Friday, March 30, 2007
went to PHS in the afternoon.
for the affirmation ceremony, nothing much for me to do also.
since i have decided and gave miss seh the letter.
the only thing i can do is stand around or follow the basic 2 along and LOOK at them lo.
since most properly this will be the last training i will be going.
people ask me why i didnt wear my uniform there.
some said i came back from work.
i said nope. because for the fact that i have decided.
saw the rest of the CLT.felt a little werid, so didnt have much of a word with them.
saw EDISON.talked alot with him, joked around alittle.
he does have a beauitful girlfriend.not bad at all.
wilson NEO came so we walked around the whole school.
they had their debreif while i went off with some of the basic 2s and have dinner with them.
why you like that? give me 5 good reason why you like that.
my answer: give me 5 good reasons why i shouldnt be like that.
all of them doesnt even bother to answer.
i know why i did that.but not able to put it in a sentence and say it out.
its my feeling, and my thoughts that help me decide on it.
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 11:13 PM
Thursday, March 29, 2007
work has been draggy and fun these few days.HAHA.
FOUR more days t go and i would be free once again!!! HAHA.
yesterday, william appeared at fourskinstore and started playing with the shop suspender.
NOTE: william, a online friend of mine, never seen him before in person.
thouh that he didnt remember who i was but ended up he did.HAHA.
werid to see a online friend alive though!! HAHA.
broke record. in total during working time we took a total of 40 pictures!
time passes super fast while we played. HAHA.
did some calculation of how many people we worked with before at FFS.
MINE only adds up to 30.
Peili near to hundred?
Jasmine. hundred plus!!!!!!
PRETTY SCARY LA. but we enjoyed looking throuhg the names!HAHA.
thats all for the day.
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 1:05 AM
Monday, March 26, 2007
chatted with chze sing a moment ago.
she said this. " just like you in the past".
while in the past i told jill. "i am feeling how you feel in the past".
its regarding church life. people who slowly leaves the church usually had a very werid feeling i suspose. and usually only then, the person will understand how the people who leaves eariler feels.first jill, next me and chze sing. people might say we are not strong in fate, but we says its getting bored.a routine, not a want but a must.
for people like me and sing. we have been in church for like 6 to 7 years.. the closing of youth band, the closing of titus, the merging of titus with timothy, the new comers, all these are just the the little little events that atually make us lose our faith and slowly make us lose our direction.
and i understand how chze sing is feeling, the many many messages and reminders from many people who keep asking us to go for services. its just plain irritating, how many of those people who message us actually knows how we feel? not much i suspose. in their point of view they are getting us back, but in our point of view, nothing but irritating. whenever we says we overseplt therefore we missed services, the people will say next week we give you morning call! HAHAHA. but do they actually knows we meant to skip the service, we didnt actually want to attend the service?
nevermind that.
lets talk about her.
=) i like her, plain brother and sister love. we went through alot together.we had alot of fun together.i knew her as the irritating girl who keep fighting with me when i first enter church. she was just a P6 girl then. we spent a lot of time together when she entered PHS, after school, without saying anything, all of us are bound to be seen at the pastoral care room.FUN FUN FUN! games! and not returning homr until we heard the 6PM song.HAHA. we were almost always the last group pf people to leave the school. to me, she is always so nice, and will always smile whatever happen, you will never see her cry unless something serious happen. she loves to sleep=) no matter how noisy we can get, if she's tired she will sleep no matter what. haha. although alot of people comes and leave in the church, she's always there, she might not be the best christian around the block but she is sure to be the most sincere girl ever.
i will alway srememebr how she calls me! the first who calls me ah fu! whenever she calls she will run over and shout ah fu with a big smile and start talking non-stop.=) and she's the one who gives me the name dale!HAHA. we might not have met for a lot time but i believe she's still the same.
went to church the last two weeks, didnt see her there.
to me its okay to few tired at church, but the main thing is to know who's the GOD.
rememebr this.
its okay to be away, as long as you know when to be back.
this post seem werid.
dale's feeling written down.
theGREENfreak freaked 12:59 AM
Sunday, March 25, 2007
life isnt very exciting these few days. for the fact that i am working.
someone stole my bicycle seat when i went back to school to pass miss seh some ncc stuff and letter.
someone got fired at work.
school's starting around 3 weeks time.NANYANG POLYTECHIC. School of Business Management.i wonder how it will be.haven heard of anyone who went to NYP Business so gotten be alone at school for the first few days i suspose.
Regarding NCC. i wonder whats up now.
haven met the few old group of people for a few weeks already. kokliang, kokwei, feifei, pinwen. so i guess everyone is getting on well with their own group of friends now. talking about all these are rather retarted now because its almost obvious that people goes their own ways after secondary school and only meet up once in a while. so just wait for the ince in a while! HAHA.
bored.nothing much to inform around here
dale's feeling written down.
theGREENfreak freaked 11:16 PM
Sunday, March 18, 2007
attended church.
waited long for fishy to appear at MS.
had lunch with failure and fishy during failures break.
bought two red shirt.
went for food fair.
waited long for failure to be release from work.
brenda joined us.
didnt enjoy the last hour of the day.
all because of failure. and she knows why.
its not because you didnt tell me whatever you were telling brenda and fishy and it also don matter if you don tell me what you matters because you told a damn lousy lie. and i seriously wish you have told me you don wish for me to know then for you to tell me a JOKE. you should have known better how well i known you to tell me a lie. a sudden quietness during a talk i would have known what you were thinking.stupid.
and later you said something that is you were to tell me what you were saying your image in me would be ruin. which means its something i don know about you. and it also mean i didnt know you exactly.too bad. i guess.
too bad.everyone didint exactly enjoyed the day.better luck next time.
work tomorrow.two newbie coming.
good day tomorrow??
dale's feeling noted down.
theGREENfreak freaked 11:41 PM
Friday, March 16, 2007

have you eveer wonder where you can find your lost relative other then having the help pf the crime library??? at the ZZOOOO!! JUNRONG found his today! the all time fav orang utan. can you spot the similarity??? it has the percentage of 95% similiarity!!! HAHAHA.JOKE.
ever though of how crazy you can get when you get super bored??? ask joanne.. she will tell you the answer! to think that the menicue is her boyfriend and she even got him a name! CRAZY! thats the adorn side. as for the FOURSKINSTORE side. it isnt any much better.. the sales has been over for a few dyas already but people like us started holding up the poster once again in the store! thats bored and cranky!haha
had a wonderful break today because! fishy failure and fat had lunch with me! HAHA.nice people?hahahah.saw HOLE on the way back!didint manage to get a good picture.but its okay man!haha.
okay as you can see from the last picture! i had a bet of 5 raw eggs! with clarinda about her fats!hahaha.
bored yet cranky day!!!!
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 12:56 AM
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
theGREENfreak freaked 5:48 PM
i am not happy i am not sad.
just a little wonder up my head.
i felt the same way the others felt
just a little way too late.
to only notice until now.
most have gone, little have stayed.
nothing much for me to do.
guess its time for me to go =)
wondering whats all the sentence up there means?
nothing much just little word or two from me.
the truth.
i am not happy for the fact i only knew there's a council camp today in the afternoon when it happen in the morning.
i don mind people not inviting me or asking me to go for the camp.
i only mind because why kok and kok and fei knew about the camp and didnt mention a word about it.
so i am pissed.
and from this i know why pinwen and people were so upset for the fact that they didnt receive any message about all the cheering and volleyball competition.
but i guess its already too late for me to notice it now.
that most of my batch GRADS became M.I.A for a few months already.
so like what people always says.
when you cant beat them join them.
by the end of this week i will be free!
for more details ask me online or message me.
i wouldnt hesitate to tell you at all.
its about NCC.
life might not have been fruitful these few weeks.
but i am gald to inform you people that i am not slacking at home or whatever just that i have been back to work at fourskinstore.
and will be continue to be working until end of this month.
dale's feeling written down.
theGREENfreak freaked 5:28 PM
Thursday, March 08, 2007
someone fainted!
check for danger
mister are you ok??are you fine??
(no responses)
someone call over there.
check airway.
(airway clear)
listen to breathing.
(no breathing)
give two blows.
(1st time chest don rise)
adjust the head.
blow the second time.
(2nd time chest don rise)
give 30 chest compression.
check mouth for foregin object.
(found big fish ball)
take out with index finger.
leave by side as evidence.
listen to breathing.
(breathing found)
check for external injuries.
(no injuries)
put to recovery position.
nearly killed.
nearly tigthen to death.
nearly wrapped to death.
all about bandageing!
exam tomorrow! luck for me!
i got a darling=) my new red BIKE (bicycle)
and its a 45mins ride from my house to NYP=)
dale's feeling written down.
theGREENfreak freaked 9:42 PM
Sunday, March 04, 2007
my dad's side whole family came over to my house.
its a lot of people man.
and think about how so many people manage to stay inside a 3 room flat for like the whole day!
they managed to.and they had like their most wonderful day yesterday.
dinner was rather special yesterday.
but its at my house.or maybe should i say it more clearly.
its at the corridor outside my house!hahaha.
slept at two thirty and woke up at four o clock.
and please ask me why i woke up so early in the morning.
ITS because my dad is taking the early flight overseas.
and ask me where he go please.!
not any places like taiwan and thailand.
had "breakfast" and sent him off.
he will be back lastest by next month.but maybe earlier.HAHA.
okay picture time=)
as written:
People born in the year of snake,
say little and posses great wisdom.
They are charming and cultivating.
yet calculative and conservative.
they can come across as quite vain, selfish and a bit stingy
and yet they have tremendous sympathy for those who are less fortunate.
their careers are in public relation, archaeology,
astrology, philosophy, catering or law.
companionship, moral support and love are important to a snake.
they are most compatitble with the Ox and Rooster.
how true is it??
i wonder=)
dale's feeling written down.
theGREENfreak freaked 6:44 PM
Thursday, March 01, 2007
met up with failure in the morning.
travelled to BEDOK when we relised the place is suspose to be at town area.
but its because of the fanstastic map they had online.
never mind we got our stuff done.
and thats the important thing!
went to have our lunch at KFC.
and while we have our first bite.
the phone rang!
and we relised both of us are late for our RESPECTIVE "meeting"
went kelly's house.
played some cards and used the internet and had some discussion.
CUTTED some songs! and idiotic!HAHA
met up with failure fishy and kokliang.
kokwei joined later=)
slacked at the viod deck again.
and helped failure packed her camp bag! BYE FAILURE!haha.
seeing things simple makes your life happiler.
being simple minded makes things more simplify.
thus makes things less complicated.
make it a simple life for me!
dale's feeling noted down.
theGREENfreak freaked 1:46 PM