Thursday, June 28, 2007
"lack of one or two marks to A"
imagine how sad that is!!HAHAHHAA.
but at least i got a b plus for my internet and web.
back to lesson.
theGREENfreak freaked 8:20 AM
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
talked about a thing or two about Xiao Di yesterday.
and GUESS who i saw when i was on my way to school today???
nearly missed him as i was going down..HAHHAA.but i manage to recognise him and called out to him.HAHAH.
and i am HAPPY!since long since i last saw him!
do you people knwo i don go around having brothers and sisters?HAHAHA. i don enjoy doing thathaha, because to me i think its useless having brothes and sisters when it will only last a few weeks?HAHAHA. so till now i only have one! Xiao Di.
okay enouh of all that! POM tomorrow! its quite diffcult i guess, because its all about memorising not understanding and thats what i am bad at! SHIT! may luck be with me tomorrow!hahaha.
theGREENfreak freaked 11:37 PM
i guess it has been almost 10 days since i last blogged.
life have been BUSY? and i mean real BUSY!
BM0710 Class Outing
30th Sec 3 KAH outing day
meetings meetings and more meetings
nothing much to talk abot because there;s too much to talk about and i just don have much of a feeling to blog about something which will last a few pages long.
was talking online my friend and relised i gave quite a lot of AUTHORISED names to people! and i am still using it.
of course my fav name of all and if i don put it as my fav i might just die?HAHAH.
FAILURE Wong Kailing
FEIFEI Wilson Tan Wenshen
KOK Reagen Jack
Xiao Di Tan Gim Hwa
Ah Boy Christpoher
Xiao Hou Casey
MAOMAO i forgot his real name for real
LP Kayjoo
RATS Joyce
PEARL Per Xin Yi
more but kind of lazy to think of more?HAHAHA.
all of it are authorised, some are like only to me and some are shared among all like MAOMAO!hahaha.and i seriuosly like FEIFEI alot la! because it manage to widespread to everyone who knows him and its started by me! YEAH BABY!hahah.also XIAO DI! i like calling gim hwa by xiaodi!HAHAHA. the rest are okay,only really remember it when i try my super hard to remember it!HAHAH
okay this post is nothing but some kind of entertainment to people who actaully drop by to see if there is any new post..and so here it is. and most importantly to keep my blog alive=D
theGREENfreak freaked 12:40 AM
Sunday, June 17, 2007

YEAH! people i am back!
back from NYpal camp to be exact=D
not a very fun and adventurous camp compared to HPT camps.
but i still enjoy it.
everything was shocking from first day.
lets just say about the most important things.
i went in the lecture room and the first person i saw is melissa, the vice president.
and she look damn like OGL, Charlene.haha.
but thats not the importantstuff.
the important thign is the shirt she is wearing.
and people guess whats the mottoof the camp?
i was like WOW! red shirt and motto same as HPT!
so got into our group.we gave our group the name TEAM EDISON."thomas edison to be exact"
and group leader is...ME! again.
slack.not fun, though of leaving HHAH but i didnt!
the shoik day la!
first part.6 games in a row to win our lunch.its just sandwiches la.
GAME 1 = transporing people from one end to the other and not touching the line.
GAME 2 = eating of some stupid bread which taste... DRY.
GAME 3 = bouncing some ball into a pail.
GAME 4 = skipping rope
GAME 5 = putting tile up four level thing.
GAME 6 = blowing a ball into some goal
result of TEAM EDISON.
GAME 1 = 3RD
GAME 2 = 2ND
GAME 3 = 1ST/2ND not very sure
GAME 4 = 1ST
GAME 5 = 1ST
GAME 6 = 1ST
MOVIE HUNT = 3RD/4ND not sure too
and there's only lik 4 group?HAHAHA.
anyway most of the stuff i didnt bother to answer and i don know the answer, tried calling to ask for answer but they don know! like from kokliang.HAHA. so what i did is do the punishment lo and get clue and answer.and they keep dare me to do things which i enjoy doing!HAHAHA. like pumping and standing infront of everyone and make sure they turn and look me and MUST BE LOUD!hahaha.
DAY 3.
much better.
some kind of individual game but we played in group la=D.
GAME 1= putting a chopstick at chest level and throw it into the hole of a bottle.
GAME 2= using a ball and knock the drink bottle and into a goal
GAME 3= catching a small ball dropping from level 7
GAME 4= duck
GAME 5= 3 level card game
GAME 6= poking game
and team edison only have 6 people=D
so we won la.. the best team=D
and guess what.the camp in chrage came to me and say.
you! i will remember you! chunfu right? dale right? THANKS=D
some boring leadership camp la.
but fun.
theGREENfreak freaked 1:26 AM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
everything's confirmed.
and i am very sure it is a decision that i am going to regret forever.
the one i used to live for is gone.
so lets dig out a hole and just buried it in.
and perherps in years to come, i might just laugh at my foolish actions now.
but i am very sure that it wouldnt be a feeling i like to feel when that day comes.
the first feeling that strike was numb, i might be in the period of shock but i didnt know, but when i travel back home, i relise i wasnt so cold blooded afterall, afterall its was what i lived for in the past. with one of my purpose in life gone i wonder what will be the next. i tried to think of someone i can look for but to no success. the rest was all busy with their stuff and i got no one to turn too, how patheic can i get...
perherps i should have fought back but now its too late.
another item in my memory box, and the box is getting heavier and heavier, i wonder whats next?
nyp pal camp on thursday, i guess its a good way of getting everything out of my way and enjoy myself there. leave the reality and enter into the world of unknown. since i got nothing to look forward except the camp so just make it the highlight of this june hoilday which is just totally different from the past few years.
luck for me.. everything's changing.
just imagine all you like because you wouldnt know the truth behind all this rubbish because i am not really sure of it myself.
Trust is the word, but i am just leaving my trust with you as i will just bring myself out of all these rubbish because i know after a few months everything wouldnt be the same as before. its used to be family but i believe it wouldnt be in the future as it is nothing more then just a way of cultivating people.nothing more nothing less.
i got tonnes to talk about but it cant be written into words, its more of feeling then logical thinking. and seriously i am fine=D.
theGREENfreak freaked 1:47 AM
Monday, June 11, 2007
A Decision Based On Emotion or Logical Thinking.
theGREENfreak freaked 1:52 PM
Friday, June 08, 2007
-we go out without planning
-we often change program on the spot
-we always wander around different places
-we enjoy sitting around and talking
- and lastly we sit around with food and drinks accompanied.
final answer: thats us=D, failure, me, brenda, kokers and pinwen.
listun to pinwen's whole bunch of stories.
and got me thinking about ....
after all you are still the one i am looking for?
dale's feeling written down
theGREENfreak freaked 12:28 AM
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
theGREENfreak freaked 11:14 PM
left my whole file with kokliang.
and guess how i had been feeling from morning till now? LOST! i dont know when is my lesson and what time i am dismiss and what lesson i am having. but 3 more days!HAHA. but i have to get my file from him by friday. ITS IMPORTANT!
nothing much today actually! i mean totally nothing exceot for the act that failure came over toNYP! like wow! she actually thoguh of comin to NYP!hahah. but the whole period she was there it was all werid!HAHAHA.but fun?HAHA.
met up with brenda after that.
okay failure crashed NYP today.
pinwen said tomorrow..but i perfer friday.
angelyn said faliure was high.
but i thnk angelyn haven seen the worst of failure.they will shock till they die. even i cant take it.
but just wait till clique see pinwen, that is if he is coming la.
dale's feeling written down!
theGREENfreak freaked 11:08 PM
its late at night and icould hear nothing execpt for the fan beside me wailing and the sound from the keyboard s i typed all these words into blogger. just before i start getting into the mood to start talking about my arch enemy let me tell you guys what just happen to me.. I WAS STUCKED IN THE LIFT FOR LIKE THE FIRST TIME. in my house's life though. didnt really get panicked but i guess its because i was too tired to get panicked instead.
okay back to topic. i seriously enjoyed myself today.althouh there isnt any run around or laughing but ijust enjoy the company with kokliang failure and pinwen=D. too bad the rest wasnt around but its good enough or now. anyway don really have the energy to elaborate on what happen for the whole day but i seriously are in the mood to talk about my arch enemy. so i went up with failure to her house while kokliang took the last few buses home. went down and met up with piwnen, decided to walk to pinwen's house before i take my cab back home. although i haven seen him in quite a while, our relationship didnt change much. it's just as werid as before. we had werid conversation on the way back, too bad we didnt have any meaningful ones. donknow why but its just impossible for me to tell him or for him to tel me something. one word werid. but i know he is someone more then just a friend, i believe after our 3 years of fighting almost everyday we know each other every well.
3 years ago when i first met him in class i was wondering how am i going to survial with this kind of people in my class. and 3 years ago we entered the same cca which i though its end of the world. 2 years ago we started working today on our class tee which i thogh would be impossible and one year ago he became my class monitor which makes me think lets forget it and jump into the never ending sea.
ever since 3 years ago we had been fighting and arguing almost every single day just imagine that.HAHA. and thats the reasons why i actually called him my arch enemy online. but the funny thing is that we know something that is..
we are totally the same but yet totally different.
i like working with him but smetimes things just get out of hand!=D
but thats the way of life.
just as i told failure and kokliang, HAHA i always felt very happy when i see him! and seriously i am very happy! ( thats after we entered poly, if its in sec sch i ratehr hope he is dead), we no longer agure with each ither because we seldom see each other!HAHA and we have just totally nothing in common to argue about.HAHAH. its not easy finding someone who is totally the same as you but toally different with you. you might not understand what i am saying about but i believe people who knows both of us will agree to a certain extend.

totally the same yet different...YEAH!
dale's feeling written down.
theGREENfreak freaked 1:22 AM