Friday, September 29, 2006
29 September 2006 Friday sunny
i got back most of my prelims result =(
i guess i got most of the grade available,haha
Mathematics-70.5 A2
Chinese-69 B3
Combined Science 55. C5
-SCI Physics-75 A1
-SCI Chemistry-35 F9
English 55/110 (not counting oral) 50% C6
POA-44 E8 (may subject to change)
Combined Hums
-Social Studies xxxxx
-Geography xxxxx
L1R4= 24
okay, lets talk about today, was feeling quite depress because of my POA and English.but felt otherwise a few minutes later.haha.for a simple reason half of 5 AGAPE took the same train to bishan!!!haha just like 5 AGAPE outing.haha.then we were shouting O LEVEL OVER LE!!! tomorrow PROM!!!haha.JOKE!!!i never really go out with them before until today so i am very happy about it.but after we reach bishan we got into half...half of us went eating at sakae sushi while the others went shopping.sakae isnt very special, same old food.haha.but this time is special we watched movies while eating with the laptop.haha very fun.we ordered like hundreds plates???haha joking onli, also not very sure about it.but its definately alot because i left with a overfull stomach and the urge to find a toilet!!!haha.after we are almost full we started playing some werid games.called "I HAD NEVER".thanks to pinwen something very awakard happen la.haha then we also found out a lot of mystery amoung ourselves.FUN.
5 AGAPE SO COOL!!!haha.but we only left with like 10 days in school together.
went studying at khatib again.studied for a while and wet home at 9.will be studying tomorrow.=)
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"someKINDofMAN.
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 9:44 PM
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
guess i shall start with another little good news about my hardwork of doing mathematics practises paid least for Paper one.i got 61/80 for my paper one.Hope my paper two would be able to get around that range if not A1 for mathematics is gone!!! but i am happy enough.with 74.5% for sci(phyics) and 76.4% for Mathematics paper one.haha! my improvement.
ok now my nightmare.i didnt manage to pass my SCI(CHEM) and the truth is i failed it badly badly badly!!! arh!but cannot really blame because i really cannot remember myself studying much for my Chemistry so it doesnt really matters.but something else matters!!! 3/30 people pass in the POA lesson so its like every 10 person only one person manage to pass!!! so i failed when i studied so much!!!!arh!never mind!i shall work harder!!!
went khatib mac to study.this time round i saw rachel HOLE!!! and i guess they were disturbed by my laughing!HA HA HA HA! ya and colin was rrather CURSED because i am against him today.haha.but he is nice because he lent me his laptop!!O HOW NICE CAN A PERSON BE!!!
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"someKINDofMAN.
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:40 PM
Monday, September 25, 2006
knew a "new" friend today.she is known as BBT.nice isnt it.THANK ME FOR THAT NAME!
ok enough of all the fun and joking stuff.learnt something today.
"the difference between someone who is CONFIDENT and ARROGANT is just the way they hold themselves"people who are confident somehow "emit" a feeling to others which will attract others to have a second look on them but please take note its a nice feeling.while for people who are arrogant they too "emit" some kind of feeling but its a totally different also causes others to have a second look on them but this time a hatred feeling? its good to be confident but to be over-confident is a nono.Over-confident causes people to dislike you.Being over-confident will causes you to think you are the best and often will result in overlooking others feeling .always remember never to think you are the best and never be arrogant
cause arrogant brings you no where but humility does.ok enough of all the arrogant and confident stuff now, i guess most people should understand what i am trying to blog about here.anyway i have decided to let all the people who want to speak vulgar alone because i guess i can do nothing to prevent them from saying it.isnt it shocking that people actually uses vulgar to communicate and after using it they say its isnt vulgar at all!i guess people have being using it too much that all the four letters word just became words like hello! bye! and take to all the vulgar speakers in the world, go ahead and speak vulgar and it wouldnt affect how i feel.the most my mood will be down the drain and nothing people enjoy speaking your KIND OF LANGUAGE.
so i guess i can expect people to tag using their KIND OF LANGAUGE soon and expecting me to be like HELLO!!!! but too bad the most i will reply "am i suppose to be angry??" haha.
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"someKINDofMAN.
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 9:34 PM
Saturday, September 23, 2006

upon reaching its SHOOTING TIME!!!

they are werid because thye take me when i am taking them.

theEMCEE for the day.
YinXiu and Joel

NCC Farewell Function 2006

the Ladies of the night.

me and SHUMAN.

me and ZiChao

handing over of CSM

lastly and obviously,
me and my XiaoDi =)
theGREENfreak freaked 11:05 PM
went for NCC Farewell Function yesterday at Pasir Ris Aloha Loyang.not too bad i mean the Chalet because it is super duper big can.haha.the Chalet is named EUGENIA.haha.they started with the handing over of position from the seniors to the junior and we had our was erm.GOOD i suspose.haha.then got sitted and started on the performance by the Juniors.first up is none other then the basic expected its the Falling in and pumping and shouting kind of became the NCC basic One tradition to perform it.haha.up next is the Basic 2s.more or less the highlight of the day.their performance was GREAT.haha.especially Jason and Chun Kit.haha BEST!i laugh till i drop.lastly is the performance by the Inter Ones.they wanted to play the song that they sang during last year Farewell Function but was kind of rejected by us.haha but luckily they had another performance but everything was rather expected because they copyed the whole thing from U TUBE.and come to thin of it their performance is the most meaningless isnt it??? plain performance lo.and next was the "FRIENDSHIP DANCE" they started to ask the seniors up so we ran and ran and ran.and i cleverly ran into the Basic One and Twos platoon and hide and relised i wasnt the only clever one because Eugene Ng was there say i was the most unlucky one or what.someone started shouting CHUNFU'S HERE!!! and my nightmare begins.they started carrying me up and brought me to the centre la.all thanks to like Xiao Di Joshua and terrence i think.everything was in a mess thats why i cant figure out who did it.haha but doesnt matter because i had ou rshare of my fun.we gathered back at the COURTYARD and had the catwalk performances.and onces again they started pulling up all the seniors AGAIN!!! and i got CARRIED AGAIN!!! its the second time of the day! i was just hanging in midair but i manage to go back to my sit afterall.haha.end of performance and lastly we had the champain.thats all.took some pictures and send the sec 1 and 2s away.
went bowling and acrade.and all the dancing and bowling is so funny.its like BULLSHIT!! haha especially bowling haha.only Miss Seh and Wilson knows why i am so overjoy about bowling.haha.JOKE OF THE YEAR!! all of us left at 2am and back to our chalet.went nightwalking.literally nightwalking. walking in the night!haha.had breakfast and listun to HISTORY onces again.was rather attitude to LOKE and eugene because for don know what reason i find eugene chan bullshit.because its too werid so i and feifei was liike arh~ haha.confirm FAKE.and i really pity him because even junior 3 younger his batch talk back to him.super ke lian.then LOKE also a bit werid, jis reaction was also arh! ARH! and ARH! SUPER i kept talking back.finished breakfast and went back to "SLEEP" thanks KOKWEI. guess i don need to write about this here.its just too interesting.haha.bullshit and was entertained by JIAYI.haha.super shocking all should have heard what she said and her facial expression.haha.and soon it was morning.we left and head for home.
pictures up next entry.
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 9:54 PM
Thursday, September 21, 2006
ok at least some good news about my prelim.i got back two of my paper today.not literally but at least i know the marks.first is chinese which i got 63.4 is not much different from my o level result though but at least i didnt drop.haha.ok next the happiest thing! is my SCI(physics) i got haha.74.5 therefore i manage to get that A1 if the result is being round first time scoring so well in physics.yes!!! but it doesnt help much for the fact that i didnt study much for my Chemistry.nothing much in school today i suspose.
ok yesterday has being a super long day outside.went night cycling with KOKWEI.from 10 pm tp 3 am in the morning.pretty tiring.ok a breif run throught of what we did yesterday night.
we met each other at my house and we started cycling. was thinking of exploring lower seletar reservior so we were on our way.and we went past this 24 hour fishing area and was rather curious about whats we cycled in.for like full 20 mins of darkness!!!! but we were clever enough to bring along of torchlight.and IDIOT!!! there are like countless dogs in the area and on the way there la!!!.next on the way there is also alot of irritating "birds" which kept scaring us by flying everywhere.and finally we reached the FISHING AREA.nothing much to talk about the place there just that there is a lot of people considering how far away from the main road is.haha.and we were on our way out.dogs and stupid dogs.haha.
so we left and its also mean we reached 3 person's house.Xiao Di, Janelle and Jamie!!! HAHA.
Then we went Lower Seletar Reservior to continue our trip.While we were resting we saw a "plaetu" kind of mountian in a not far away we move closer to have a closer look.haha.and the next thing we know we started climbing isnt as easy as we thouh it would be. its all thanks to KOKWEI's glove that saves his hand.haha.but to our surprise it isnt flat land on top its empty!! we went back down. i nearly fall while trying to climb down but i manage to hold on to the rocks while saved me.haha.and we continued cycling and saw a werid place or should i say werid dark place.we cycled in expecting to find something interesting but ended up having nothing inside.haha.
Then we continue cycling to somewhere unknown to us.and we stroongly believe we had transpassed others area.haha.not a minute later we found ou rwe were inside some kind of the west area.and inside we saw the area for Singapore Youth Flying we amange to get ourself very close to the planes althouh there is a fence between us.haha.its hilarious when we first saw the planes.haha.after a long exploration we were on our way to find food for ourself.
we saw the sign to JALAN we went.after a few times of asking around for route we manage to find ourself at the ROTI PRATA stall.haha.had our"breakfast".we were thinking of finding another way to reach our house but not long after that we didt find ourself at a house but thats SIMIN'S and YIZHONG'S house.haha.which also means we were lost.and what do you know we find ourself at FERVALE MRT station.which is like at SENGKANG. to make sure we can reach home saftly we cycled the exact route back.
i reached at 3 and slept at 3.30am
what a adventurous day! i mean night!!haha.
pictures at next entry.
our route
MY HOUSE to FISH FARM(Xiao Di's and Janelle's house) to LOWER SELETAR to SINGAPORE YOUTH FLYING CLUB to JALAN KAYU to FERNVALE(Simin and Yizhong house) and same route back!!!haha.
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 9:06 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
19 september 2006 tuesday xxxxx
just woke up from my 10 hours of sleep due to all of the sleepless its early in the morning and no school for me today!!!haha.
Your Element Is Earth |
 You excel at planning and strategizing. You could be a champ at chess or Survivor.
Well grounded, you are able to be realistic and rationalize. On the inside, you have a hard core. It's tough to phase you.
You are super productive, and you are able to think anything through. Focused and super charged, your instincts are a good guide for your next step. |
thats all for the day.shall start studying in the afternoon.tomorrow last day of prelim.luck for me.
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 7:54 AM
Sunday, September 17, 2006
17 september 2006 SUNDAY rainy.
woke up early in the morning.skipped church service for some reason.i dont lie about over sleeping and ended up not attending service.this time i decided not to go.yup.met kokwei, jinshi and steph to study.i pass i should be able to pass my POA??or maybe not but i really did study for it this time round.studied at YISHUN BK and JINSHI'S HOUSE.nothing much just that jinshi's sister is very friendly??haha.their green tea is super nice.haha.anyway recieved a picture from chze first ever known junior in PHS.known her since she was P6 i suspose.nothing much she is just plain nice=) haha.but we had drift.confirmed.
came in as a super nerd and noob guy when i was a sec 1. was very determined to join the Christian Fellowship.~ now everything is different.
CHURCH the place i started building myself.the place i used to grow time for second thought.
nothing much today.
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 9:49 PM
Saturday, September 16, 2006
16 september 2006 SATURDAY RAINY
What actually make up one person's life?stress, trouble, relationship, expectation more and more?why are there always times when one will feel sad and depress while other times happy and glad?just imagine one second you will be crying and the next second you will be laughing dont you actually feel you are crazy?whats actually causing all these crying and laughing?to me i feel its just a very simple word known as may be just a simple word but the truth is it is not moment you think you totally understand what emotion is all about but the next moment waking up to find you aer in a lost.emotion links to relationships with everyone.with your family and your friends.all these emotion and relatoinship stuff is just so diffcult to understand and discover.people makes friends knowing their friendship will end one day.its might end due to a quarral a misunderstanding and out of no reason.i have a very simple wish that is the friends that i made will always be friends to me.we wouldnt end of relationship because of a quarral or a misunderstanding and definately not out of no it really possible to have a long-lasting relationship? no one actually knows the truth.
but for now i am glad that i still have my friends with me.
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"someKINDofMAN.
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 6:16 PM
Friday, September 15, 2006
was talking with my Xiao Di and i relised its really nice being a sec 1, with no worries and "stress" from assignment and o level.but its not easy being a teenager right? by knowing some "bad" friends could really ruin your life and is always during your secondary school period isnt it?at least i manage to stay good! haha but its not sure for everyone.
i guess i really have to thank alot of people for not leading me astray.firstly myself! for being a noob when i was a sec 1 and secondly myself for being so LAW by LAW.and lastly the most important person.its not myself but instead its xxxxxx.i always like to say this "without xxxxxx, there wouldnt be chunfu"he has been my "role model" since i was sec 1 the way he does stuff is just so differently compared to others.he can scold you and beat you but you wouldnt even think of scolding back and you wouldne event hate him.he is very special.i learnt a lot of stuff from him.he gives people the very special feeling, he guide people in a very different way , he speaks in a very different way and he joke in a very different way.most importantly i am close to him just because of one truth he treat us like his"sons" and he treat us like his own.and the person is none other then my dearest PASTOR GOH.he create mircles,he turn a SUPER NOOB into a [fill in the blank].He is the best mentor that i is him who "create" chunfu.
i am lucky to have met him and know him.
hope everyone would be as lucky as i am.
my bestest MENTOR! PASTOR GOH!
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:13 PM
15 september 2006 FRIDAY XXXX
I AM GETTING SO BORED about everything!hahayou cant blame me because my day is boring ! and studying and sleeping! my 3S!hahahahahah.
ok at least something horrible happen that is i carelessly brought my phone in the hall.arh its scary can!hahaa.ok last subject to go!POA!haha.hope to get back my result soon! so that i can go for my all my course real soon. my rock climbing?my first aid?my kayaking 3 star?diving? can wait!haha.
i really cant wait to go for all the courses!haha.
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 7:22 PM
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
second day of this week prelims nothing special.went out studying at COMPASS POINT.didnt really concentrate and there is nothing i can do about just be it.was pretty amazed by the students around that area because they manage to leave their house and go walking around places with people. to me their uniform is very special if you all dont believe go double check with failure.they are very special.all of them are special.we were shocked when we saw them la.haha.
i want to give thanks that i wasnt born around that area.because of many many reasons.
1.i suspose they were being deprived of puberty (brenda says lousy canteen food)
2.their special uniform what failure says you see one of them you know how the rest looks.
second thing about today.
we were being watched!!!!!(we called those people black pigs in hokkien)
1.the girl who is very fat kept watching us when we were in KFC.
2.when we stepped into KFC the guy from dont know what school kept peeping in our direction.
3.when we were waiting for our bus a group of JCs people kept staring at us like we were animals!haha.all black pigs.
anyway we only confirm that they were black pigs after much confirmation.weird people la.
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"someKINDofMAN.
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:35 PM
Monday, September 11, 2006
i guess as the days goes by my entries for my blog really dropped alot.guess i just dont have the "FEEL" to blog about my amazing day??haha.
a lot of stuff happened i guess.
a special day i guess.had amazing race in the mornig with sec 2 3 and 4 HPT. got to know alot of people i guess.anyway. I AM A NICE GUY!haha.ok thats all the entry for amazing handover ceremony.cant blame me for thinking how fast time flys because one year back i handed over my sash to kokwei and now kokwei handed it over to the other.i guess time really files when you didnt notice counting this is my 3rd year in HIGH PERFORMANCE TEAM.learnt alot from it.glad to be in HPT.there is a lot which i want to talk about here but not too convenience so just be message i received from a special girl brighten up my day althought its already late at night but i really appreciate it.guess what i do really helps?haha.okay
shall be away for months.=)
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 1:15 PM
Friday, September 08, 2006

FIRE picture time!
thats the so call fire.

KOKWEI with the fire!

Me with the fire!

the bikers are all there.but small because they are far.

o ya its at lower seletar !haha.
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"someKINDofMAN.
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 3:39 PM
ok an apology for not being blogging for days.had quite a buzy week these few days.waking up early in the morning and reaching home late at night.its just too tiring.
ok let blog about yesterday ADVENTURE.known as the FIRE!only KOKERS and eileen know about it.its our little secert.stupid secert too.but i shall make it known here.while we were leaving eileen's house we kind of saw a fire and we were so attracted to it, without much thought we started running towards it.we dashed around the road and started looking for it.but ended up with we were more or less forget about it and went home.
then KOKLIANG message and say on his way he say ambulance i readh home le saw the fire near my house too.then eileen went home and saw the fire still glowing.
and SUDDENLY someone called me.and i were on my way to meet KOKWEI for cycling."the adventure of the fire".we started cycling and saw nothing we kind of got lost but we carried on cycling.ok and soon we thought we were nearer because we kind of can see some fire but ended up is a dead we cycled the oterh direction but ended up leaving further away.but as we were saying we are getting further the firs kinf od appear near us so we cycled towards it.then i relised we were cycling along a road that i always cycle!haha.
and FINALLY we saw the "FIRE".haha.we were not the only one looking for the fire.because there were two otehr guys saying "waliao your so call fire is just two candle stick la"HAHA.the "fire is kind of like power station or something like that.haha.
after that we continued to cycle forward and found "FLYING CAR GANG" haha in chinese though.then there were two each gang with like 20 plus motorbike.scary sia.ha.soon we went back and on ou way i nearly die!!!because a motorbike went pass me and make a lough noise and shock me.even kokwei was shocked can.haha.ITS THE SHOCK OF MY LIFE!!!
ok so me reached jinshi house and decided to ask her to bring some water for us.sat there and we talked for 1 hour plus and went home.
its a nice experience.
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"someKINDofMAN.
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 3:21 PM
Monday, September 04, 2006
ok had science pratical prelim in the morning.thanks to JINSHI and STEPH who called me in the morning to prevent me from reaching school late.pratical was ok i suspose but still feel very uneasy about it.forget it its over.haha.
went belay school for like 15 mins???tested 2 people not bad at least i still remember my stuff.haha.okay then had some "talking" with my dear KINGKONG yiyong.for like 45 mins!!!! wow!haha.but its nice to have someone to talk to.felt very much better after that.
went SEA COM to take a look at PHSNCC.result wasnt very good but at least B1 got into the final!haha.very proud of my Xiao DI.haha.during the whole period was irritated by some people who kept bullshitting infront of me.but neh, don bother.haha.went home.
met up with yiyuan after a while to have dinner.was talking about his N level and his "CA LE FAIR" thingy.haha.went home being all wet due to the heavy storm.sleeping soon.
going sea com tomorrow again.
with hui yuan tee hao hafiz and jasmine.
" i learnt,knowing when to step out of events is something prevent misunderstanding"
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"someKINDofMAN.
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 8:25 PM
Sunday, September 03, 2006
ok.i relise i didnt blog for like 3 to 4 days.its all due to my overloaded time that causes me to sleep straight after i arrived home.reaching home every night after evening and getting sore and tired every where is really pinning me down to my bed.
lets review some interesting event that i didnt blog about.
01 september 06.
had meeting with my fellow grads of HPT at library in the afternoon until the library closed.and we moved our place to the nearest KFC and on the way steph called for "HELP" so after my dinner i rushed from AMK to khatib to "save" winnie steph and jinshi. and the whole saving process lasted from 10 to 130 in the morning.detail isnt must of anything so not going to talk about it. so we WALKED our way home.sendin steph home and jinshi by the time i reached my house its already 2 in the isnt much of a distancve just that its 45 mins.haha.
last person i saw TEO JIN SHI.
woke up early in the morning to prepare myself to go to school.
first person i saw TEO JIN SHI! belay school and stuff.saw many many many sec 2s.taught ropes and knots.thats short i wasnt that happy for the day.went homw all tired and smelly.home and dead on bed.
woke up early in the morning to attend service.went home after that and slept for 2 hours?? and met reagen to study at khatib mac.
now home.sleeping real soon.
tomorrows' science pratical exam PRELIM!luck for me.
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"someKINDofMAN.
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 11:19 PM