Thursday, August 31, 2006
In another half an hour or so will be the t=day of the teachers!
HAPPY TEACHERS DAY. some call it the day whatever all bad student and good students come together to be one big group of GOOD students who buy gifts and says thank you to all the teachers who taught them before.teachers will all say.this is the only day other then graduation whereby you can see students behaving.haha.
but i guess it isnt so. teachers who are always being ''bullied'' are bullied for a simple reason.they are nice.they are just like friends to us therefore they are bullied so i guess its diffcult to be good teachers.
my class gave MR LAU alot of gifts today.and MR LAU cried.but sadly i was away i didnt manage to arrived in time to see the sence.but when i went back to class i was told that Mr Lau was looking for me during the time. so i ran to find mr lau and he said a little something.i guess Mr lau will cry for hell during our graduation.he is going to miss us! he treat us just like we were his kids always worrying about us and caring for us.and of course we treat him like our ''father'' cause we always quarral with him. we might always be quarraling with him but 5 AGAPE really love him.
called Miss Teo after i left school and wished her HAPPY TEACHERS DAY.but to my horror i was the only one who wished her that.was expecting like more people to call her before i called guess it didnt turn like what i expect.
HAPPY TEACHERS DAY! to all teachers.
Mr Lau is the best teacjer in the whole wide world!
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"someKINDofMAN.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:59 PM

a edited picture of ACERS "do wa didi"

some pictures i took.=)

theGREENfreak freaked 7:16 PM

ACERS 2006.
we were in school even before the pupils wake up!

the FIRST wet weather ACERS.(Performance)

ACERS with teachers!

hereby declared the best teacher in the whole wide world!

Yiyuan out of no where performance in our primary school.
theGREENfreak freaked 5:53 PM
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
well balanced.
had prelim.nothing much to talk about it.
were walking around and looking for KEYS but turn out watching white fat angles flying a round in our school.everyone fishy got something to comment.haha.only fishy and me knows about it.ya forget.then was POA extra lesson.pretty useless today.were rather disturbed by pinwen.whenever i start to calculate the amount he will pop out with a question and since no one wants to answer his questions i answered and that causes me to forget the amount i was trying to calculate and excuss me its for like 3 times.after that i relise he is a question part 4 while i am still in question part one because he kept asking me.i was rather irritated thus the lousy attention in class.wasnt able to concentrate in class because i was expected to wait until 4 to help yiyong do something.went back to council room and was deeply disturbed and my temper got back to lesson and relised i dont understand a single thing she was trying to teach.disappointed.
after lesson i went back to council room to double check on the stock only to find out that stock were taken wrongly and that ropes was badly i redo everything.while keeing my temper got better.started teaching about knots and rope keeping.not too bad.haha.helped out with teachers' day present.and listuned to buillshit by lim.haha.only to relise that we left school at 8 plus.its a very familar feeling to leave the school gate when the place were all reminded me of the past few years.always slacking and bullshitting in NCC room and Conucil Room and leaving the school late.its has always been us to clear up the shit jobs.
i am so going to control my temper.tomorrows the big day for Sec 3s. JIAYOU!
''Beyond the horizon of the sea,holds countless mystery.''someKINDofMAN.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:07 PM
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
tomorrow's prelim.just read throught all the format and read some of the compo.i guess thats all i can do for now.
i learnt something today.its about understanding.misunderstanding can really do a lot of damage to people.even the strongest clique can be affected by it.if everyone is able to understand each other easily wouldnt it be much better, less trouble and worries.although people usually says quarrals and misunderstanding is a must in a group.overcoming all these quarrals and misunderstanding will lead to better bonding better people.but i guess not all quarrals and misunderstanding would be able to be solved.worst it will cause more displease and more uncomfort between all the people.why is it so diffcult for people to understand each other?. i guess its due to the different ways of thinking in everybody and the different point of view they take.
misunderstanding. a crazy thing.without misunderstanding everything will be fine.but with misunderstanding it ruin everything.
another thing i learnt just a few mins ago.even the most unexpected person can be the first to rise to the occasion.i am not naming anyone or anybody its just how i feel.i guess even the most childish person will mature one day.just by looking at whats happening and yet no one is doing anything will make the unexpected to be the first to bring it up.i guess i might be the only one who knows what i am trying to say.the most.
i guess everyday is a day for me to learn.=)
''beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery''someKINDofMAN.
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 11:25 PM
wondering.'s lesson wasnt the main point today.the main issuse here is i DONATED BLOOD TODAY. it was a pretty nice experience.were dismissed from class.has being worrying about it since recess.i was getting all jumpy and crazy hen i reach the hall.when i reached the hall.KOKLIANG was already injected.while KOKWEI was waiting for his turn.haha.the are like 4 station and whenever i reach the stations i will be like hehe joke around with the helpers.from their accent i CONFIRM they are not SINGAPOREANS.all of them are very friendly.haha
1 they had an injection to get that tiny little blood from my finger.
2 it hurts that little bit.a ant bite
3 next al the big big needle start to come.
4 before you notice it its already in your body!!!haha.
went to have our lunch at PIZZA HUT.saw shiyun and zoe.blah blah blah.
my thoughts.
misunderstanding. a crazy thing.
without misunderstanding everything will be fine.
but with misunderstanding it ruin everything.
''beyond the horizon of the sea,holds countless mystery.''someKINDofMAN.
theGREENfreak freaked 8:23 PM
A interesting story.
One day, when I was a freshman in high school,
I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school.
His name was Kyle.
It looked like he was carrying all of his books.
I thought to myself, "Why would anyone bring home all his books on a
He must really be a nerd."
I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football gamewith my
friends tomorrow afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on.
As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him.
They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping
him so he landed in the dirt.
His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten
feet from him.
He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes
My heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to him and as he
crawled around looking for his glasses, and I saw a tear in his
As I handed him his glasses, I said, "Those guys are jerks.
They really should get lives."
He looked at me and said, "Hey thanks!"
There was a big smile on his face.
It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude.
I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived.
As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had
never seen him before.
He said he had gone to private school before now.
I would have never hung out with a private school kid before.
We talked all the way home, and I carried some of his books.
He turned out to be a pretty cool
I asked him if he wanted to play a little football with my
He said yes.
We hung out all weekend and the more I got to know Kyle, the
more I liked him, and my friends thought the same of
Monday morning came, and there was Kyle with the huge stack of
books again.
I stopped him and said, "Boy, you are gonna really build some
serious muscles with this pile of books everyday!"
He just laughed and handed me half the>books.
Over the next four years, ! Kyle and I became best friends.
When we were seniors, we began to think
about college.
Kyle decided on Georgetown, and
Iwas going to Duke.
I knew that we would always be friends, that the miles would
never be a problem.
He was going to be a doctor, and I was going for business on a
football scholarship.
Kyle was valedictorian of our class.
I teased him all the time about being a nerd.
He had to prepare a speech for graduation.
I was so glad it wasn't me having to get up there and
Graduation day, I saw Kyle.
He looked great.
He was one of those guys that really found himself during high
He filled out and actually
looked good in glasses.
He had more dates than I had and all the girls loved him.
Boy, sometimes I was jealous.
Today was one of those
I could see that he was nervous about his speech.
So, I smacked him on the back and said, "Hey, big guy, you'll
be great!"
He looked at me with one of those looks (the really grateful
one) and smiled."! Thanks," he said.
As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began
"Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it
through those tough years.
Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a
coach...but mostly your friends...
I am here to tell all of you that being a
friend to someone is the best gift you can give them.
I am going to tell you a story."
I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the
story of the first day we met.
He had planned to kill himself over the
He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his Mom
wouldn't have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home.
He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile.
"Thankfully, I was saved.
My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable."
I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome,
popular boy told us all about his weakest moment
I saw his Mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same>
Grateful smile.
Not until that moment did I realize it's depth.
its a nice story that i requested KAY to send me.
but it isnt the point of the story.
this is.
''Never underestimate the power of your actions.For one small gesture you can change a person's life.For better or for worse.''i totally agree to what the sentence is trying to say.
dont ever underestimate the power of your actions.
For by doing a small gesture it does alot.
always trys to be an encourager.never be someone who discourages.~chunfuhope everyone learns something today.
today was a pretty normal day.lessons was damn damn boring.class attendances was damn cool.and i guess mr lau is going to go crazy one of these days again.haha. after school went out with winnie TAN WEISHAN, pantee, eileen, fishy, KOKERS and dumbo and lastly FUFU.haha.its pretty comical i guess.because i was released eariler and reach the canteen eariler, manage to get hold of XiaoDi and spend my time waiting for people with him.anyway its pretty amazing how so many people says he remind them of me.its interesting.haha.o ya then all the rest started to come we were all talking then we splited into 3 group to talk and back to one group and talk again.i was standing there and noticing how interesting all these stuff were.haha.
i guess the news we heard today was pretty depressing for someone.
the changes will be alot.
dont be too sad and think of solution to solve it.
ok i am so not into AMK KFC.
for the fact.
i ordered mountain dew and what i got was a coke.
FUFU reqyested to change his wipped potato to coslaw and what he got was cheese fries.
we were moving our stuff and our two large drinks were being poured away!
but we got it back anyway.haha.
anyway talking about XiaoDi.since the time chze sing said that he reminded him of me i started to think about how much i have changed.i totally agree that XiaoDi does remind me of myself.but the difference now is alot.Its nice being like the younger me but i guessed i wouldnt be the same anymore.guess what kind of chunfu XiaoDi becomes.haha.
beyond the horizon of the sea,holds countless mystery.=)
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 12:30 AM
Sunday, August 27, 2006
had a pretty buzy day today.guess what i went to service today.
buzy day.
1 went from yishun to yio chu kang (church service)
2 went from yio chu kang to khatib (handover meeting night program with sec 3s)
3 went from khatib to yishun! (handover meeting day program with Grads)
4 went from yishun to JURONG!! (my cousin's one month anniversary)
service wake me up from my little dream.seriously i wasnt very proud of my church, its in chinese and it not very fun.but through today's service it let me understand a little point that is my church is like a tree whhich grow its roots deep and at the same time grow taller.we are not a church with fanciful story and fun services with people jumping all around and shouting all over.we dont have our eyes on attracting people to come but instead we have our eye on being a good testimony for GOD.My church is a good church thats what i want to say.=)
rushed over to khatib mac to meet up with steph and jinshi.i guess it has been very hard for steph since its her first time planning and by asking help from me is equal to her hell.but its good for her.haha.i believe this year will be the best handover after so many years due to steph's and her batch of sec 3s hardwork!sec 3s jiayou le!
okay rushed to meet up with Grads. KAY was there and since its the morning i called her KAY!haha.inside joke.bahbah.meeting details is NOTHING! i am not going to blog about it.haha. no use blogging because what i know is like nothing!haha.
rushed to jurong.saw my tiny cute baby cousin.she is like so damn small.thats the second baby counsin.haha.its just like one or two years ago when my first younger counsin was born.but you know what that cousin doesnt need help with eating already its already feeding others!people grow very fast i relised.
people dont you all think for the fact that a small little baby can grow into a gaint!(adult) is so incredible.From being carried by their parents to holding their parents.when crawling to even clmbing.from crying to talking.all the various changes are simply wonderful. in short GOD's creation are so wonderful.
the day when i am free again,
i hope to go to a beach
to enjoy the waves of the sea.
the freash air of the beach.
and the sound of the sea.
beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery.
the son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 11:50 PM
Saturday, August 26, 2006
nothing was posted for the last few days.not because i didnt blog ist just that i didnt post.
changed my blog skin today.its a blogskin of the sea view.i like the blogskin because it gives a very smoothing feeling.the SEA is such a nice place to be.The sea seem endless, from the shore no one knows where the sea ends, its jut seem endless.In the morning, the sea gives a heart warming feeling.while at night the sea seem calm and with the sound of the wave its makes one feel peaceful.
went kayaking yesterday, love the feeling of kayaking it makes me feel like i am with the sea.The sea sand and sun.its a nice feeling.
I love the sea, the sea is my home.
theGREENfreak freaked 3:14 PM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
i woke up in the morning, having the urge to skip lesson today.I just simply felt too tired to be on my way to school.The thought of skipping school just continue to hunt me.but after few minutes if struggle i pulled myslef out of my bed and started to prepare to go to school.=)
nothing special during lessons, everything seem the same.In every corner of my class i am able to fine the trace of people studying.Almost everyone in my class had started studying,Months ago all the people in my class will have their head down every now and then TO its still the same just that the times is different, everyone is living in their own world of BOOKS.
after school.had POA extra lesson, didnt expect much from her but it turn out to be very helpful.she is very friendly and she likes to jokes about.she calls people names.timothy and stuff.hope this lesson will continue.
HOME.studying soon i suspose.
theGREENfreak freaked 7:18 PM
Monday, August 21, 2006
21 AUGUST 2006 MONDAY SUNNY i suspose
today was pretty ok i suspose.started with mathematics but thats not the main issue today.its about chinese.anybody bloddy remember when i had a change of teacher.that is like 2 weeks ago and now i have another new teacher.MR SIM.arh!!!!!he is so super naggy but i will still try to study in class and do his work just in case its useful.and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me.because i have now another lesson whereby we have to travel all the way down frm the fourth level to first level.arh!!!!never mind its healthy to climb stairs.HA.
had english oral today.i suspose it can be considered as not too bad.the oral goes very smoothly.finished reading the passage,picture disscusion was ok too just that the examier didnt allow me to finish up my discussion.he ''cutted'' away the picture.Conversation was good too.very confident that it is much more better then my english oral.
went down straight after my oral.the sec 3 happens to be planning for the handover so i chipped in to help out.everything seems to be in a mess but was pretty ok.their logs was fine i suspose at least the logs list was fine.have to sit down with J.L and look through every was bombbabed with problems from my dear BIMBO and eileen.they was like don know anything about buying stuff and preparing food, we ended up scolding each other stupid and shouting aty each i was half dead.haha.
went out for food searching with KOKWEI.the waffle not so nice.cannot be compare with yishun's haha.went back to council room and helped out KOK with mathematics.haha.
ok.RULE number one.
not going to bother about handover.unless it regard logistics since i don seems to be much of a help.and thats the reason why after eileens and bimbo part i went back to council room.
RULE number 2.
guess my choice of course for poly will be MARINETIME ENGNEERING for now.
blogger is getting weirder and weirder, when ever i want to blog about super unhappy encounter something will just happen.haha.
Being self pity is useless.
self encouragement is better.
Pondering over past mistake is useless.
learning from past mistake is better.
One can look back at one past,
but should not be living in the past.
The past is the past,
the present is the present,
so one should work towards their future.
~chunfu dale
theGREENfreak freaked 8:40 PM
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Once again, both me and my sister didnt manage to wake up early to attend both of us didnt attend service today.studied at home for 1 hour.met up with brenda,[she waited for 2 hours thought]haha.
we studied at mac for like 1 hour, and nicholas was there, Andrew came along.KAY came along after that.then lots of lots of people came along too.soon it was six we stop studying.had meeting at AMK ATTENDANCE was F.i mean FANTASTIC!HAHA.20 plus people.meeting was short and sweet.met our agenda.
after that had dinner.seperated after pinwen brenda KAY and KK was together,went walking at PASA MALAN.haha.saw YIP and YIP and more more YIP.i mean steph YIP and her family.haha.
today wasnt so exciting or what.but it was nice.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:44 PM
Friday, August 18, 2006
nothing much happen in school today because of one good reason.that is there isnt a single period today.mrs teo wasnt here,two period gone,mr ang wasnt here, another two period gone.recess,mr chin wasnt in school either 3 period gone.then is assembly. there isnt a single period with teacher today!!!!haha.but did study.
during PE we went off to play on our own.i played badminton.i kind of addicted to badminton, i think for a simple reason i didnt play badminton for ilke years.haha.played one period with brayn and another with pearl.haha.nice.
assembly was kind of boring during the presentation but its kind of fun at the end.all the performance and stuff.its entertaiing.haha.there is a very special girl within the jap girls.she give a very nice feeling.haha.after assembly was very found feifei.then out of nothing i slam my books on his head.(thats what i always do) then there a sec 2 guy looking at i looked at his and say look at me for what.haha.he gave a very shock face.but i didnt shout or what and i did it with a smile.haha.
didint study in the library today.should say not studing until night.haha.talked a lot while kok and fei ''entertained'' the ncc people.i mean i talked to steph then she also say xiaodi does look a little bit like me.she gave me that werid look.she must be having a hard time with her asthma.haiz.i think my life is shorten by half!because all the sec 3s are falling sick damn easily.first is winnie and eileen's next is samantha hand and winnie's leg. then is kezia high falling sick rate.then joyce's sore th.and now steph wish for them! everyone to be free from illness. its much better this way. health is valuable!
then while we were crossing the road.we saw mrs lau.the motherly mdm.she is super nice.have a little chat wih her.we still got along well.haha.too bad she's been transfered to chior.sad.just to think about it.when i first join ncc.there is 3 great officers.first MR LAI CHEE is his two wife MISS TAN SOR TIN and MISS MICHELLE TANG.sad.when i am leaving the school.all of them are gone! mr lai absence from school.miss tan.went on and left school and next mrs lau transfered to choir.they are just the bestest officers that could be together at the same time.with mr lai fatherly and firece guidence and mrs lau motherly care and miss tan jokes and her laughter.its nice to be in ncc with HA.changeover!NO MORE MOTHER ANF FATHER.haha. i am baised.i like MR LAI MISS TAN and MRS LAU!haha.while we were talking we talked about some ncc stuff in the past and mrs lau also joked around about her diet.haha.she is still the same.haha.
i love ncc with the three officers.
talked about all that with fei and kok they think the same way too.we also arrived at the topic.its HPT that taught us or NCC that taught us.the answer turn out to be its interlinked.NCC taught us the discipline while HPT taught us leadership. we used what we learned in ncc in HPT we used what we learbed in hot in its interlinked.
its interlinked.
theGREENfreak freaked 8:03 PM
Thursday, August 17, 2006
nothing much happen not blogging about today.instead will be blogging about a handwritting analyise i ddi a few days ago.its its quite true to what it says.

For a graphologist, the spacing on the page reflects the writer's attitude toward their own world and relationship to things in his or her own space.? If the inputted data was correct Dale has left lots of white space on the right side of the paper. Dale fills up the rest of the page in a normal fashion. If this is true, then Dale has? an unhealthy relationship to the past and has a fear of moving forward.牋 The right side of the page represents the future and Dale seems unwilling to face the fear of getting started living now and planning for the future.? Dale seems to be clinging to past events and spending lots of time thinking about what happened.? It would be best to leave the p

ast behind and move on.? Stop crowding that left margin.
Dale has a need to be in control of his own life. He is a strong individual that can control situations to his advantage. This person can take control of a situation. He likes control and has the ability

to control people without getting them offended.
Dale is capable of seeing far into the future. He plans two, three, even ten years in advance. Dale has high goals and can literally see them being reached. He is very self-confident and has a high self-esteem. Dale will reach whatever level of success he desires. Dale has the self-concept that is possessed by less than two percent of the population. That two percent contains the most successful people in the world. When a person has a high self-esteem, he frees himself to achieve an unlimited world of success. Dale has achieved this frame of mind. Congratulations. He has the self-confidence to take great risk, thus reaping the rewards. If he does fail, it doesn't break his confidence. He knows he can do it! In retrospect of our research, this trait is one of the most desirable to possess, because it releases the writer to achieve his full potential. We recommend everyone raise th

eir self-esteem to this level
In reference to Dale's mental abilities, he has a very investigating and creating mind. He investigates projects rapidly because he is curious about many things. He gets involved in many projects that seem good at the beginning, but he soon must slow down and look at all the angles. He probably gets too many things going at once. When Dale slows down, then he becomes more creative than before. Since it takes time to be creative, he must slow down to do it. He then decides what projects he has time to finish. Thus he finishes at a slower pace than when he started the project. He has the best of two kinds of minds. One is the quick investigating mind. The other is the creative mind. His mind thinks quick and rapidly in the investigative mode. He can learn quicker, investigate more, and think faster. Dale can then switch into his low gear. When he is in the slower mode, he can be creative, remember longer and stack facts in a logical manner. He is more logical this way and can climb mental m

ountains with a much better grip.
Dale will be candid and direct when expressing his opinion. He will tell them what he thinks if they ask for it, whether they like it or not. So, if they don't really want his opinion, don't ask for it!

Dale is moderately outgoing. His emotions are stirred by sympathy and heart rendering stories. In fact, he can be kind, friendly, affectionate and considerate of others. He has the ability to put himself into the other person's shoes. Dale will be somewhat moody, with highs and lows. Sometimes he will be happy, the next day he might be sad. He has the unique ability to get along equally well with what psychology calls introverts and extroverts. This is because he is in between. Psychology calls Dale an ambivert. He understands the needs of both types. Although they get along, he will not tolerate anyone that is too "far out." He doesn't sway too far one way or the other. When convincing him to buy a product or an idea, a heart rendering story could mean a great deal to him. He puts himself in the same situation as the person in the story, yet he will not buy anything that seems overly impractical or illogical. Dale is an expressive person. He outwardly shows his emotions. He may even show traces of tears when hearing a sad story. Dale is a "middle-of-the-roader," politically as well as logically. He weighs both sides of an issue, sits on the fence, and then will decide when he finally has to. He basically doesn't relate to any far out ideas and usually won't go to the extreme on any issue.
thats some of the results.pretty true about me.
theGREENfreak freaked 7:45 PM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
lesson was ok on TUESDAY.mathematics again, followed by that don know what to talk about subject ENGLISH.recess.MR lau's lesson.was very fun for me because i made fun of him again.he keep saying Xao Di is my brother.haha.then i say.yaya BULLSHIT.haha.not bad to have a little brother.haha.FUN.physics and end of lesson.
class was in havoc.because we are exchanging class with 3 we brought our stuff up and them dwon and i mean literally down.they brought their OHP, LOCKER,CLOCK all down.including broom so we was left with a blank class with the tables and chairs.haha.
met FEI and had lunch and went studying at school library.not a bad place to study.haha.just a bit nosiy.Kokwei came after his oral.o ya.KOKLIANg was with us all along.studied until the library closed for the day.
met winnie jinshi and steph.and we sent winnie home!HAHA.saw PEIXIN'S teacher had a little cha with him,my pri 1 and 2 teacher.ok he still remember me!haha.don joke with old people.reached winnie's house and saw TIMOTHY TAN.said hi.haha.didnt see him for like years.haha.anyway my purpose of sending winnie home is to let her brother know i took GOOD CARE of her.haha.home after that.
16 AUGUST 2006 WEDNESDAY ??????
Once again we met winnie on the way and accompany her to cross the road.this time she crossed it faster then usual.haha.Once again we ended with 5 to 6 HPT people crossing the road with her.haha.
XiaoDi returned me my PE shirt.With my habit of smelling shirts after getting back from friends.i relised the new shirt smell is gone and ended up with XiaoDi's smell.haha.JOKE.had chapel.then mrs liew met the people retaking chinese and advised us not to many people was in a ''dilemna''but ended most of the people still choose to retake including me.=)went back to first feeling.
My old classroom was like hell and now we are in HEAVEN!
the OLD is black and the new is WHITE.
the OLD is dirty and the new is CLEAN!
the old is ''HOT'' and the new is cooling!
freeof ants and bugs.
just a bit out of place and quiet.
MATH ended weridly.left for recess ended up even when we are on the 4 storey we are still the first class to reach canteen.5 AGAPE ROCKS!haha.then was CHEMISTRY.MRS didnt appear.POA was not so bad.the ''class test'' cna be considered easy because i got it all right!!!haha.MY POA STILL GOT HOPE!haha.
went studying at library again.until its closes.went council room and play!FIRE! EGGS! BUGS!haha.i want COMPLAIN!
went home.these few days there has been a cat keep wandering around at the same the morning when i walk to theMRT station it as there and no matter what time i go home it will always be there.wondering what it is waiting for.
theGREENfreak freaked 7:34 PM
Monday, August 14, 2006
not bad not bad.ok i was not in the right timeline right fomr the start.i didnt notice that today was the chemistry class test, i thouhg its was on wednesday and thats bullshit.haha.start of the day.saw WINNIE TAN!with her leg bitten by dogs!and its also due to her fight with her brother.her house is full of patients.her brother timothy tan also got hurt on his hand so i suspect they fought with each other thuis the i was crossing the road.i reached the gate of the school and she was half way there so i decided to laugh at her.she took 2 trafficlighyt to cross one traffic light.HAHA.
reached parade square and xiao di wanted to borrow PE t i went to get it but didnt pass it to him straight away.lesson.was ok.PINWEN moved over to our its like 3 HPT sitting together.PINWEN KELLY and ME!haha.bullshit.recess and stuff and got back some paper.both 21.but one is 21/25 while theotehr is 21/50!note the different.the lousier one is march de better ones is these few days de!see i improved!!haha.
school ends.went to meet xiao di and pass him the t shirt.THEN mr lau saw the transaction and ask one question.''HEY! chunfu your brother arh???'' HAHA then xiao di came over and say YA!haha.then julian believe la.then i said he tan i thia!haha.
had english MOCK EXAM.i finished an hour eariler so i ask the parent for permissoin to go to toilet but i went to canteen and walk walk.haha.then wilbur caught me and we talk talk talk then xiaodi came we talk and talk and talk.haha.then i went back to class and everyone was wondering where i went.haha.
went wasnt so fun but don knowwhy i am happy.haha.
theGREENfreak freaked 9:08 PM
Sunday, August 13, 2006
13 AUGUST 2006 SUNDAY ????????
ARH!!!!!!!i am going crazy soon!!!!MATH! MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH MATH!!!ARH!!!MATH IS SO DIFFICULT!!!
theGREENfreak freaked 10:13 PM
Saturday, August 12, 2006

just a picture for the day.
today was the best day of the week i full of activties.its much more better then those people who cry their hearts out for their o level chinese.haha.just enjoying myself today but just cant stop thinking how i have wasted today.but some rest is good.
went to school early not to go for cell but to meet up with KOKERS and FEIFEI to have a test run at the park but instead we ran in the school due ot some consideration of we ran around the school with 6kg of weight.and did some pumping and i was thinking the FAT people must be very ke lian because i really think its tough.ran and rested until the sec 3 arrived.waited for a while and the sec 2 came.sec 2 attendance wasnt so bad.had fun at the end of the the sec 3s and start playing with them, all ways of performing ACERS.haha.nice.after that was doing some bonding and i put myself in danger to allow then to have some fun.haha.was squashed for don know how many times.but fun.went eating at LJS.kokliang was being irritating.finished and went JINSHI'S house.i suppose there are 8 people along with us too.
used her com and internet, stories, looked at pictures of jinshi wonderful skills of skiting.listuned to musis talked and played CLUEDO!!!.its my first time playing.wasnt so bad.its tiring for the mind but fun.score was CHUNFU 1 KOKWEI 1 KOKLIANG 2.not bad not bad.many people played but we won.!haha.was looking at UTUBE video of our schoo ndp.kkokwei was in the video and me too! people videoing me taking pictures of kokwei.haha.i am in the video!!!people all left at 11.feifei, kokwei, brenda and eileen went home by cab.jinshi followed pinwen jack and janelle to mrt and bus interchange and me home by foot.enjoyed myself today.time to work hard already!
theGREENfreak freaked 11:38 PM
Friday, August 11, 2006
11 AUGUST 2006 FRIDAY didnt notice the weather.
went to school early in the morning.started worrying over the upcoming chinese result later in the afternoon.everyone was so worried.ha.then people started spreading that blessing did better then us so most of us in agape was in very low the POA student cannot concentrate in the POA class.haha.anyway got back POA class test 34/45 so is 76% not bad but very A1 anyway.haha.we didnt do any work concerning POA so mr chin named us the don know what group not a good name la.haha but we rebuke by sating we are the quality not the quantity.haha.
went to AVA room.listuned to that super boring and long back result.B4 with merit.not so good but well prepared for it. so i wasnt very sad over it.and started playing and joking.people might think i got very good result but nah.i am just positive not happy about it.don want to be in the glommy season.haha.i choose to brighten people's day.
met KOKERS and FEI.haha.everyone didnt get the result wanted . was expecting to just having a lunch near my house but ended up shopping at shop and save.bought my lunch there.10 packets of maggie, one big watermelon,green tea,banana,sauagages,crabsticks,fishballs and longans. i think there are more but i forgot about last everyone was feeling better when we forgot about the my house.starting cooking.making super mess out of my kitchen.kokliang was the main chief, i was the washer and all little bit of stuff kok and fei chipped in too.lunch was done and actually not too bad.haha.was super full and we were thinking confirm will need the la.cleared up.
called miss teo.talked to her in the speaker so everyone was time taken 15 least we know what to expect and stuff looked throught the NDP pictures.used the com and off they go.too tired so i kind of kick them out.haha. and i went straight to sleep.haha.
theGREENfreak freaked 11:25 PM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
10 AUGUST 2006 THURSDAY. not raining.
short tempered.
ERM.tomorrow is the result taking day for o level chinese. hope to get good results but seriously i am not so positive about it,but so be it.the most will retake the chinses paper again, but hope not.Miss teo wouldnt be coming to the result taking.she said that herself.she will be working.
went studying in the morning, disturbed someone who is super irritating.haha.but never mind.saw lots of people there.including baolong and ihanmi who i so regreted knowing.went home and started clearing all the rubbish in my com. to make it neat and tidy.will be having a rest soon.
worried about tomorrow's result.
wish me luck.
theGREENfreak freaked 9:00 PM
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
i am feeling very messy now.
kept receiving picture and pictures and pictures.
my computer is now in a mess!
created a shutterfly for HPT then later for my own.
pictures PHOTOS!!!
finished one chapter of math today.haha
parade was so damn nice.
the marchpass was wooooo!!!
back to pictures and photo.
shall blog better next time.
theGREENfreak freaked 8:36 PM
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
today is the NDP parade in school.
not in parade.
was at receipent area.
but went to become photgraphy.
with the permission from miss seh.
received my award.
merit award.
took lots of pictures.
with many many many many many many many people.
all dismissal waited for the rest for 2HOURS!
and seriously i don think they know i was around la.
bull shit with mr lai and stuff.
and went off.
later out for fireworks.
photos next time.
theGREENfreak freaked 1:39 PM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
lazing around.
I AM SO GOING TO CONCLUDE ONE THING!!!that is when i am early for church service ALL the rest are late.its like for the three time already.haha. went looking for KOKERS and fei at woodlands library.they went down i went up.just when i went up , the librarian was standing beside their table and goving notice to their table with two WHITE girls standing by to sit down at their place.they pushed away KOKERS belonging and sat i called and they came back and ATTITUDED the girls.detail not to be reveled.haha.
and thats the start of our not as planned day.
decided not ot have dinner at our OLDPLACE.had our lunch and went to khatib mac.and what do you know there are always people celebrating their birthday there.its like for four days already.never mind so we went yishun to meet jinshi to study at her in conclusion we went 3 places in half an hour.
studied a little.played alot.don know why jinshi's hair keep getting wet.haha.had a ''battle'' with kokwei.haha.bullshitted.and it was getting late getting ready for we packed a little and was slacking around.started to talk about old times.pretty sad.haha.and for goodness sake the stupid radio keep playing damn damn sad song la.haha.its was nice to talk about the past.had fun bah.anyway jinshi's mum is super hilarious la.
had dinner.was on our wway to mrt station and we saw the super old sir our ncc.haha.i think its jeremy or whoever don really remember his name.he look very old.guess too stress and guess what he remembered which year i was born.haha.then we went home.
88 is a day to be enjoy ourselves.
tomorrow having reherseal.boring.
then tuesday is the national day celebration already.haha.
its nice talking about the past but not advisable to be looking back and compare with the should always look forward!!!not BACK!
talked about alot of stuffs about acers 05 about sec 4s about many many mnay things.time passes really fast.saw a neoprint which was taken some time back and it was already 1 and a half year back!!so i knew the KOKERS for about 2 years.time really flys and it really fly fast.haha.
pointers to see who is a uniform group member.haha.
when standing there is always a v shape(the feet).for non UG the two feet is always parallal to each other.haha.good conclusion.haha
TATA.back to study.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:14 PM
Saturday, August 05, 2006
went to school for cell, reached school early so i wentto the parade square to check it ou tand stuff.saw xiao di so talk with him and bulshit lol, saw failure and NCC people.went cell, for the first time i was worried about playing the guitar because some of the song i didnt know, its not that i didnt pratise its just that its last min so i took over.but ended up nothing to complain.
after cell went looking for KOKERS and fei.kok was packing up the room with the NCC people. i think the people are so ''well groomed'' because they wanted to throw a coleman away just because its wasnt wash for months and that the water is still inside.funny arh.but reagen washed it for them.
met jinshi and went studying at steph house.ok first steph and sonia is like so funny in the room.kept playing all around.then the dinner was nice.COOKED by their father, which steph says he seldom cook.haha.went home.
i just wonder he is stupid or be kneeing down to someone not worthy of.and that person is just too heartless and idiotic to totally ignore it.what kind of person is he.he sucks.just by being a human you know that if someone were to knee infront of you, you should ask him to stand up.idiotic.if i were to be present, i make sure that person die.and scold the one kneeing.its just too OVER REACTED.there is no reason for doing it at all.
received an email.
the email talks about two friends walking in a of them were slap by the other and later saved by the other.when he was slapped, the friend wrote in on sand and when he saved him he wrote it on stones.when his friend ask him he said. he wwrote it on sand to allow for forgive, allowing the wind to forgive about slapping and blow it away,he wrote it on stone to make it be remembered forever that wind can never blow it away.
i like the powerpoint slides.
will be sending to two of my friends.who i think they really need it.
Once very very close friends but now acting to be friends.
its just saddening to see them behaving this way.
just pray for their friendship.
anyway early happy birthday to PANTEE.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:44 PM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
i am so so so tired from studying these few days.studying really drain my brain juices.lets talk about school time.Math paper was okay, i guess i should be able to pass it, pretty confident but if i fail it doesnt matter since i did my best.4GRACE had their dining course so thye were nicely dressed up.VANESSA look good.she is a pretty lady.haha.
went studying again at MAC.doing mathemativs again, look pretty easy in my ten year series.but when i do the questions in the sec 4 textbook.o my goosh.its was diffcult.will be doing it later.i will work hard for my MATH(A1). tried to study for POA, at least i know more about the last test i am a little prepared for tomorrow's paper. After all the studying, my drain was dead, i was shack from all the studying.very tired.was on my way home and i STONED myself back home.
recieved a emil from miss yeo, she marked my compo and sent it back to me.very surprised to see it..very happy about it.
God, give me the strength to understand all that i am studying.
theGREENfreak freaked 8:32 PM
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
i am starting to think that i had bad memory because i had very diffcult time trying to remember what happened in the morning everytime i blog about it.o gosh.
ERM...what should i talk about??haha.ok FUFU/wilbur was sick during school hours.hope he is fine now.haha.saw him outside the general offics area and the first thing i think for is that he got into trouble again but it turn out that he didnt just that he wasnt feeling well.haha.lessons was ok.during POA class we didnt really have poa lesson because we were talking about CARDS cards and CARDS.then we manage to got MR CHIN to let us take a look at his SMALL AMOUNT of cards!!haha.
school was dismissed but i had nothing to do because KOKERS wasnt dissmiss yet.manage to get some people to entertain me during the whole thing.haha.denise, jason, clement, joyce and more and more.haha.finally they came and we had lunch and off we go for group study.haha.
group study was fun and productive for me.haha had attendance in mac was like 16??haha.its fun because i make a fool of our dear PANTEE, steph's friend.haha.because no matter what i do he just don want to go away.and we ended up laughing and laughing.finished up all the assignment and home we went.haha.
O level is reaching soon.sad.hope to be prepared by then.MATH A1!!!! just felt so confident suddenly.haha,its fun with me if its a A2.hhaa.MATH shuold be fine if i carry on with my revision like this.haha.JIAYOU!!!.i am so getting so uncreative nowadays due to the studying.brain dead!
theGREENfreak freaked 9:39 PM
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
i guess i didnt blog for like three to four days already..shall blog together then.anyway.some good news.FEIFEI managed to get A1 for his MERIT AWARD.haha.but sadly, kokliang's COLOURS AWARD had being taken away.sad.but i think its ok le.
its always getting more and more boring in class as days goes by. its all about revision and stuff.don know why but i feel that most of the guys in my class is childish?? i mean really childish.haha.they just like to talk back to all the teachers.even thise who are suppose to be not so WERID became WERID i guess they just wishes to blend in the class.nevermind.they are childish.
ANYWAY, the sec 1, 2 and 3s started their common test today.wish them ALL THE BEST.haha.
i guess i am starting to feel that little pressure from O LEVEL.had being pratiscing my mathematics.had group study with others too.quite useful i think.and for like the first time.i TAUGHT people about account, profit and loss account and balance sheet.haha.will be starting on my POA revision soon i suppose.PRELIM will be starting in 29 more days.good luck to me then.
hope to score well for my PRELIM.O LEVEL.
hope that my study group will be able to be like today until end of O LEVEL??haha.
back to study.TATA.
theGREENfreak freaked 8:51 PM