school reopen.i got some job to do.that is to check out the store!haha.then go back to layhoon.went to journg, to celebrate my grandmother gald because for the first time all were present .it has being a long while since we all met up.had some talk with my cousins and joked around with each others.haha.celebrated birthday my small cousin played the piano and i played the guitar.haha.we took a family foto.hope to be able to receive the picture soon.haha.nice.then went home.haha.had a pretty short day today.o ya anyway.i manage to see a bus with the advertisment of my t30b.haha.very shock!haha love it.hahaI AM LOVING GUITAR SO MUCH!XxXsIaoGUyDaLeXxX
theGREENfreak freaked 12:57 AM