Monday, April 30, 2007
HMMM.thats wanxin kept saying i got small eyess! and that MAOMAO agree too! okay on WED i got to prove to them i got BIG EYES! but just SLIGTHLY smaller then theirs! and i hope its just SLIGHTLY smaller then theirs! HAHA.btu i actually fine with my small eyes! better then a CHUNFU with super duper big eyes hur?HAHA.
i am not feeling fine.and i am seriously not sure about it because of this or is it because of that? i am not so sure.but, just something that makes me goes feeling slightly emo.HAHA.but i guess it will be over i hope.
I AM NOT SURE! I AM CONFUSED!and like seriously.
everythign today was OKAY? which its like as usual? nothing much or special..just normal? there isnt any shoe throwing or any choc hitting.just plain lesson and BORING LESSON! theres a few times where by i have the "feel" to message people and say BORING LESSON.but i didnt for various reasons. tehn lecture was like WORST thign of the because of that i seriously didnt regret taking POA as a subject although i seriously have not choiceHAHA.because POA makes AFA easy! AND ITS LIKE WOW! i understand accounting!AND HOME.
okay saw my 2 OGL for like the first time since school i saw both of them at the same place doing the same thing at different time.HAHA.joke! and i saw HUIMIN! teh year one business management girll i just knew yesterday..HAHA. adn we just went pass each other and had a glance of each otehr and guess what we did?? we go HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ and its rather loud and long.HAHA. and she said its like two friends who didnt see each otehr for along time but instead we just knew each other for like less then a day?HAHAHA. that makes me rather happy!HAHA.
tmorrows' LABOUR DAY! and yes its a PUBLIC HOILDAY!haha.andi am going for some church stuff!YEAH! at least something special after so long of boring actitivies.!
still not feeling very good inside.
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 11:35 PM
Sunday, April 29, 2007
heyhey! i am bloggin at KHATIB MAC this very momnet!HAHAHA.
and this idiot beside me is laughing that people says i look 27.
and he is none other then baldovin!HAHA.
went MAC and i saw that failure friend! and beside her sits his friend!HAHA. thats SMALL number one!HAHA.
next! HE SAW his friend!HAHA.and gues what his friend course is! ITS NYP BUSINESS MANAGEMENT YEAR ONE!
thats small number two!HAHAHA.
that shall end it..just blogging to kill time.HAHA.
and i shall proclaim FALIURE know me best!HAHAHA.
dale's feeling written down.
theGREENfreak freaked 7:49 PM
Saturday, April 28, 2007

Create your own Friend Test here come on and take my test! and see how well you know me!don be shy and give it a try!HAHAHA.
theGREENfreak freaked 4:37 PM
Friday, April 27, 2007
okay i am so super tired now.
just done with my laptop stuff.with the help of LYNDA.thank you!HAHHA.
today was like FUN! yeah~
LESSON wasnt much of a fun until the last lecture of the day!HAHHA.joke.
OKAY i have to start somewhere. so lets start with the joke of the you know my clas is super enthu during lecture and we kept receving sweet and choc from the lecturer.and please take note the lecturer suck at throwing things,HAHAHA.for like 5 times she throw something...5 times she threw it either to the wrong person or towards the ground.
lets do it in a slow motion way.
we got the correct answer.
the lecturer excitedly threw one choc to our side.
it went over the head of LYNN.and LYNN trys to grab hold of it.and i mean TRYS to get hold of it. LYNN rise up her hand. and it goes ARH~~~she manage to TOUCH alittle of it.and at the same time edmund trys to reach out for it.DRAMATIC right.thats not the main JOKE yet.THE NEXT MOMENT.
the whole place blast out in laughter! and please ask edmund why!HAHA.its beauseLYNN touches the choc and just happen to be in the exact angle towards edmund's face.and off the choc go.TO WHERE???? towards edmund face!HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA and everyon laught about it throughout the day la.HAHA.guess how much is the impact!HAHAHA.
had mylast day of lunch at FOOD JUNCTION nyp because sunday is the last day of the FJ.damn sad.had this OMELETTE thing that everyone seem to be eating and i really mean everyone!HAHAH.waited damn long for it to arrived infront of me.HAHHA.okay its not too bad and its worth it!HAHAHA.yeahyeah!THE EGG IS NICE!haha.
second lecture was like damn damn shit.HAHA.that lecturer never seem to be able to handle us.too bad for him and the way he teach is ERM? SHIT!hahah.okay limelight of the day.after lecture everyne left EXCEPT our class we sat there and starting out K BOXING!haHA.laughing and joking and singing!damn lot of fun.LYNN me angelyn lynda edmund moremore more moremoremore more more more people were there!HAHHA.FUN!
went northpoint alone after that to buy a shoe and all the paint needed!HAHA.guess who i saw! HUAT! with a girl. suspose its his FRIEND! neevr mind that.went home and started drawing on my shoe!THE result is okay la.shall wear it from tomorrow onward!LOVE MY NEW SHOE!hahahha.
happy HAPPY HAPPY guy.=)
dale's feeling written down.
theGREENfreak freaked 11:15 PM
26 APRIL 2007.
okay i gave my present to my sister yesterday already!HAHA.okay it appears thta she like it very much.HAHA.but i don really not because its ugly but that its EXPENSIVE~hahaha.
schoool wasnt too bad afterall.
sat with angelyn during internet.had that werid werid pop quizz or whatever.and i got 18/25!!! at least i pass considering that i am so weak in INTERNET!haha. so i spend my early morning with jeraldine lynda and angelyn.
had lunch or breakfast with the guys.FOR THE FIRST TIME. edmund yee huat jonathan lester ivan choong wei.QUIET.hahaha.but okay.then spend my tutorial with zhi hui and wanyan.okay i admit i was a little uneasy during that lesson because from the start zhihui was saying AFA was easy! very very easy! and she said HAHAHA its easy. from my personal point of view.i think she is cocky. but maybe she is just feeling easy about it.HAHA.but i really feel she doesnt need to say it out loud to me that AFA was easy. and i have the feeling that she look dwn on me on AFA because some of the question i don really quite get it but i did get it in the end. but to me AFA isnt really my strongest subject and BRYAN can definately prove it for me because my POA wasnt very good since the start!HAHAHA.
Had lunch with lynda at heeren and chat alot about secondary school experience.then i met u with brenda and went to VIVOCITY! for the fact that failure was having her birthday treat at MARCHE.haha. we went and gave her my present.her look at my present.OMG!OMG!OMG! wa wa wa. thank you thank you thank you!HAHAHA.sense of achievement!HAHHA.JKJK. and the look at failures girls! all just STARE at the present!HAHAHA.FUN!
went and met up with kokers and pinwen. and i so seriously "MISS" pinwen's nonsense because no one in my class can beat him! one has as much rubbish as he has! did had fun talking.and wanted for that FAILURE to meet us after 3 hous!HAHAHA.
they saw the present and gave the SHOCK LOOK!hahaha.expected! YEAH~
okay as you can see its a BIG project and i seriously mean BIG! because this project causd my com to hang! to lag! to die!HAHAHAA.and its seriously worth it! to think that she though i wasnt giving her anything!YEAH~ ahhaha. and if you people have the eyes to see you will know why its a BIG project because.......its literally big! and that explains why everyone give that stunned shock and WA! look when they see the present!HAHAHA.
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 12:56 AM
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
okay! today had been a long long day for me! and TIRING!
after relising i missed my one hour of sleep! i had the feeling of slapping myself for making that stupid mistake and missed an hour of sleep! that hour of sleep is so so so important!
went to school.and i totally forgot what i did in school today! after school met up with kangqi jasmine hafiz and we had our lunch together! we talked about alot of things! so its fun?HAHA.bryan dropped by a few times and chat with us as he happens to be at the table next to us!HAHA.
home! and rested for a while and started thinking to myself weatehr i should be going or not!HHAHA. but i did turn up for that adventure thingy.because. someone called and shouted HEY YO DALE RIGHT! STACH MY GF RIGHT!.but i wasnt shocked because i knew is from my class for that fact that only people i know in POLY calls me DALE and it just cant be the fourskin store people!HAHA.and it turn out to be jonathan like what the hell! AND next angelyn were talking on the phone and ask me to faster get to school and accompany them so i grab my stuff and off i go. and that save me the troublt of deciding to turn up or not.HAHA.
adventure was really much of a fun but my group did had our share of fun!HAHA.hafiz said this! i hope i can join HPT now! its a prise that HPT is better!YEAH~hahaha.OKAY i am happy that i am trained to have a loud voice because all the group leaders were rather shock by my voicEHAHAHA.and together with our group we dominated as the LOUDEST CHEERING GROUP! but that what we think la!HHAHA. knew a few friends from HAFIZ class today! went home together with them and one of them stayed at YISHUN!hahaha.
but as usual every first meeting started off QUIET and i just cant stand it.
but there is one group that started off super noisy during the first meeting.THE BMS! of a kind.HAHAH.
dale's feeling written down.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:33 PM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
i am doing a super unheathy thing now. which is to eat carrot cake at this time! and i am eating and blogging at the same time!HAHAHA.
today had been a long long day! and more to go !
had lessons from the IT DINO! thats what she says! be brave and press everything! the most is the com to hung on you!HAHAH. and she tells jokes and laugh at it herself!HAHAHA. its all about I HAVE A DREAM! today.HAHAHAH.
i met people who i didnt expected to meet in school! firstly ANDREW YONG! didnt really say hi or what just look at each other smile and go! cant really blame us althouh we were in the same group for like every camp we go but we still didnt manage to communicate well!HAHA. next i saw JIAJUN! that doramon!HAHAA. SHOCKING!
after that two hour of lesson i had lunch together with wanyan zhihui lynda LYNN choong wei edmund JERADLINE. and studied together. and met brenda and her friend. went shopping a round amk hub and town area to look for that pactheic present for my SISTER! who happens to b having the same birthday as failure! LIKE WHAT THE HELL! i am declared brokeand i shall think of something to give failure! but like seriously i haven though of anything to give her as a present! i am like so so so dead!
but i am happy now because i bought something nice for my sis! i bet she will love it!
slept at 1.15am and woke up at 4am!!!!!!
ask me why!
ask me why!
because my father is flying!!!
not literally flying in the sense flying! understand? on the aroplane!HAHA.
and i woke up at 630AM thinking my lesson starting at 8! but its starting only at 9! therefore i wasted my one hour of sleep!LIKE WHAT THE HELL!.gotto be sleeping in class later!HAHA.TIRED!
dale's feeling's written down.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:44 PM
Friday, April 20, 2007
today??? everything is about lecture when it comes to studies today.because its all lecture today. had this pathetic 3 and a half hour of break time inbetween the 2 lecture.and most of our class people just practically slacked throught it.and explored all of our laptops in the if anyone is to say that we are inconsiderate they are RIGHT!hahaha. its just laptops after laptops at our table!HAHAH.
Left the food junction and suddenly someone tapped my shoulder and guess what its ESTEE! and that stupid idiot.!!!! MAOMAO!haha. AND YES I SHOUTED! MAO MAO!!!had that little walk through the library like a walk in the park!HAHA.
went for lecture and it ended early!HAHA. so me zhihui and wanyanwent to check with the acer person about the webcam of the laptop and they said its because our chool reformated the program so we cant access the webcam the usual way.LIKE SHIT!.haha.but he showed hwo to solve it!i hope i still remember how!HAHAHA.
went to meet up with brenda and failure.but guess who i saw! corissa's SOTONG!hahaha. we were like HUH>???hahahaha. and i saw shuhui and j.lo.and failure said her friends didnt beleve that we wouldnt together! who the hell will believe because her firneds was like the 100000000000000000000000000 people who said the same thing!HAHHA.but its the truth!HAHA/.
didnt manage to get my laptop pouch.and i hate my current U.G.L.Y UGLY! laptp pouch! and it makes my hands red! and sore!HAHAHA.too bad i had a heavy an big laptop!HAHAHA/.
dale's feelings written down
theGREENfreak freaked 11:12 PM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
a new life?
18 April 2007.
met up with luoping for breakfast at nyp's mac. talk about lots of stuff and laugh about lots of stuff. alice came and we left. Joel didnt appear like he said he will but we happened to see him when we left the mac.HAHA.
lesson as usual. but everything was short and sweet. ended we only had 2 hours of lessons in school. because everything is practically just pure introduction.bought my laptop and its all ready to use after lynda and angelyn helped me with the whatever things.but i still cant figure out some of the function.HAHA.
met up with kangqi and jasmine in the afternoon, susposingly hafiz too but didnt want to make things diffcult for him so asked him to goand accompany his friends instead. went and saw all the CCAs in NYP CROWD CRAWL. there isnt any much of a cca but i still manage to leave my names with 3 cca. canoeing, adventure club and the NYP pal. i just have the feeling that i wouldnt be commited to any one of them.HAHA. and might not even attend their first meeting.HAHA. i guess it doesnt really matter since its poly now.
went back to PHS and took a OPEN PEEK at ncc.yinxui said regreted ? NOPE! i didnt.short and sweet.nothign much for me to be regreted of anyway.went home with ze suan chzesing and cherlene.SAW XIAODI.=)
after that xiao di messaged me and asked a question.just that question that everyone have been asking.and i replied him a damn long message.a total of 5 messages.=) great isnt it.HAHA.
19 APRIL 2007.
went to school alone.saw zhenhui and crossed the undergriund with her.HHA. had a very short chat. i am in a green feeling today! because i had my green shirt on, a green file, a green textbook and my green jacket.therefore its good for your eyes to look at me!HAHAHA.
one whole day of lesson didnt really end well. during the last period was rather moody i guess since my friends told me so. didnt have the energy to joke with lester anymore.HAHA so i just let him said what he wants.susposed to meet up with luoping ray weijian huayue joel sabrina for that mass dance thing or whatever.
i didnt turn up for the fact that everyone wasnt turning up for a reason or two. we just cany reach a conculsion wheather we would be going tonight a not therefore we didnt MAKE that decision. i guess thats the way of life. not being able to make up our mind, was still considering weather i will be going anot during the last lesson because i told joel i will be going. but i decided not to go because of my werid mood today.therefore sorry JOEL.THATS ALL.
0710 please remember to bring your PPSP(passport size photo) tomorrow thanks =)
feeling werid.
dale's feeling written down.
theGREENfreak freaked 3:34 PM
Monday, April 16, 2007
susposingly today is suspose to be quite a nice day. everythign went quite well till the moment i reach home.
my father just said that maybe i cannot pay the school fees by CPF!
I gave a SWEET and SIMPLE answer. quit school.
just guess how i am feeling now.
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 9:19 PM
Saturday, April 14, 2007
pinwen and fishy wasnt able to make it because of their orientation camp.
everyone was late and clarinda was the first to reach and that is like so IMPOSSIBLE!haha.
failure brenda and me was still talking about all our camp cheers and how well HPT looks when compared to NP and NYP's OGL. but friendly is the word! my OGL has it! went and had our dinner at one of the STEAMBOAT area.not very special and nice but SIMPLE is the word!HAHA. rubbish rubbish and rubbish was spoken throughout the meal! across our steamboat so i guess our steamboat is filled will XXXXXX.HAHA.
after that we went to our fav hideout! the CLOCK!.
spent a while there and home we went.
no MRT, Night rider took all of us home.
bad things happened. kokliang was asked to alight at the next stop because he didnt have the change to give it to the bus uncle all he have is one 10 dollar note. clarinda was so call lock out of her house for a while because she left her keys with failure!HAHA.
although we haven seen each other for a long while, it seem like everyone haven change at all! its the same old people in everyone of us!
no photo taken. SAD.
same old group of people.
same old steamboat.
same old clock.
same old place.
same old bridge.
same old attitude.
same old friends!
rather tired but manage to get online. didnt regret getting online because RAY and LUOPING was online! spoke lots of rubbish and settled certain stuff.SEE YA SOON BMs.haha.
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 3:04 AM
Thursday, April 12, 2007
second day in NYP.
thanks to CHARLENE and PHELAN.
nice O.G.Ls, they might not be the hyper kind but they are the caring kind.
they gave something to everyone and wrote a note to all.
"DALE!, really fun to have ya in our orientation, although ya guys will shorten (my) lifespan.. Seea ya around in sch =) " from Charlene & Phelan.
only manage to spend two and a half hour with my class.
played 3 games! won 2! and thats like so good!
but we still isnt really bonded together.but i guess time is what we need!HAHA.
TODAY TODAY! they cheered! although its a simple cheer but they cheered.
and i am really happy!
met up with "the BMs" after twelve.had our rehersal and very time its always filled with FUN FUN and FUN! the nosiest group of all=) and i love it! HAHA. managed to get our performances really in a very short time and we love it! simple and nice.and FUNNY! everyone of us felt that our classmates wasnt very enthu about the camp but i guess its because they need more time but time just isnt on our side. we even suggested to form a new class BM 0715.haha and with 9 people its ready to start lesson! HAHA.
one thing i wish i did today! to be able to stay with the class for the whole day and play together with them!=)
performed on stage and the reaction of the audience its what we wanted! therefore! SUCCESS!
let me introduce to you the BMs.
director/narrator - Luo Ping.
babys- hua yue, Joel
teenagers- Ray, Sabrina(china doll)
adult- Mandy(LOGS), M1.
elderly- ME!, wei jian.

note: all of us are from different classes, and it just so happen that all of us are from business management.
what happens when 9 representative of 9 different classes meet?? you got the BMs.
enthu, lame, rubbish, joke and everything NICE!
shall end with the SBM cheer.
"chewy chewy chewy chewy" clap~ clap clap
i ya ya ya ya ya ya
"chewy chewy chewy chewy" clap~ clap clap
i ya ya ya ya ya ya
chao high! the BMs=) HAHAHAHA.
i still like my class BM 0710!
i still LOVE my friends!
meeting KOKERS feifei fishy failure brenda pinwen clarinda for steamboat tomorrow!
dale's feelings written down.
theGREENfreak freaked 9:07 PM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
started off okay.before the start of the camp.
PHS students gathered at the middle of no where.and started bullshitting.or maybe i should say I started bullshitting.and then slowly everyone went in.
we have 7 people in BUSINESS MANAGEMENT.but none is in the same class.LIKE WHAT THE HELL LA!haha.
and lets move on to the start of the camp.
they OIEd for like an hour! and one OIE settled everything. they did many familiar stuff.all the cheers and things but sad to say HPT did it better.
during talks the OGL just slack and talk infront of us but behind something so the speaker didnt see them.
didnt really speak a word until lunch.everyone was like STONING STONING and i decided to talk. and ever since i talked non stop.and i seriously regreted it.AHAHA.
went for games and talks.mostly were okay because we laughed a little.
my class isnt the best of all but its still not too bad.everyone is friendly at least to me=)HAHA.
MY OGL wasnt too bad. a guy name "finland" spelled as phelan and a gilr name "XXXXX" didnt really remember. teh female one says i talk a lot. the male one said a word i rather not heard. HEY DALE! you have leadership quailities! LIKE SHIT! not a good thing to be heard. nothing good is goiing to happen.
#1 i was asked to be the representative of the class to perform.
#2 i was asked to go up to stage and perform the NYP mass dance.
#3 i was asked to be the class rep for my class.
like what the hell! but actually okay.
when the teacher started to ask for a male class rep he said who you all nominate. like what the hell i was sitting at the corner trying to be as quiet as possible and all the head literally turn to my corner.and i knew by then i was considered CLASS REP.
when all the others left the representative was asked to stay behind.wanted to run away at first but after a while i was asked to go into a group and start our discussion lo.and ended up everyone was rather same as me.and we hit it off quite fast and had our discssion started.
went home together in the MRT. one word.we all are like so fun.although all of us are in different class! HAHA. until we reach khatib that one of our friends said she took the wrong train home.HAHA! like so funny la. she just board the bus without finding out the exact train we taking.HAHA. walked home with another girl.thats all for the day.
lucky for the representative meeting otherwise everything seem so RAW.
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 8:08 PM
Monday, April 09, 2007
at least a topic to blog about today.=)
had a chat with this NCC SENIOR on MSN.not to mention guys wouldnt know.i told him this:"you like NCC very much hor??" then i said:"you very on about NCC one le" he answered its ENTHU. as if i didnt know on is ENTHU. never mind that. he said: LOYALTY and DEDICATION. I asked him why he had the L and D. he said. i like all the cock ups and shit, like to test himeself to the limits and because of the people.then he said: wait till you complete your first camp then you MIGHT understand it.
he gave me the not so good feeling. he talks like he went through alot, but i believe i went through a lot too. because i believe what HPT teach doesnt loses to NCC. the 2 words he used are 2/7 of the NCC CORE values. asif i didnt understand about these two words.just that my LOYATLTY and DEDICATION is not in NCC. I learnt it in HPT. but i wouldnt use these two words because it seem me HPT is my family so i wouldnt use it in HPT. then he talk about CAMPS. tahts one i don really want to fight with him. because he MIGHT have went through more camps then me. i used he case you people didnt notice.
it might seem cocky of me to keep comparing myself as a HPT to him as a NCC. i though so to myself too.but just cant forget the fact HPT is more important to me then NCC.
i remembered i onces talk about NCC and HPT.about why the CLTs loves HQ so much. kokwei said this. why you love HPT so much. that solved the problem why CLTs loves HQ so much.but it will never happen to me.HAHA.NCC just seem so far away from me THEN. now its not possible.
i guess the ncc senior LOVES the HQ as much as i love HPT bah.
anyway this post is not in anyway trying to say anything bad about NCC or that senior.
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 11:21 PM
Thursday, April 05, 2007
dont remember what i posted the other day.
so i might just be posting the same thing again?
ended my work yesterday. wouldnt be saying I AM FREE FROM FOUSKIN.because who knows i might be back there to work again. not for a month but maybe a day or two.
i enjoy working at fourskin.knowing all the people.
everytime someone new come in. we will say. the money is bad, the boss is bad. but the people are nice. i am gald i have the chance to work at both fourskinstore and know most of the people.
the ZOO trip two days ago is superb. it might not have the best weather but we have the best people around=) i might say this but to me of course all the "old" friends are better. but too bad we haven been contacting each other lately. while on our way home yesterday, with brenda and failure. we do miss the rest alittle. I WANT TO GO FOR STEAMBOAT! with the usual group of people. but for the fact that KOKERS and fei are all in JC, we hesitated. they are busy with their studies so why should we bother them? but i seriously hope we can go out and have steamboat together before the 16th.before i start poly. i will and i really will message them all soon. namely. KOKERS, pinwen, failure, brenda, feifei, fishy and clarinda. i hope they will all be free? let me set a date first? it will be either the 13 or the 14. the friday or the sat. a day out like old times=) lets decide the program? out for wandering, then steamboat, then at our clock place till late i hope. and sit down and slack. at least leave a fun day to remember of before they go back to ttheir JC and we go back to our poly and live a total different life. i am not being emo here but instead accepting the truth.
the JC people have their own group of JC friends already and soon we the poly people will have our new group of friends.maybe we will meet up after a few months but that is going to be damn long.
13th/14th of April 07.
who will be there and will it be cancelled?

dale's feelings written down=)
theGREENfreak freaked 11:31 PM
BACK for some updating.
01 april 2007.
went for sport climbing at TPY SAFRA.
nothing diffcult. anyone from HPT who goes will confirm get the cert because its just everything we learnt.HAHA.but its fun.
went with kokliang, jamie and weiling.and weiling's friendsss.
passed and got my sports climbing cert.
03 april 2007.
went ZOO.
with 7 more crazt people.
namely, kelvin, peili, junrong, jasmine, jessica, heri, jolene!
HAHA.althouh its raining we had our share of fun!
pictures will be up when i receieved it!HAHA.
thats all.lazy to write more!HAHA.
dale's feeling written down.
theGREENfreak freaked 12:03 AM