Wednesday, January 31, 2007
had a very busy morning at work.
6 designs came in, so we were bloody hell busy!!!
and for the fact that there is only me and JO.
and the whole shop BLACKED OUT the moment i switch off the steamer!
found !!!!
that little stuff that were lost yesterday.
don really know if its a blessing or what.
because.when its kept at night i were there.
when it was found missing i was there.
when it was found i was also there.
too bad for me.
celebrated BRAYN'S (fourskin) birthday.
last day at work today=)
hope nothing bad happens like these few days.
dale's feeling noted down.
theGREENfreak freaked 12:41 AM
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
today isnt really my day.
things wasnt really good back at the shop...
but everything doesnt really matters now.
since i know i got friends who truly trust me.
i would be so inhuman if i were to let them down.
thanks people =)
counting down.
tuesday-my last second day!
wednesday-my last day at work!!
though when i am leaving i would miss all of the people.
but after all these incident, it isnt really worth it.
ii am looking forward to my last day at work =)
i am still a human.
so i really really would miss some of them=)
dale's feeling noted down
theGREENfreak freaked 12:10 AM
Saturday, January 27, 2007
had a super long day today.
first thing in the morning went to school and had a meeting with simon.
talked about some stuff, not really sure weather its fruitful or not.
but will try to go according as per discussed.
next up went for PDS training.
as usual i liked it alot, as we were doing we were remembering the other fancy drills we did last time.
its fun remembering all the drills.
the problem is , is it going to be another one of my commitment??
lastly went for HPT.
short and sweet.YANYI is our new Master Red Shirt!
the rest is all up to her now.
dont i seem busy???
the problem is its my off day today.
after all the training and stuff, just got too tired and decided to skip bryan's birthday celebration.
nothing much of learning today.
dale's feeling noted down.
theGREENfreak freaked 8:56 PM
Looks are Deciving.
went to help out at warehouse today. wasnt as bad as i though it would be.
all the unpacking went pretty smoothly.
and i think i know why boss "loved" me so much.
one reason might be because he and i are both from a PRESBYTERIAN school.
not really sure weather its the same.
and i seriously hope its totally different.
the reason why i said looks are deciving.
because someone within the group of fourskinner feed back to J.O about some of us.
and he knew about i do during work time.
to think that i though everyone is so nice.
and i know its a female.
i wonder who??
therefore i will try to protect myself=)
by try not to entertain them when they are bored
and concentrate on my expected working attitude.
bernard inform me that i am working 17 days next month.
still considering on what to do.
tomorrow is a totally busy day althoguh i am on off tomorrow.
they might seem to be on your side but not really.dale's feeling noted down
theGREENfreak freaked 1:09 AM
Friday, January 26, 2007
i am really damn "loved" by my boss.
the different in attitude between him treating jolene and huishan is a 360 turn can!!!
even the blind can notice that!
for that one hour he were in the shop, he "loved" me for that one hour.
and people just imagine tomorrow! i am working at
WAREHOUSE!OFFICE! from 11 to 6
which also mean i will see him for like 7 full hours!!!
anyway i don really need his "love".
and i have a bad feeling that after jiaren quit from warehouse i am going to take over.
but if that is going to happen BYE FOURSKIN.
work today was bloody hell fun until the moment boss came in.
JOLENE HUISHAN and me were laughing ourself out for like every little thing!haha.
so time passes really fast today.
didnt had our lunch until 7 plus!haha.
was told that next month i am expected to work 17 days but i only want to work for 12 days.
and for me thats decided.
if i am expected to work more then that one word.QUIT.
not because i don like working or hate working its just that time just seem too little for me.
i will be glad to have much more free days.
to be able to laze around at home! but not really possible though.
tomorrow will be the day i decide to stay or GO=)
today's post just seem to be RUBBISH.
dale's feeling noted down.
theGREENfreak freaked 12:17 AM
Thursday, January 25, 2007
It has been a while since i last blogged.
for a very simple reason, my com BROKE DOWN.
dont really know where to start from.
i started working a few weeks ago but will be quitting to enjoy my hoilday.
feel free to look for me at MARINA SQUARE FOURSKIN. its at the third level of MS.
enjoyed working with the FOURSKINNERS.haha.
all of them are really easy to get along with but they are just friends for now.
no doubt that after i quit i would lose contact with them but it has been a great experience.
they migth not made a lot of impact in my life but they did leave behind little trace mark in my life.
The SKINNERS are as followed.
they are just some of the skinners.there is a whole list down.

i did learn something from this word.HPT THIRD P.from my job i can see how the thired can really affect the effectiveness of one person.
the people working with me at FOURSKINSTORE all address me by the name of DALE, it has been quite a while since i last heard people calling me chunfu.and it seems werid to hear that too.
i learnt to let go of some stuff.
i used to grab hold of the relationship between kokwei and kokliang but i started to relise that there isnt really a need to grab hold to it.if its meant to be there it will be if it isnt, the only tthing i can do is to remember the past. the relationship might be special but it's hard to be longlasting.been able to hold on to this special relationship for 3 whole years had already been a for the next 3 years, the relationship is tested.
sad to say.
i couldnt commit myself to much now.
i used to wonder wht the GRADS of HPT couldnt come back more often but now i relised why.
i relised i couldnt commit myself to HPT anymore, i could only try to do as much as i can whenever i can attend any of the activities.
for the lack of commitment i can do nothing but to say SORRY for that.
Being able to be a HIGH PERFORMANCE TEAM MEMBER is the greatest thing that had happen to me.
Being able to wear that RED SHIRT is something that i am proud of.
"wearing a red shirt is just different from wearing any other shirt"as for NCC i will try to do as much as i could, to try to make the nesscessary improvement in NCC as much as i could.
to achieve my aim.
didnt know when i started feeling CHANGED, i didnt know what exactly in me had changed. something in me just seem to had changed, maybe people around me might notice what i actally changed but i dont really know. maybe i had grown maybe i am werider? maybe i am more knowledagable maybe i had became dumb?
most importantly, had i changed for the better or for the worst??
dale's feelings noted down.
theGREENfreak freaked 1:15 AM