Tuesday, October 31, 2006
the time now is 1827pm...
didnt have any paper today.nothing much. FEIFEI woke up late.thats all.was studying until i felt super tired so i went for my haircut!!!haha.at the back..and its really short.literally HAIR CUTTED.for the first time so many people said CHUNFU YOU CUT YOUR HAIR ARH???haha because usually people don find it obvious that i cut my hair.haha.
went back to school saw FU and Benedict so had a "SHORT" chat with them.haha.ended up library was closed for lunch so everyone came down.haha.AND AND AND i received my second BIRTHDAY PRESENT!!!haha.from ADELENE and EILEEN.all the ling ling de.haha.its a DALE speaker.the one that you plug a MP3 in and the DALE'S leg will have song coming out.haha.but its not very loud.haha.
had lunch and went back.studied for another while and went down to get my drink.saw NCC people so went to have a look so talk talk talk and HAHA.they board the bus and went away!so i went back to study.
and lastly !!HOME sweet HOME!!!
thanks to ADLENE and EILEEN.
Luck to people having their Os tomorrow.
ended blogging at 1834pm
"learning as i grow"
theGREENfreak freaked 6:33 PM
the time now is 0005am in the morning...
had chinese O level examination in the morning..nothing much to comment about the paper...because:
"when people says its easy, they usually get super low marks"
but it doesnt means that
"when people says its diffcult, they usually really gets really really low marks"
so shouldnt comment too much for the paper.at least one OFFICALLY down and five more subjects to go.
there is one "idiot" who is sitting beside jasmine who writes really fast during paper one.when i was just half way through my second question she is already SLEEPING!!!! my goosh..but she isnt the only one..all HIGHER CHINESE people write the compo like write blog so fast.haha.and they got to sleep like an hour??? whatever and i am writing !!!! ARH!!! anyway that "idiot" is JIAYI! she damn fast la.SCARY!!!.haha.
Paper two nothing much about the paper but instead about the private candidate who quarraled with the CPO so i guess he ended up banned from cambridge paper for a few years..i really pity him for that because no matter how i see it doesnt worth it...
studied for a while and i really mean a while and went home.only started studying at 10 and ended at 12.for two hours.TWO HOURS OF CHEMISTRY!!!haha.anyway Xiao Di was asking about the IFC or something like that.in short M16 shooting so i drew this really stupid drawing of what he is suspose to see.will upload the picture next time.its really ugly but Xiao Di manage to see what i am trying to draw and he understands!!!HAHA.i am such a genius!!haha.
had kind of a conversation with my friend.and relised how much impact one feedback could influence ones thinking.or should i say friends influences is way too scary?? your thinking can turn a total of 180 degree of difference just because of what your friends says.i guess almost everyone agrees with me that friends influences is very big or maybe should i use the word PEER PRESSURE???i guess it doesnt really makes any difference..people should understand what i am trying to say here.
People a questions for you...
when you are feeling sad...
a.)would you rather be alone
b.)have someone to listun to your troubles
c.)have a shoulder to cry on???
for me...A.because being alone would let me think through stuff more clearly.but i wouldnt mind someone to listen to my troubles too.HAHA.lets not get too serious in my blog.haha.
something interesting.this picture..it looks like i am alone isnt it??i asked a lot of people but people just know there is another guy standing beside me and they can name the person!what idiot!!! it very funny.haha.because i really really look as if i stood alone.=)

i am not laughing at the picture but the first time i see it i really feel i am alone because he camofladged until SUPERB!!!haha.
ended blogging at 0029am.ENJOY.
theGREENfreak freaked 12:38 AM
Saturday, October 28, 2006
the time now is 2305pm...
came online to blog about today and will get back to work soon..
went for PHS open house today.as usual for don know how many years not much people came to check out our school and i wonder why so many people choose PHS as their school when they never see it before..haha.
went around to check out all the booths.first stop NCC!haha. nothing much too just the same as any other year.photos badges and people in No.4 RUNNING AROUND.haha.
went to kind of support the people performing.haha.first is CLEMENT ONG.haha.he sings really well, just like Jordan.rememebr the first day when i came to school and saw Jordan singing on stage.haha.i was like this senior so cool!haha.next up was Yiyuan.at least he had supporters haha.there is this group of primary school students "wailing" around yiyuan.haha.and seriously the first few songa yiyuan sang wasnt that great because RATS think so too.haha.we were signaling to each other and shaking our head.haha.OK I SAW RATS TODAY.didnt talk much though.haha.
another thing.HAZEL TAN remembered me.haha.in long her name is called JILL'S TAN sister.haha.after like 2 years she still rmemebers me.haha.NOT BAD.haha.
BB PD is still the best although the performance cannot be compared to their seniors.but they are still better then the NPCC's. because during the NP performance it kind of like raining EVERYTHING.even SPEC came off and hair net came off everythign came off.haha.
went cell group today.and the expected facial expression.HUH???you came!!!HAHA.everyone gives me the same expression.after cell saw the sec 3s so play a while with them and when home.and that stupid PANTEE she looked at my sec one photo and said wa! look like your Xiao Di.HAHA.anyway everyone of them damn high.haha.
this photo above is the one whre samantha gave me a stupid face and made the "Wa, you look like your Xiao Di le" de stupid comment.anyway i litk this photo HAHA.
shall get back to study!!!!didnt study for much so must study now!!1
ended blogging at 23 22
theGREENfreak freaked 11:11 PM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
the time now is 2051pm.
changed my blogskin yesterday night.=)
ok my day didnt START out well today because FEIFEI woke up late and i went to school alone.luckily steph followed me in the school and ou tof no reason i ended up in the parade square.haha.so i started blah blha blah with samantha and janelle about all the yellow and red surname.haha.at least that brighten up my day but for the fact that i cannot have my BREAKFAST my day went dull again..aha.not so serious though.haha.
FEIFEI reached so we were on our way to the market.on the way MISS LIM called and called FEIFEI to call a cab for the council so my first reaction is to rush to the road and wave for one..GOT A CAB! YES! and the next thing i know, MISS LIM say don need le!!! ARH!!haha.so i tried to say don need le to the taxi driver but i don suspose he saw it. so in my rush i and FEIFEI went our way to the market again. please no complain to the school!!!haha.
the second bad thing today the library opened late today so all the 4E5N students althouh onli less then 10 WATHED the UG people gather and talk and gather and talk..haha.then we look at all the peoples face..saw XiaoDi and alot and alot ..steph and wenyan and who and who,haha.doesnt really matters.
studied and rest and studied and rest then soon my stomach GROWL!!! so we went down to eat.got something and started "meeting"HAHA.and next found sean and let him see something.XXXXXXXXXXX nothing much except we kind of exchange comment a little bit.haha. went back to study for a little while and off i went home=)
the haze today..IS THERE HAZE TODAY AT ALL???haha.NOPE!!! its nice.haha.so refreshing and the sky shines so bright.haha.but when i was on my way home the whole yishun stinks.smell like something BURNT so i guess its all because of the HAZE.
there is good and bad to HAZE.=)
tomorrow last day of school for the rest.ENJOY=)
"learning as i grow"
theGREENfreak freaked 8:58 PM
the time now is 0116 early in the morning.
someone just told me the story between him and his brother a few hours ago.and the relationship between them...how they know each other and what happen between them.
what hit me most is this sentence he said.
" because of him i learn to be positive, i smile because he told me so and i learn to love a brother"
the truth is they are not blood brothers but the impact the big brother had on the little brother is huge. both the brother is very close with each other months ago but now they are drifting apart and it reminds me of my situation with the two.its more or less the same.
it causes me to think..does true relationships stays??? or relationships just come and go??one moment we are as close as blood brothers and the next moment as wide apart like strangers??
i guess the brother has really being a huge impact to the little brother to make the little brother to say such a sentence.what huge impact he had.i wonder how much impact i have.I WONDER.
"because of him i learn to be positive, i smile because he told me so and i learn to love a brother"the time now is 0130am=)
"learning as i grow"
theGREENfreak freaked 1:37 AM
Monday, October 23, 2006
just have to blog about this.!!!
because today i really understand something@!!
LANUGUAGE IS NOT A MATTER AT ALL!!!!haha.because my mum and dad became good friends with my nieghbour just a few mins ago..both of the speaks different language but they understand each other totally..my dad invited them in to have a look at our fishes and they had fun..haha.
HAPPY HARI RAYA in advance o ay forgot to mention that they are MALAY.and sinc etomorrow is HARI RAYA they prepared a lot of food and they SENT some of their food over!!! they are like super nice to us.haha.a new relationship!!!haha.and they gave me a green packet! they are really like so nice!!!haha..
"learning as i grow"
theGREENfreak freaked 11:38 PM
the time now is 2146pm.
from the start of the day i am already feeling very very tired.i dragged myself out of bed into the shower and out of my house and to school.haha.
the marketing council went out for marketing but something werid is after they are back from marketing they didnt bring anything like vegetable back..i wonder why???HAHA.thats what i told MISS LIM and she just blah and walked away.haha.
while studying we have being moving here and there and here and there because of the noises from the otehr students.first is the students and next is the other sec 4s.
O YA! someone sent me a message saying its from YAHOO saying i won $9500 HAHA.if its the truth i will be like HAHAHAHHAA.super happy.haha.
O YA i guess my family is having a FISHY FEAST!because my father bought more FISHES home!!!HAHA.fishy fishy fishes.haha.so we went back to our old interest! FISHY FISHES!haha.and soon it will be fishing!!!!HAHA.now in my there is a shit eater! thats what i call the fish.8 GOLDFISHES! one GREY DRAGON FISH..but in chinese please.and many many SMALL FISHES!haha.
TIRED TIRED TIRED.will be sleeping soon and ya..anyway COLIN injured his leg.haha.he is lucky and thats what i had to say!!!HAHA tomorrwo is hari raya therefore library is closed.shall decided where to study tomorrow!
I AM SUPER EXCITED ABOUT FISHES!haha.i had the fish thinking like my father!HAHA.
done blogging at 2156pm!!!
"learning as i grow"
theGREENfreak freaked 9:51 PM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
the time now is 0003am in the morning.
decided not to study and rest for the day, which can actually say a excuive mess to slack la.so i went to friendster and went looking through all my old testi from all my friends.i finally understand what others say about looking back and laugh about it.haha.its really interesting to look back at all your memories...it can be rather funny and interesting or rather dumb and bored. i am rather happy at the way how i live my for the past 3 years..seem like people who i know had good impression of me=)..
went through the different testi..laugh at some of them and pretty dissapointed with some of them.while at the same time messaging my friend and shall conculde these two event FRIENDS.haha.saw many old friends profile and send them a message.. saw some testi and found out how i actually knew some of them..some of them were still in contact as for others not anymore.and seriously i actually forgot who are some of them.i guess they didnt leave a very deep impression on me..
some funny stuff.. on FAILURE!! she actually comanded on the picture that she hate currently that it was much nicer.haha.thats years ago la and one testi whereby we actually said almost the same..."as much as i dont want to wish you good luck for your N/O level..good luck for your exam"haha.not actually laughing at her but instead its interesting..
saw some old friends who i actually forgotten and REMEMBERED HER a few mins ago..JASMINE ANG.haha someone who i actually joke with and learn from about being a emcee..although it wasnt very successful but she does leave a nice impression.=)
by looking back at all those testi it brought back some nice HISTORY.haha.i didnt know i was rather close with swee koon years ago and laughing away most of the time.
ok back to the messaging part...all about friends..
all these concluded anything..
"its meaningless to do anything foolish for friends who you think is very important to you now because you will never know when you all will lose contact and forget each other""cherish every moment with your friends, you wouldnt regret it"although i said that friends would forget each other after a while but i don make friends to know that i will forget them after a while. i seriously hope after years i will still be in contact with friends like XiaoDi KOKERS FAILURE more and more...
lastly i treat my friend like my BROTHER and SISTER! except for friends who i didnt wanted to know.haha.ok i treat
XiaoDi as my real brother=)
KOKERS as my BROTHER! and lastly
FAILURE as my FAILURE!!!!haha. as for others like
FISHY and WILSON my pal=) and more and more.
ended blogging at 0025am=)
"learning as i grow"
theGREENfreak freaked 12:09 AM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
the time now is 2058pm...
nothing interesting today.just plain slack studying.haha.went studying with Fishy and Kokwei, don think its useful haha because i am getting quite used to the school library.shit the library for not opening during weekends.haha.
there a couple of people quarraling over HIT and RUN thingy.haha.not car hit people but instead, a adult who bump into a child and the parents came running into BK and scolded the adult.haha.
we onli manage to study for like a few hours.haha.so we went window shopping around northpoint.bought my childhood sweet..haha.the METAL BALL!!1haha.got a little shock while paying for the sweet..haha.because clement (the sec one de) pop out of no where..haha.saw Janelle working with my "GIRLFRIEND" hhaa.she smiled when she looked at me.haha.
went home and here i am blogging.=)
the time now is 2111pm...
"learning as i grow"
theGREENfreak freaked 9:05 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
The time now is 1921pm.just reached home.
didnt blog for quite sometime.my life these few days are just about studying studying and studying.had science pratical today.should be better then prelim i think.nothing much today too.after pratical waited for like 2 hours before we left.all the people were like shouting when mr LAU is speaking so fun!haha.
went KHATIB mac intending to study but ended up eating and bullshitting.its plain bullshitting because we talk about anything and everything.
reached home and relised i got 8 new member in my family! 8 GOLDFISHES.which is like it has being ages since i had fishes in my house!haha.its nice having fishes at home.when you feel tired you can just look at the fishes and see them swimming a round.haha.
yesterday.had a small council thingy.they gave me a SMALL card.with many words on it.haha.thanks and now its on my wall.
tomorrow lessons and studying!!! JIAYOU LE CHUNFU!!!
ended bloggin at 1935.tata
theGREENfreak freaked 7:27 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006
early in the morning.everything seems so calm and peaceful=).
my living room is now a living hell.the floor is full of all my ten year series and guidebooks. will be studying in school tomorrow.hope it will spur me on.in less then a month time it will be the start of O level.and in less then 5 weeks time will be the end of O level.
i like the feeling during the morning. everything seem to slow down and so is my brain.people is worrying about how their o level is going to be and so am i but there is another thing in my mind that is what is going to happen after O level. is my dream of attending my first aid course and kayaking course going to happen?. my life is going to have a big change i suspose.and its already happening. i hope my life after Os wouldnt be too intense for me.i would really like to enjoy myself while i can. be away from all the technologies.a day cycling kayaking and rock climbing would really be great.
i used to think that whenever there is HPT i wouldnt definately not missed it.thats my thinking before handover 06. i though even during O level i would also help out in the planning for adventure camp. but now i relise it isnt so, i can stil have fun without HPT activities.i used to think HPT is my life but not anymore.
i guess as someone starts on something new, the passion for it will be really strong but as time passes the passion would slowly lessen. its goes the same for everything.in my case, HPT and Titus. i can never accecpt the fact that titus has combined with the other cell but the truth is so. until now i guess my attendance for church has not being so bad until these few months. its a countinous 8 weeks of skippings.
whats my purpose of being born. christians always says we are not here by chance and we are put here for a purpose. i wonder how my life have being.from primary school to secondary school has being a turning point for my life. so would being admitted in a poly be another turning point of my life?
now everything in my brain seem to be in a mess.a lot of thoughts are going through my mind.even all the stuff that i am typing is in a mess.but i am still glad my life in not in a mess.
too much to blog about so i shall end now.
learning as i grow.
chunfu, dale
16 october 2006.
theGREENfreak freaked 1:15 AM
Saturday, October 14, 2006

AT INNOVA JC. Me and Baoyun=)

"Shooting" club

Me and INNOVA shooter

My Result

AT SAJC, Me and Meining =)
theGREENfreak freaked 5:21 PM

Award Winners



Me and Xinyi

theGREENfreak freaked 12:08 AM
Friday, October 13, 2006

Me and PinWen

Logistics Trio!!!! =)

Me and Xiao Di!!!!! =)

Alwyn and Me

Me and Mrs Tan

Me and the Mature Sec 5s!!!
theGREENfreak freaked 10:35 PM

okok.blogger is super duper lack for my case.cant upload the rest of the pictures.so will be posting the rest of the pictures in the next entry.=)
"betond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 9:24 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
i like the lessons today.all is rather fun and emtional.MRSTAN came in to give us a lesson on DREAMS.so she told us to write ou DREAMS down so without any hesitation i wrote down my DREAM.haha.and to turn negative comment into positive motivational FORCE!!!haha.then she kept calling peoples name but she didnt call mine.haha.so she left and came back one min later and called me "CHUNFU CONTINUE TO STRIVE ON!!!"haha.rather shocking.haha.but i am very happy about it.don know why.
the next interesting lesson is MR LAU'S haha.we were saying its our last time having our lessons.then hestarted talking about the past and how much we had went throught together.and he started saying about how he feel about every individual.i am the first.then next was kelly.then i though it was pretty boring without music so i plugged in the cable and the laptop and played very sad song.not more then 10 seconds later.alot of people started crying.lianxin, lilian, luting, joyce more and more and more and anyway the first person who cried was MR LAU.I LOVE HIM!!!haha.so almost half of the class cried.so emotional.and i was sitting infront looking at everybody's face.some of them look sad while others hiding away.thats about all bah.
we managed to rush our powerpoint out.not too bad.and my job on friday is to bring a BOX of tissue and stand beside mr LAU.this time round i think he cry until die la.haha.
mr lau is hereby declared the bestest teacher of the SHIT CLASS.

who dare to challenge the SHIT CLASS of PHS??? 5 AGAPE!!!HAHA SHIT CLASS'06!!!!
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 8:33 PM
Monday, October 09, 2006
lesson was considered meaningless but was rather fun.haha.my class manage to know alot of stuff about MRS TEO.i didnt relise she is a malaysian.haha.she went through a lot of hardship before she manage to become a teacher.haha. we also make fun of miss lem.haha.O LEVEL PRACTICAL!!! in a few days time.haha
reach home at around 3 and started chatting with some interesting people.haha.rather werid but nice bah.haha.went to sleep and was disturbed by the messages from alwyn and bryan and people and people.haha.so i woke up without having my full sleep.haha.but doesnt matter.went online to send bryan something but ended up the connection die on us.try sending by different way but to no result.haha.cant even have my meal properly.haha.but thank GOD, i mean thank to colin's laotop and the sudden wireless connection i finally send the thing through you send it.haha.fast.haha.
okay, tomorrow should be considered my realy last day in school.haha.wed and thurday is marking day and friday is graduation service.haha.FINALLY! but will still be back in school to study.library should be opening until 8 at night if i am not wrong because miss lem agreed.haha.so people who misses me can go to library to look for me but if you are unlucky enough you will miss me when i am having my break.haha.also known as recess la.haha.
people i love making friends!!! haha.ok bullshit.haha. tomorrow is the last day of O Level!!!haha JOKE!!!!
people see ya.=)
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"someKINDofMAN.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:11 PM
Sunday, October 08, 2006

forgot to blog about this in the eariler post so here i am blogging it now. Just manage to receive the HANDING OVER CEREMONY pictures through MSN shared folder thingy.i think it took about a week or two but i dont blame it because the folder is super big.so i saw the KAH pictures and decided to edit it.haha.not bad bah.haha.and people please compare both the pictures because after i compare it.To my surprise i relise the KAH, bot of the year stand in the same order but just start from different side.haha.AMAZING isnt it.haha.the picture will look rather werid because i made it smaller.haha.thats it for today.
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"someKINDofMAN.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:14 PM
okay, had being staying at home for like 2 days.haha.did study a little but still feel its not enough.haha shall try harder next time.got to know a new friend yesterday i suspose. haha knowing a new friend while staying at home.haha.JOKE.but i really did.haha.
watch a show on channel 5 yesterday night.STUCK ON YOU.i think.not very sure of its title but its really a very nice show.enjoyed it alot. added a game in my blog.haha.just to allow people to spend their time if they are getting bored from studying.haha.its a super lame but fun game i think.just use the up down left right button to turn around and use space to shot!!! shot shot shot! destory the rocks!haha.BORED.
tomorrow need to pay up the money for GRAD NITE and MRS TAN will be coming in my class on Tuesday.guess she is going to say like.you all better study hard or i will ban you from O level Examination.or maybe she will be like JIAYOU!!!One more month to your O level..its the final round.all the best.haha.i really hope the school will open up the library because i really don mind studying there.if it really open up for O level takers, i shall get people who are interested to study with me.haha. not very sure if i am serious about it.haha.people LUCK for me.=)
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"someKINDofMAN.
theGREENfreak freaked 9:51 PM
Friday, October 06, 2006
06 October 2006 Friday SunnyXXXXXXHAPPY ZHONG XUI JIE!!!posted this picture here because i really like it alot.i editted it though but i really think its nice.very nice.its our class uniform group members.exculding some though.haha.its on purpose can.i like the feeling this picture give, heartwarming?haha.okay.2 and a half school day and i wil be away from PHS until O levels.I LOVE AGAPE! I LOVE UG MEMBERS!! agape de.didnt go out today.like what i said yesterday.haha.but pantee did call to ask me to go along.i wonder why she called instead of others.haha.never mind.didnt go along with them because i don feel like going, not interested.perherps it feel werid.decided to keep away from studying outside because i guess it can get me no where.hope this time i would really study at home and please please please successfully. guess i will drift for a little while.people don blame me!haha.or the most i will study at school library if possible, easiler to find people to help=) someone help me with my temper!its getting worst.getting really irritated nowadays.SUNDAY CHURCH??"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"someKINDofMAN.son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:47 PM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
wanted to upload some pictures for people to enjo but seem like it will end up not where.had been a very boring week.doing nothing in class because there is nothing to do and leaving school like no one is in school.school has been so empty nowadays.so its boring.and O level is less then 30 days.i wonder.
My mood hasnt been nice these few days, guess i am affected by the loss of laughter around me so even i got bored laughing.haha.
Once again i relised how fake one person can be.its happennig everyday.i wonder why..
ok tomorrow is ZHONG XUI JIE.don think will be going out like expecting to be.One year ago, we did went out and had a lot of fun but this year i just got too tired to do anything like that.but even if we were to go out again that place wouldnt had been closed i suspose.haha.
A few more days in school and no more school for me i suspose.maybe extra lessons.
I guess i will miss so many things in school!!
that shit teacher Mr Lau,
Bryan, Melissa and Xinyi who always bullshit about mens and food posioning during recess.
Cheering the group of girls behind me up.
waking Zachary up when he starts to sleep
the canteen food!
the drink auntie!
Failure shouting over the canteen to promote my SURNAME!
O ya.i think my stupid XiaoDi too.
more more and more!!
but i am still happy about leaving.=)
it has being 5 years!
"beyond the horizon of the sea, holds countless mystery"someKINDofMAN.
son of the sea.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:38 PM