Wednesday, May 30, 2007
emmm...went to school to have my econs tests. was ratehr worried for it but didnt have any feeling to study for it when i reach school.anyway while i was on the way walking to the room, i "saw luoping" and the " was there for a reason because she wa walking striagth infront of me and i only notice her until she called out my name and we come face to face. and i was shocked! haha because she had her hair reboned.
exam was fine.HAHA.
then was tutorial almost the whole class didnt have their work done!HAHA.s the teacher was rather PISSED!.susposingly after the two hour break was lecture but we decided to skip todays lecture and attend the lecture on friday.
of course we went for POOL! and after that met up with failure brenda and failure's bestfriend and bestfriend's ex boyfriend.
dale feeling's written down
theGREENfreak freaked 11:26 PM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
time for update.nothing much though.
met up with the rest in the morning to study for microecons.had some notes done and i measn SOME.hahaha. thanks to angelyn anyway. after that when for lunch i suspose.finished with lunch and we had this plan. half will get the drinks while the otehr haf will get the books. because we hoped we wouldnt be late for lesson.HAHA. so we did. met at fifth floor before getting in to the class...and guess what! THEY FORGOTTEN MY BAG!
which i expected so, and reminded angelyn to remind them on the phone but she forgot.and thats the result! i ran down to get my bag and ran back up.
lesson end. and continued studying for microecon.
met up with vanessa and kokwei after that.watched P.O.T.C. don blame me for writing only P.O.T.C because most of the word i just don know how to write it how!!!HAHA. erm its around 3 hrs plus! so its bloody hell long..but still considered it not too bad. funny as a whole.HAHAHA.did enjoyed the show.
after the show they both sent me home because they didnt want to go home so early.and i need to be home as early as possible because MICRO.E is tmorrow!!!and there is a need to study!=D
sleeping late!
dale's feeling written down.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:39 PM
Monday, May 28, 2007
yalthough there's nothing to blog today but i am rather happy!HAHAHA.
went back to PHS and guess who i saw!!!! KOKWEI and FEIFEI! super duper happy can..they started they hoilday and here i am studying in poly...SIAN.ahahah but i am really enjoying myself in poly..just that i don know how long this enjoyment will last!
and now i am happily in a few conversation with my dear BRAVO 4 people.namely derek and fahan. i am ratehr surprise that can still hold a conversatin with them although i haven seen then like ten thousand light years!HAHA. so derek is some kind of interesting guy who kept talking about the past during the camp.HAHA. and he kept saying i never change HAHHA. s for fahan he never changed too.. the first few question he asked is about girlfriends..HAHA. i enjoy talking to these people! lots to catch up with.

exam on wed and friday! lots to study!!! TIME TIME TIME!haha.
dale's feeling written down=D
theGREENfreak freaked 9:15 PM
Friday, May 25, 2007
MISSION OF THE DAY- to celebrate lynda's birthday and make it a memorable one.
CUE to success of the day- drop of tears.
OUTSOURCE HELP- weixiang, siewhui
song editor-edmund, huat
program planner-jeraldine, angelyn
slides editor-dale
PROGRAM of the day.
0730-morning surprise.
1500-bishan surprise
2130-steamboat surprise.
overall result: SUCCESS=D
seriously i enjoyed myself today. and it has been a long long time since i had that feeling. although not all the surprises turn out well but it still ended up well.and i know lynda enjoyed herself today. because of her drops of tears=D. she might be smart to know most of the things that we might be doing but she cannot never be the cleverest all the time.we outsmart her this time round. like what the rest had said, the moment she had drops of tears coming down we too had the same feeling as her. we shared her joy=D. doesnt want to elaborate much because everythign will be kept right inside.
we might not known each other for a long time but it does seems like we had.
lots of pictures taken=)
dale's feeling's written!
theGREENfreak freaked 11:24 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
before anything!
Tan Gim Hwa XIAO DI.=D
and guess who he spent his birthday today?? at home.for the very simple reason he is sick.JOKE! what a way to spend a birthday. too bad for him.HAHAHA. so i sent him a simple birthday message and i received one back. and i am super happy to see it!=D.
After school went to library to do "project" not mine though and i didnt really help much in theirs is nothing much to talk about. with the same group of them plus choong wei. erm WEI XIANG came and join us after that, and he's lynda's friend. and then huat and the rest started the thing i hate most la.
people to start saying about something which is totally not true and it just get out of hand
so they started. i tried to take it easy and i manage to do i tal the way till i reach the canteen i though everything was alright. but it just didnt turn up alright. and ever since no mood for anything. and there goes my smile=D.
and to failure.if i was feeling okay when you called me i WOULD have gone with you but you called at the wrong time. better luck next time=D.
feeling much better now since i expected myself to be okay.=D
and i really every though of skipping friday lyndas birthday since i predict just now that things would be worst on friday.and don think afteri skip lynda's birthday i will have nothing to do!.=D
i could go for the bendemmer camp campfire night, PHS outreach programme or 5 agape gathering. and seriously i would like to go for the rest of the 3.but currently i would still spend my friday with the clique. and if anyone would to be irritaed by the word CLIQUE just be it if not a better word.0607=D.
dale's feeling written down!
theGREENfreak freaked 5:51 PM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
nothing big of a event to blog about!
but i have the strong feeling that one SUPER BIG event is coming up!=D
and i am super sure of it.
YEAH! done with my INTERNET AND WEB REPORT! done done done! all thanks to yueming and edmund! yes!yes!yes! and shit the STATS project is coming up! dead=X. and this time round my group members are angelyn lynda and jeraldine.
nothign much to blog nothing much to blog nothing much to blog.
oya i went to jerladine house on sat and we went out to town on monday.FUN. o did i even mention that i went to jerladine's house and went to town with the rest on monday? did i did i? o i guess i didnt.HAHAHAHA.

LYNDA!birthday girl of the week!!! also known as LYNDA TENG TENG LIM LI TENG!hahaha.SISTER!
erm...had been a lot time since i last saw..kokers.failure brenda arch enemy mr tan pin wen and people.
dale's feeling written down=)
theGREENfreak freaked 8:29 PM
Saturday, May 19, 2007
listun to this:
how will you feel when your "old friends" say.
good lo, got
new friend le can forget about
old friends liao lo.
good lo, got pool, got
new friends i can die liao lo.
good lo, got new friends then PS
old friends liao lo.
good lo, got
new friends then study wih them liao lo.
okay whats up with new friends and old friends.
and this doesnt just come from one OLD FRIEND and all this come in a day! like SUCK.
perherps i shouldnt have post the last entry.
thanks OLD FRIENDS, and seriously i didnt take it to heart.
will be fine in a day time.
friends are friends whats up with new and old friends.
and guess how am i feeling now? and how am i suspose to be feeling now?
dale's feeling written down =(
theGREENfreak freaked 2:16 AM
Friday, May 18, 2007
i don know why!HAHHAHA.
today has been funny!HAHHA.
everythng is fun with the clique and boss=)HAHAH.
first lecture was okay.done a drawing! nice~HAHAHA.
then was break, and guess what we spend an hour sitting at the corrider of the walkway outside the printing! because we had fun?HAHHA took some photo but not much.HAHA.
then was lecture!!!! damn interesting.the whole of our row on my laptop while the row infront and behind of us didnt have their laptop on. and the whole room was in a conversation today! like what the hell! had lots of fun! and we laughed throuh the lecture!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA=)
and thats idiotic guy left his card wth sister and me and ran out of the lecture!
note.notice the lots and lots of HAHA? means the emoness is gone i suspose! SUCK!hahha.
supose to ahve project today but was cancelled in the end so forget it.HAHA
studying with the group tomorrow! so meeting all of them!
HUAT, EDM, JER, ANG, LYNDA try to turn up please!HHAA.if not we are lack of one.
IVAN and LYNN might be going to.
destination JER house!

me and ANGELYN!=)

the "CLIQUE" 3 guys meets 3 girls!
i predict a whole series of fun and laughter!HAHAHAH.
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 10:43 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
seriously and seriously i don really know how to start today's post.
lets start from the first half of the day... i didnt say more then 20 words to wanyan who is sitting next to me for at least an hour! and that really shows how "hyper" i am today. so it went on until the end of the lesosn.
i am not afraid to let people know that there is this guy who manage to somehow or another irritated my vision, my hearing and everything.andy. i got nothing bias against him.just that he speaks a little over ~, super duper crazy over ~ his overall appearance is ~. fill in your blanks yourself. i dont want to attract ay attention by shouting all over theplace my opnion towards him. and anyway it isnt good at all.
things got much more better when the 3 guys meets the 3 girls!HAHAHA. its always nice being with them!=) they manage to get that little emo out of me and that little crazy into me=) cheeryo! so i got much better la. and i really admire lynda's courage=) she came to me and say " hey you think like me... your blog hor blah blah blah" she just say hey don emo la. I KANA SHOCK! this is the first time that someone know that i am emo and come to me and say don emo.and talk about what i blogged.HAHA.usually the feeling to talk about what you blog (emo) wil be like super duper werid but it didnt turn out like went smooth and nice=) thanks lynda! much fun after that. had pool session=) a little crazy over pool now i think, check with kokwei and brenda.and yo know how crazy i am towards pool. lunch and pool with the five of them is like superb! of course not forgetting lynn and ivan. a lot of fun and jokes goes now when i am with the five, edmund huat lynda jerald and angel. at least we are still having fun till today. ad i don expect that to last long but the longer the better=) might as well be forver!HAHAHA.althouh i know its not possible.
met lynda's friend weixiang.and we both agree she is STUPID.=X JKing.
thanks to you, my friend=)
anyway handshaker you are the best!HAHAHA.because you didnt really give me the best way of claming down except blabbering on and on.HAHA.but you said what is needed =) and that is enough i guess? and the rules apply! i seldom have people setting deadline for ME! only i set deadline for people but this time round we shall see.
ya! something i told wanyan. i don look down on gays but instead i think otherwise for sissy. and guess what wanyan says.GAYS=SISSY..i was like huh?HAHA.
okay.take note i end with a positive and happy post.HAPPY!?
dale's feeling written down=)
theGREENfreak freaked 8:43 PM
5 week of poly.LIFE?
firstly i think i had gotten the little emo effect from know ray.
for the past few school days, there is still that little bit of emo going on. might be because everything seems the same everday. the same joke the same people, the same lecturer the same tutor, the same school and please in short the same thing.nothing special seems to be going on in poly. nothing exciting=( no cca no camps no nothing.
i guess getting my project done is going all over my head, expected the project to be done by today but things are just not right. maybe you can say its stress but i think mood jus totally change la. i cant stand the fact that everyone choos to slowly finish up their stuff when they can finish it like today? its the same over here and during secondary school, i am not saying my group member didnt do their best la just that i had a little high expectation on the work done by my group. but i guess i shoudnt be doing anything like this=( . and so don blame me for getting that little unusual during projects. i don like job been done last min.
and the most stupid thing is that the moment i thouh everything was getting just right in poly something just have to make me think otherwise.
ever since this week? i guess. attending school to me is a routine damn sucky routine. the need to drag myself to school. and what! i cant show my tiredness. because people in my class just isnt used to be been quiet. thats is where the fake smile have to come in. not really a fake smile but a forced smie instead. its tiring. the moment i get that little bit quiet, most of the people will ask."dale, you okay?" i am happy that they cared about me but...sometimes it gets rather irritating explaining yourself. but its better then people ignoring you. i really hope i can have a good rest, and when i feel tired i can just slack a little in class and no one will think its unusual but i guess its not going to happen.
see i told you emo is happening.=(
but thats i think.
although its emo here but i know i still have to treat everything the same. school is still school what can you expect?
i am tired of making people smile. i am tired of waking up early. i am tired of having people calling me dale! and ask me to do somthing for them. i am tired. i am tired of people thinking its my resposibility to do something when i didnt said i will doing. i am tired of wearing that little mask sometimes..
don expect too much from me.i am not perfect afterall i am just like anyone of you all.
emo here.but things are just totally different when i am out with the usual gang. everything just disappear=) i enjoying seeing my name on people's blog. especially those who said i actually play a part in their life, something more then just a simple friend and i am happy because there is more then one=)
and you! RAY! you must be thinking this guy is crazy because whenever you is emo i am high and when everythign seem right for you i become emo. and at this point of time i seriously want to say forget everything i say.but i know its not right=)
anyway i guess most people will be thinking, "i didnt expect dale to have this kind of thinking, and i didnt notice that." just too bad you all didnt know me good enough. otherwise you would be like failure who manage to know i am feeling that little werid in just a few sentence.
cleared my thoughs, feeling much better!
tomorrow a better tomorrow?
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 12:00 AM
Monday, May 14, 2007
Met up with YUEMING and EDMUND.did our report and its mostly done.who expect a report to be so easy? least thats what i think. successfully distribution of work! yeah should be done by tomorrow!
HAPPY! JOKE! LAUGHTER! HAHAHAHA. thats the theme for us BK but its the other way round for the tutors of the day. don really know why but both the tutor were rather pissed today=)HAHAHA. firstly we had EFFcom. and the tutor wasnt so firece usually. she shouted! " i am going to complain to your PEM about this class" shock!HAHA.but everything went back to normal aftera while.she started playing with the virtual class room function.DAMN FUNNY!hahaha. o i shared my notebook with wanyan. result wasnt too bad. 6 9 6 5 5. it just goes went by the revision.HAHAHA.
next is break and there is nothing to elaborate. first half of AFA lecture were okay. it was only until the break that the nightmare comes!!!! so every classes have people going up to him and tell him about the attendance problem.but its only a few people for them la. but for BK its the whole class la! so i went down and tell him about the problem of the attendance and i told him is the whole class. he was like not possible.
DALE-erm.. BK here and the attendance for my whole class isnt mark.
TUTOR- not possible
DALE- but all of us checked the system already.
TUTOR- then what you want me to do?
DALE- mark as present for us?
TUTOR- how do i know wether you are faking or what?
DALE- all of us never skip lecture and we sit just infront of you all the time!
TUTOR- what if those who skip take this chnace and mark as present?
DALE- we are SURE! all is present
TUTOR- don tell me you checked everyone when you enter the lecture.
DALE- we onlyhave 27 people?HAHAHAHA.
anyway the conversation isnt so short just that i shorten it and seriously when i talk to him it is just like i am going to fight with him any moment then.HAHAHA.ask LYNN.but after all he said he will chnage for us if i pass him the attendance during next lecture. shouldnt be a problem i guess sincei am doing it tomorrow.everyone's reporting early to lesson for it. and after the break.he is ANGRY la!HAHAHA. he marked ANDY and HEENA as not present because they were what kind of shit teacher is that! SUCK! he is the only one teacher in the blacklist tutor!HAHAHAHA.
after lecture.went to locker with the whole bunch of BK because jeraldine wanted to do something to her locker or we went. they didnt manage to open the lock just they were TRYING. so this guy came and he opened his locker EASILY! andguess what jeraldine did? she look at the way the guy open his lock LA.hahahha. so she manage to see the passcode fo the lock! what the hell. afterall he came over to outside and opened the lock for us.BLAH BLHA BLAH and guess what he is also year one NOW!hahha.
went up the lift and came down the escalator.LIKE STUPID! we left the school "SILENTLY" of course. just a little noise that will amek ZHU freak out.HAHA. we went.ZHUZHUZHUZHZUHZUZHUZHUZHZUHZUHZUZ with pitch AND rythum. and its damn irritating la!HAHAH but i love doing that! so she covered her ears all th way till we shut up.HAHAHA.
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 9:08 PM
Friday, May 11, 2007
not much of a mood to blog so i guess i will just write out the program of the day.
went to school early in the morning.
had lecture. POM.
went for Stats tutorial
Had 2 hour of break.
aound 12 + - of people from our class went to grassroot.
played till the last few mins and rush back to school.
the girls helped us to tap our card
the guys went and had our lunch
so we went in later
borrowed my MICROE notes from RAY.
thanks=) his notes looks nicer for the fact that his background is white and the rest of the class is white.
went home and through the whole jounery from NYP to the MRT station LYNDA was "pulling" me.
now i relise the usefulness of having full sentance because everydthing seem so lifeless with it.
too bad.
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 10:03 PM
Thursday, May 10, 2007
for the fact that the presentation is over=) isnt too badly presented, information was there as needed. and for the fact that the tutor was smiling after we end our presentation and commented that it was good=) SO SUPER HAPPY!
firstly the moment i reached home i went to bed straight away, of anyone is to say that i am "pig" because i went to bed so early then that person is an IDIOT. lets talk about this week. starting from last thursday. i slept at 3plus for continously 6 days and 1plus for yesterday. can seriously you can check with those who didny sleep early for these past few days.example "DAJIE" LYNN and RAY.
so i guess i will be on bed again soon because today there is nothing to do!=) speech over and presentation over next up REPORT!hahaha.
*i tried to sleep during the 2 hour tutorial but to no success!HAHAHA.
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 9:27 PM
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
PICTURE TIME! and i seroiiusly mean PICTUR TIME!hahaha.


ALLIANCE!hahaha.mine group with BAOBEI'S GROUP!hahaha.shit! nahnah dajie and baobei



THE WORST! all of them are pointing middle finger at me la!HAHAHAH

okay wouldnt be writting any caption for FALIURE'S pic.because its too much!HAHA
theGREENfreak freaked 10:17 PM
tired! tired=) tired=(
good morning everyone my group will be presenting to you the various aspects of Indonesia. My name is DALE and they are my groupmate. EDMUND AND YUEMING.=) this is what i am doing!like shit!!!!!!HAHAHHA.
had tutorial in the morning! and there is only 2 hours today! its rather relax the whole day!HAHA.did our project in the library. manage to book the room for 2 hours. we chased he people out of the room because the room is suspose to be empty! ans since we booked it! its ours!HAHA.and 2 hours later we were been chased out of the room!=) and guess who came in and ask us to leave the room? HO JOEL! JOEL HO! HAAHAHA,he did the exact same thing with me.went in and say excusses me we booked its room.BLAH BLHA BLAH!hahha.totally the same!
so we just went out and just find a place and continued our project! and guess what we manage to finish it on time!!!!HAHAHAHA.happy.went in and out of the library to get our food!NICE~hahaha.
had a little fun in the library with NEHNEH BAOBEI AHBOY DAJIE ZHUZHU.TOK SOME PICTURE=)
and anyway i am in the library now!shall post the pictures lateHAHAHA.
dale's feeling written down=)
theGREENfreak freaked 7:41 PM
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
quite a number of sec 2 students have been asking me for my help in sciences and math.and guess what the first thing i see the question is WHAT THE HELL!hahaha. i guess if i am going to take my Olevel again! i will get a total of 6subject of F9 which is equals to 54! FULL MARKS FOR O LEVEL! isnt that GREAT! but afterall i still maage to slove some of the question=)
o ya i forgot to blog about something yesterday that is i saw my friends in NYP today. somehow i didnt remember her the first time i see her.HAHA. don blame me for not recognising her because when i know her i was just a sec1 while she is a sec 2.and when i am a sec 2 i lose contyact with it has been a long few year since i last saw her.and she remembered who i am!HAHAHHA. somehow i don remember her name.its either jasmine jesscia onela.HAHA.and i saw her twice!
okay today, never mind about the tutorial today.not imprtant, whats important is the EFFcom tutorial=) i was super worried and super scared that i wouldnt be able to speak the moment i stand infont of everyone.HAHAHA.okay and finally its my turn, so i went up and pass my speech outliner to MDM Goh. ahd she said, dale you can start, i pause for a while and started. please note my leg already started FA DOU ing. i was like DEAD! don care! must do well.HAHA. so i carried on but it got worst la.but i guess i manage to hide it well because not much people notice that.HAHAHA.and i said my speech raterh fast but it still manage to hit the 3 min minium=) the feedbad from Mdm Goh wasnt too bad=) so i am really vvery happy about it! and very glad that i practise for it the day before till 2am plus.. and even after my speech i was FREAKED OUT!hhaha.and i am happy because its.....OVER!
change tutorial classroom and change to library.
super nosiy! but FUN! (with edmund ivan choongwei jerladine lynn "baobei"/yeehuat)
left and met up with failure=)
went to tak to get a tempo laptop pouch..because holding the laptop by the handle is like SHIT! damn SHIT! my hand looks so so so so ugly now can=)HAHAHA.went wheellock addidas.failure went in and said HELLO=) for like 20 mins? then we went up to the next level to find the people who is like cock eye.=)REKLATS..hahaha. anyway the reason why we wnt to wheellock is because of BORDERS.because failure says that since kino sells it BORDERS should also have it. and i seriously don know why i believed her and followed her!HAHAHA.its okay~no matter what i finally got a laptop pouch although is it like ugly=(HAHA.
HAD DINNER! at KFC! not that kind that edmund talks abuot in his speech!HAHA. and of courseother then eating we did what FAILURES!like to do together!HAHAHA.
home after that.
and i did a good deed today!HAHA.don believe ask RAY!because i helped him to edit some parts of his speech and told him abuot the feedback from MDMGOH. and i know after i said abuot helping pople editing their speech i would be ARBISH by dajie=)LYNN!hahaha. tried to research on project but ended up i cannot get access into the viewires.SAD.and one of the question was done wrongly.more work tomorrow i guess.hope that project will be nicely done by tomorrow!HAHAHA.HOHOHOHO.CRAZY!
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 11:39 PM
Monday, May 07, 2007
okay all because of the googgle error yesterday night that causes me to be unabe to blog about yesterday.didnt remember muchabout yesterday except studying. o ya and my supper. i wonder is i am stupid or am i jus dumb to leave my house to have supper at 1 plus afer my friend called me. but i don really mind for the fact that i am such a person. i believe for that fact i declared myself a fool.F.O.O.L FOOL!
selfish, selfminded and selfless.
okay i slept real late yesterday and i am sure i will be doing so so SAD! btu i am not the only awake at that time!HAHHA RAY!
met up with zhuzhu and edmund for project.and seriously project work is getting me real crazy. it made me crazy, made edmund tired and made zhuzhu MUTE!hahha.zhuzhu knows nothing except pointing here and there and doing werid action which always takes me a few mins to understand it!HAHHA. but atleast we comleted some part of he project already.MORE TO GO TOMORROW! and yes good news! KUOFU is offically open! another canteen for us to enjoy!
the others had their ICA 1 on EFFcom.and i am having mine tomorrow! so i am a little little little little worred.and please add up all the means VERY! worry. everyone didnt really do well for today and thats what the tutor said.worried.=(HAHAHA.
went lecture.and ray passed me the cuecards! THANKS! and edmund benefit from it because edmund got it from hm too!HAHAH.lecture was BORING!BORING BORING! and i relise i had been commenting that LECTURE is BORING! and will always be.HAHAH. did lecture exercise and its not too diffcult.HAHA.i amage to teach my friends!HAHHA.including ray who went all the way down to ask me how to do.HAHAH.and h seem happy that he knew how to do.HAHAHA.dumb.jkjk.
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 9:00 PM
Saturday, May 05, 2007
I AM LIKE SO EXCITED!=)=)=)because i just received a message that.LOTS OF CAMPS COMING UP! YES! Finally some STANDARDS camps is coming up unlike the orenitation for nyp and for adventure.WERID totally WERID.HPT BACK IN ACTION? yesyesyes excited=)
but i am seriously not sure about my poly time table but will try try try to attend FULL CAMP!
okay lets start from yesterday movie.
NICENICENICE! althouh its not spiderman but its 200 POUND BEAUTY! it makes you laught and makes you CRY! its a meaningful movie =) ithas been such a long time since i last watch a movie and its even longer time since i last watch a NICE MOVIE. the movie end at around 2? so i took a cab back with ivy.
anyway the actress look so beatuiful but not much of a HOT to be mention.
and the singer who sings the like WA!!!!!!!
did nothign much today, did a little and i seriously mean alittle of my project.reading through the information that zhuzhu and edmund pass it to me. headache headache!HAHA. the only thing i remmeber about today is talking online with charlene. she said. i am a NOISE GENERATOR.whata word.HAHA. i am not angry aboutit but instead i am super happy about it.haha if i am not a noise generator how could i be a HPT.hahaha.I AM TRAIN TO BE A NOISE GENERATOR.HAHA. o ya was talking about FATE! and i totally give in to fate this time round!HAHA.about bumping into phelan.WE GOT FATE.=) =( HAHAHAHAHA. but couldnt i the same fate happens to a girl but instead happens to phelan?HAHAHAHAHA. anway i have decided to say hi to charlene next time i see her in a good junior "hi.senior, how do you do?" and seh said she will be freaked out!HAHAHA andi am hoping for that to happen.
OKAY END! PHOTO TIME!photos taken during gathering yesterday at some place which i forgotten.
me and xinyi=) and note she seldom takes picture.

me and IVY=)

me and kangqi=)

5 years of buddy in seocndary school=)BRYAN!

GROUP PHOTO! and guess what this pic is taken by FRANKIE fourskinstore friend.HAHA.o ya it just happen that all are us are from NYP.HAHAHA.
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 6:53 PM
Friday, May 04, 2007
make a guess of where i am now.=) i am right at the mac at LIDO!haha.and please check the time right this min!HAHA. i am wating to watch the movie 200 POUND beauty=)HAHA. and its only starting at 12 mightnight!HAHAHA.
UPDATE to what i have been talking about everyday.
GUESS WHAT! i saw phelan for like the 5th days already!HAHAHA. was rather confindent that i wouldnt be seeing phelan and thats exactly what i told angelyn. after we got our food and begin our way back ... just right at the door there is someone standing right pointing right t my face! and that person is none other then phelan.! and he said."what! YOU AGAIN!"HAHAHA.i was shocked and both angelyn and zhuzhu was laughing like hell!HAHAH. NO MORE PHELAN TOMORROW!hahha.joking.
schoo begun with a dead tone.i just drag myself to school today, even when choong wei was walking right infront of me i totaly ignored him.HAHA.don blame me for ben unfriendly.HAHA.lecture ! blahblahblah.nothing much also just lecture and plain lecture.had break and went tolibrary and started planning for our project.dint manage to complete much in that hour though.tutorial was okay.and i did manage to understand better. ECONS LECTURE was damn damn sucky because that group of people sat on our seats! and we all just sat right infront of the lecturer.and we totally rock la, we threw our bags on the seats infront and stick out our legs on the seat infront!and SLACK.hahaha.but we did try to listun=)
lecture end=) went to one of the lab and started doing our project.and guess who i saw! HUI MIN!and she literally wave to me from inside the LAB!hahaha.DID PROJECT! got my ez link.saw phelan.and thats all.
in SHORT!wanted to watch the spider man marathon with failure and brenda but because of certain reasons its been i decided to meep up with bryan ivy xinyi and kangqi.FUNFUNFUN. went from lido to cine and from cine to lido and here i am waiting for the show to strat=)
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 10:57 PM
Thursday, May 03, 2007
okay update of certain dettails.guess is the 4th day that i saw PHELAN.people were asking weather i saw him today!HAHA, because people are keeping up with my blog!HAHA.i bet and i am rather sure i will see him again.and if i were to see him onsat which is a non school day its will be like OMG!hahaha.i guess i wouldnt.HAHA. was scary, went into the class and everyone was like SO SERIOUS! and QUIET.even i kept mt mouth shut!HAHAHA.did some stupid messageing.x)HAHA. and guess what a;thouh i studied for my test for like onmly 45 mins i manage to maintain my score of 18/25 la.was super worried that i am gogin to fail my quiz this time the first thing i did was to message failure to announce my success!YEAH! and SHIT! PROJECT IS IN! worried because i only have one week to finish it up! and all for plans to be out of the house is ruined! and i am super worried that my trip to JB wiht fourskin is going to be affected too!ARH!hahha.anyway i am super fine with my group.
*NOTE to zhu yue ming.ITS STARTING!haha.
i am in the same group with ZHU and it wasnt too bad!okay ZHUZHU!haha.had a little fun calling ZHU are just see her facial expression changes as you call her different names! i wnt ZHU ZHU whole day long.HAHAH and i serously pity her for knowing me and its her luck to be in the same group wiht me.this one week of project its going to be HELL to her!HAHAHA.
and seriously i am worried about my EFFcom speech and my WEB project.
i wonder what i am going to SPEECH about.HPT?not confirm yet.
lecture!HELL to the lecturer!HAHA.for the first hour he seem to be speaking alien to me! its only to the left and to the right.HAHA.AFA was super boring!boring! boring!HAHA.then HOME!=)YEAH.
not the end of the day yet.went out and had dinner.and saw SHERON! did i even mention on my way bck home eariler i saw SHERON!hahaha.i was sure i am going ot see my friend during diner .HAHAH.and yes! I SAW!hahah.had a little fun on the way back. THE PINK GUY! sits liek he is a GAY! and we bet he is! so we kind of BLAH BLAH BLAH! SHOUTED!haaha.,
had been out of the house recently.MOVIE TOMORROW=) and PROJECT TMORROW=(JB trip the day after=)=)=).

thats what we do after lecture.slack and sing and BULLSHIT!ans it last for hours la.HAHA.

we are really werid because we enjoy blocking people's way down the stairs.HAHA.CUP NOODLES our favourite.HAHA.

OKAY! we are usually the early birds because NYP have totally nothign interesting so we usually go to tutorial eariler to sleep but when a situation like the class is still occupied we wait till it open!HAHA.and we just block the way of the people along the way la.adn that SHOWS we enjoy BLOCKING people's way without even noticing it!HAHAHA.
thats BK0710=)
and to piss that YUEMING OFF.
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 9:37 PM
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
O ya forgotten to blog about the little details yesterday.about one of my OGL.
as i said i saw him on monday at the printing shop.and then i saw him on tuesday at HABOUR FRONT what the hell. out of school le also happen to see him.HAHA.okay and today i saw him while all of us are sitting by the stairs having our noodle. so within 3 days i saw him at three different places.shall see if i manage to see him tomorrow!HAA.not really much of a excitment though.haha.\
todau was interetsig.althouh don know what what exact reason that i am able to be so hyper.don believe ask wan yan.HAHA.lesson was okay and seriously i talk alot today.HAHA.decided not to go for the outdoor adventure training today because hafiz is only going after 7 but it start 5 la.HAHA.and because there's a quiz tomorrow on gonna study for it.HAHA.
went home and decide to take a bus home because i have the feeling that i am going to see xiaodi on my way home.and guess what! I REALL DID!hahaha.had a little chat but i am still happy about it.HAHAH.guess my six sense is not so bad.HAHA.
o ya changed my blogskin because i am bored of the old skin.HAHA.
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 4:00 PM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
today is crazy! CRAZY! CRAZY!
ever heard of your internaloragns been twist and turn and round and round and round and ROUND!its so scary! so crazy and so EEEEEEEEEE.i am feeling as uneasy as i could! wanted to vomit but i just cant wanted to faint but i didnt.and thats apply to how SWEE KOON is feeling now too.because we did the same thing.
don even look down on a bowl in the might sem so harmless to a little kid because the only thing they do with it is to swing to the left and swing to the right.and its totally harmless.but to us its not just to swing here and there but to us its a super duperdangerous activity! because once you are on it its goes ROUND andROUND and ROUND and ROUND and ROUND! like seriously ARH!!!!!!!!!!!!!.i went on it for like 8 times? within 5 seconds on it i will start going ARH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!till i actually stop and the next time you notice about me is that i am lying flat on the ground!HAHAHAH.FUN!SCARY!
actually just now i went for CELL we went to wan ping mu shi's house and had BBQ,but i seriously don think its a BBQ.hahah.NEVER MIND AT LEAST ITS FUN TO ME! THE STUPID BOWL!then we went to the playroom.FUN!because i played carron withsweekoon!like old times!HAHA.okay i am seriously not feeling well now so off i go.
dale's feeling written down.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:48 PM