Tuesday, November 28, 2006
theGREENfreak freaked 6:06 PM
as for the rest.its none of your business.=)
my point of view.i QC.QUIT COURSE.
it had been very hard deciding weather i want to continue with the CLT course or not. Since the end of PROM NIGHT 06.i have beeng thinking through its not like the course is anywhere near the word diffcult.i tried to tell myself to go for the course but the though that i will be wasting my time at the camp just makes me want to QC.after a few hours of consideration i decided to QC.ask me why if you are interested , if you are not then don.
some people says why don you continue with the course and get the RANK. perherps to others the word rank might seem very important to them but to me i guess knowledge is more important. not just knowledge on books but just knowledge.
maybe some of the people who read through this would say that i QC because i am worry about the ten plus days but i don mind.just go ahead since i have totally no evidences that i choose to quit instead of been OOC.out of course.
thats all.
be proud of me.
badmouth me.
i want to lead a new life.a totally different life. its not like i hate the way my life runs. just that i want to have a new life. maybe a life without NCC and HPT. I still LOVE HPT. something new and better. to challenge myself.
theGREENfreak freaked 1:30 PM
Sunday, November 26, 2006
the past few days has been totally different..
went UBIN on saturday..went fishing and cycling.ended up burnt and pain for my buttock..haha.had fun getting lost in the forest with pinwen.we were lost for like an hour??haha.we travelled to the end of UBIN can!!!haha.TOTAL BULLSHIT !HAHA . we wouldnt dare to travel by the small road le!its damn "scary" la!!!haha.figuring where we were and finding ou way back! but due to both of our wisdom and knowlegde we manage to find our way back.. but seriously it all thanks to the uncle who WALKED to the end of UBIN.we were nearly dead by cycling!!! but he WWALKED!!!!haha.he is ZAI!.
ON sunday went "SHOPPING" ...late minute shopping for PROM NIGHT..WONDER HOW IT WOULD BE LIKE TOMORROW!!!haha. everyone to look so nice in 5 years!!!haha.hope it will be fun..
will be away for days.so not blogging at least for 5 days!haha.see ya..
theGREENfreak freaked 10:54 PM
Thursday, November 23, 2006
THANKS to many many people who celebrated my birthday with me.
FIRST thanks to.JINSHI, STEPH, SONIA and KEZIA for making thier way down to my house at 21 November 2006 and gave me a surprise birthday song.and thanks to them for calling almost everybody i know and asked about where i stays.haha.
SECOND thanks of course to those who celebrated my birthday with me at MARINA steamboat on the 22 November 2006.THANKS to KOKwei and KOKliang, Failure, Pinwen, Denise, Yiyong, Brenda, Colin, Yiling, Jinshi, Eileen and Feifei.
- Xiao Di, Tan Gim Hwa. Adelene Eileen and Samantha.
- Denise, Alwyn, Anet, Kezia, Anadee, KOKwei, Kangqi, Jasmine, Janelle, Winnie Leong, Sis, Yuen Chen, Sinhui, HuiFeng, Sheron, Sherry, Chen Ning, Clarinda, Failure, Wilson Neo, Kelly, Chze Sing, Christine, YuanLin, Serene, Winnie, Nigel, Susan, GeokHoon, Clement, Fishy, JinShi, Colin, Brenda, Yiyong, FeiFei, Eileen, Pinwen, Yiling, KOKliang, KOKwei, Shawan and Rachel Hole.
- Xinyi, Pearl., Joyce Khoo, Kayjoo and Caemie.
thanks to WILSON NEO for his SPECIAL call when he is in army. he called almost everyone but non answered his call because we were steamboating.haha.
thanks to DENISE and GORILLA for making their way down when both of them were feeling sick.
thanks to COLIN for my egg facial and egg GEL HAIR! and butter face!
had a very nice birthday this year.thanks to all.
sorry if i missed out anyone!!!THANKS!!!
theGREENfreak freaked 9:15 PM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
i am super tired right at this moment...i guess i am going to drop dead any minute now...but shall blog about today...
one sentence- it has been a long day today.
wake up in the morning and met NAZ KOK FEI BEN FIZ MAN at YCK mrt station.went for the brefiing for CLT course.long winded and useless...whatever they said is rather comment sense..ITS ALL IN YOUR MIND!!! had been wanting to sleep the moment i woke up...notihgn much but tiring to listun to all the talks ...one of the instructor had a throat infection and the way he talk makes me feel that i had a infection myself...
went JUNCTION 8 with kok as we wait for pinwen's arrival...went to had our super disgusting meal!!! NEVER TRY THE LONG JOHN SILVER SPICY ORANGE SAUCE TRESURE MEAL!! BECAUSE ITS NOT FOR HUMAN!! ITS SMELLS LIKE VOMIT!!arh!!!
Met up with pinwen and kok and we went walking around! and a total of 5 person went up to us for donation!!! quite incredible..had my and pinwen's hair "dyed"..left at 6 for meeting..
met up with the rest of the grads at a super special place..good or bad news up to individual to decide...had quite a long meeting...had PRATA and went home...
after this whole day i guess the decision of attending the CLT isnt made ...due to other factors.... hope to come up with a decision for the course.shall be considering over the night before i am off to bed. My mind is pretty messed up on the decision ..shall depend on what "instruction" given.
PANTEE's flying to KOREA tomorrow...on the 18th NOVEMBER ..back at 24 or the 27...hope she enjoy herself and be back soon!!!hahaha.
a good night sleep is what's needed most...

things changing right this very moment~DALE
theGREENfreak freaked 11:38 PM
Monday, November 13, 2006
You have a very special friend...You have special feeling for her...You wishes to tell her your feeling...But you don't dare....The fear of being reject..The fear of losing her as a friend...The decision of letting her get known of your feeling kept flooding into your mind...Maybe you will let her know your feelings maybe not...Maybe you will lose her as a friend maybe you will not...Maybe she will accecpt you maybe she will not...She might still treat you as a friend but not as close as before...Maybe you will regreat...maybe you will not...=)treat everyday like your last day on earth
theGREENfreak freaked 11:38 PM
Sunday, November 12, 2006
the time now is 1604pm...
I so love my LAST SUBJECT in O levels excluding the sciemce paper though..let me introduce to you people...
he is like so cute and nice!!!
he has a lot of sons and daughter..called adjestment, depreciation, gross profit, goodwill and many many more..its call ZI SUN MAN TANG..alot of them..all of them looks almost the same and i am getting no where to identifing which is which...and all these are getting me heels over head..or head over heels..whatever..just crazy over MR POA's family.one word they are really very rich people..everyone have at least a thousand and it can be up to millions.just imagine but not all are considered as profit sons and daughter like gross loss and depreciation are not profit its losses..therefore it uses up the money of MR POA..goosh..haha.
all these are interesting but i seriously hope it will be over soon.and its so exciting knowing that its going to be over soon!!!
totally EXCITED!!!!
O LEVEL OVER!!!i mean soon..
which mean its getting nearer to 20th
which mean its going to be 22th , my birthday
which mean i am going to be seventeen..
which mean i am back to my camping periods!!!
which mean i a free from books..
which mean i can go for all my courses!!
which mean i am going to use my money!
which mean i am going to be broke!
which mean i need to find a job!
which mean i have to work!
which mean its going to be very tiring..
which mean with my courses, camps and work i am going to be super busy.
which mean HOILDAY FULLY USED!!!
book me while early!hahahahha.
membership for SEA SPORTS CLUB $40 for 3 years.
course for 3 star training for $80
test for 3 star for $25
every expedition for at least $20
say BYE BYE to camera.=)
its raining and i have no mood to study..
but i shall study for the next 3 days and its considered over!!!=)
resting till 430pm to study..
i believe so...

something i hope to have.but cant have YET!not mine...so don get to excited because you know me...haha.BYE.
the time now is 1621pm...
"learning as i grow"
theGREENfreak freaked 4:11 PM
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
the time now is 1634pm...
and seriously i am super tired!!!super tired because there i had 3 paper today!!! one after the other!!!shit the person who plan the timetable.haha.first two were ENGLISH..hope didnt get too our of point.=) not very positive but ok.next is the idiot PHSYICS paper la.damn idiot.the worst kind of paper.infront was like wa...all the formula blahblh blah out le.yes easy! page 3 shit them!like question 5 onwards they die die also must ask for explaintion and shit them they ask the question which had never appear before.all those more diffcult de explantion all never come ou twhatever electromagnetic induction shit them none of it came out!but i guess if my explaination is not too wrong my hope is still there.not very happy thouh but i guess it will balance out with CHEMISTRY somehow.o ya the most idiot of all!!! my favourite topic never come out!!!!the blance here and there find newton never come out!!! it cae out at the idiot hammer la!ARH!
okokok!!!my hope is still there!!!haha.
went home with susan and saw her like a mile long bill !!!haha.saw shuhui and cherlyn and saw my kindergraten friend THO LI SHI!!!haha home now..time for GEOGRAPHY its like for weeks i didnt touch it le!!!going to cut it into pices burn it and drink it hope it does the trick.haha
luck for my burning of GEOGRAPHY!!!

end off with this super werid picture in a picture.FAILURE FAILURE and KOK.=)tata.
the time now is 1652pm.
"learning as i grow"
theGREENfreak freaked 4:41 PM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
the time now is 1700pm...
not in the mood for anything!!!! not even for studying when tomorrow is O level but i guess i had to start studying some where..haha.but its rather werid because the nearer it is to O level the mood for studying is lesser..studying starts to get super boring but just thinking about how fast all these will end made me rather excited!!!haha.
not O level..just that i guess i am starting to have sleeping disorder..idiot shit!..ok lets start from sunday..i lied on my bed at 12 but just couldnt get to sleep, so i just lied there and think of ways to make me sleep ..i even thouh of knocking myself ou tso that i am "asleep" but i didint..haha.only manage to sleep at 230am!!! ITS LIKE 2 AND A HALF HOUR!!!!
then on monday night..knowing that i woudnt sleep early i didnt not to lied on my bed so early..so i went to bed at 2 expecting myself to sleep at 230am but what did you know i slept at 430!!!!like FULL 2 HOUR!!!! arh!shit!
ok then is today...since for the past few days i had not being sleeping well, i know i need some extra sleep so after my paper i went to bed.and what do you know i lied there for like another 2 HOURS!!!! but i just cant get to sleep when i am feeling super tired la.you see..you are tired and you cant sleep and when you are tired its obviously that its impossible to study!!! SHIT!haha.hell! so i am seriously hoping i will get to sleep nicely tonight!!wish me luck..
o ya anyway there is this petition website going on presbyterian high school pupils are getting all the student to sign a peition for not having the homeroom system,haha.althouh its not my busy i got an idea!haha.but i guess thie petition thing is getting quite well recevied because there is like 160 plus student signed it.pretty interesting.
wish me luck to sleep well tonight.
wish me luck for the next few papers
wish me luck to study well later..

lastly a picture that i found recently.
take care people...
"learning as i grow"
theGREENfreak freaked 5:07 PM
Monday, November 06, 2006
the time now is 1635pm=)
i am back from school and done with my two paper.MATHEMATICS PAPER 1 and SOCIAL STUDIES.don know weatehr to consider it good or bad.never mind at least lesser paper to worry about!!=)
after mathematics paper i went to Junction 8. and its with xinyi and melissa.went to have our lunch at SUBWAY.not so nice but the cookies are not so bad!haha. saw zhen quan working there and i were laughing at him all along.from the momne ti placed my order till i get my food!haha.he said stop laughing at him but i ended up laughing more.haha.
after lunch we went to starbuck to study for that 2 hours.so we sat there and there were two guys sitting at the table infront of us."studying" i bet they are those super clever people.people one of them kept talking and talking and talking.and its LOUDLY! i mean LOUDLY! like you outside the starbuck also can hear! he comment stuff with OOO!!! WA!!!! ARH!!! YEAH!!! so i starting staring like i always do .haha.its fun starnig at these kind of people because the moment they notice you are staring at them they will give a guilty look and stop talking but this time ronud after giving the guilty look he started shouting again.ARH!he is one stupid person.then melissa was like i bet he is going to fail and xinyi said why you all like that.haha.but ended up all of us felt that the guy should bloody hell leave the place.then there were one person walking in, we didnt know weather its a she or a he because it look like both,haha.so we were like male??female??male la!! female la!!!haha.but we came to a conculsion that she is a she!haha.bullshit.
went popular and went back to school.had the paper and took the train back with bryan ivy and luting.reached yishun and took the bus back with susansan.haha.so we were talking about rich people getting sick easy.haha.ok lets hope tomorrow paper will be better. ok a nice picture to end the post!

done blogging at 1649pm
"learning as i grow"
theGREENfreak freaked 4:57 PM