Saturday, July 28, 2007
not in the blogging mood.
donuts to school
clique to town without ivan.
met up with pinwen.
failure came and go.
finish up 2 RP's banner.
no school.
woke up late.
went PHS.
went JERALDINE house.
KFC family meal.
maybe cycle later.
picture soon.
theGREENfreak freaked 12:00 AM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
guess it's time to blog.
life has been wonderful, for real this time round. but it's really getting me crazy as it's hard to adapt to some of the changes and the busy sechules that got me going. From fixing shannon's lorry wheel to organic farm to eating a dinner at tampiness when i am staying at yishun and lastly today queueing for donuts.come to think of it fixing shannon's lorry whel is fun and i mean fun. and its my first time having to fix a wheel.HAHA.good experience. organic farm was interesting, everything seems the same to me there, there are all GREEN.dinner at tampiness gives me the feeling of wanting to puke.sowrdfish collarbone is not for one serving its raterh for 2 serving.but its nice when you have you first bite. queueing for donuts wasnt as exciting as failure said it would be because we took only half an hour while she took 3 hous back then,so we couldnt feel the fun in it but seriously the donut's great especially DOUBLE CHOCOLATE! WHOO!~ and did i mention i had my hair cut a few days back and she got my hair back to what i have before.
came to some sense a few days back. learning to look at things flat ratehr then 3D, to see things in one way raterh then thousands of ways which would get me unhappy and giddy. so learning to take things easy but i seems to be caring less but i am feeling better.good temper these few days.way to go dale! PICURE TIME!

rather obvious, a flat tyre and us helping out.FOR REAL


my name hair cut. it took me 1hour plus to get my hair cut.and i almost fall alseep.HAHAH.
theGREENfreak freaked 12:46 AM
Sunday, July 22, 2007
a new begining awaits us.
a struggle to survive?
a last hope of life.
which side should i contribute to?
"too bad you guys came too late,
hope you guys enjoyed yourself till now,
but too bad,
the fun is over,
and the game has ended. =D"
theGREENfreak freaked 12:23 AM
Friday, July 20, 2007
my mood changes as fast as thunder today=D
the paper today isnt easy. time to buck up on statistics now.
skipped lecture and went bishan.
and guess what? i played basketball, after 2 years of not touching basketball.
people like failure must be like shock.HAHAH.
i am starting to get irritated by my phone disfunctioning.
i am not able to check out the missed calls i've recevied.
there's 3 miss calls today, sorry if i didnt get back to you.
talking about calls.
Shannon called me a few mins back, he asked if i am free to help him out in his northland camp. didnt really confirmed anything with him but i know that it's a 5 day camp and its within this month.shall consider about it.
meeting tomorrow.
a girl who's fat but says that she's fit and says it like real?
a girl who's ugly but says that she's cute and says it like real?
theGREENfreak freaked 9:12 PM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
arent really felling my best sleepless night can really kill i guess.
because i am having this terrible headache ever since morning.
Once again i went rushing for the train.
The feeling to reach Presbyterian High School by 7.25am.
worried of been late.=D
got back anoher result.WHOO! i am totally loving it. got a B for overall result and 37/50 for my HTML paper.isnt really very good but its not bad for me already.after lab, wanted to leave eariler and rest but didnt, but i skipped tutorial to have a good doesnt seems to be of help anyway, the headache is still THERE.
so failure and kokwei was asking me to watch kokliang's match.
-his last game
-he isnt feeling very good
-he would be glad to see us at the match.
so both of they were rather insisting that i should turn up for the match dispite me telling them i ...
-isnt feeling weel
-isnt feeling very good
-didnt have a wink of sleep yesterday
-wuld be glad to have a rest
-tomorrow i having a paper.
but they manage to get my point only after countless of messaegs and calls. despite me not feeling well they still trys to persaude me to turn up for thr match without thinking about how i was feeling then.good one.but i am cool about it, its not liek this is the first time knwoing them.
was rather shock by angel's reaction.ivan was saying i have been the one to help everyone with the AFA and angel's reaction is "No!I depend fully on myself where got ask dale!". and seriously her reaction really did shock me. so i didnt help angel in her AFA before.i wonder.this isnt really bothering me, i am fine with what angel says but i am still having my hadache=D. and i wonder how do i study for my stats later on.HAHAHHA.
anyone have any instant way to ending headache?
spending the night writing = headache
spending the night writing = smiles from people.
therefore, headache = smile from people = it's all worth it.=D
note: please dont think that i am feeling sad for anything HAHHA! because i am not! whoo!
theGREENfreak freaked 7:17 PM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
A WORLDWIDE APOLOGY TO IVAN CHAN YUAN DA!( as if he really sees this hahaha)
I AM SO SORRY FOR SLAMING YOU STRAIGTH TO THE GROUND WHICH LIKE ENDED WITH A BIG BANG! with the whole clique STUNNED!but i myself is stunned to! didnt ever know that i have the eneregy the slam someone onto the ground but i really did wanted to catch you back just that the speed you are going is like the speed of lighting. one second i push next second BANG~ okay! SORRY!
its as terrible as anyone can imagine. BELIEVE ME !
forgot my AFA ICA until emdund actually shock me with the truth that there is a ICA later on.and i didnt study a bit please! but the paper is easy! to edmund if you actaully see this! WHAT DO YOU GET FOR C.O.G.S - C.O.G.S??? = ZERO!
life has been wonderful except for certain stuff. i am disgusted by the way people react to knowing more friends. simply disgusted. the way you act the way you interact. actually really you actually know what is "BU CHI LIAN CHI"??? you just suck la, actually you don't just BU CHI LIAN CHI, except fot that i okay with you.and i just dont feel good with you around, with you talking, with you within my vision, with you walking beside me everything that concerns about you i dont feel good about it. so you dont suck just that i dont feel good about you. yup guess that should be all.
okay EFF COM SPEECH ICA 3 tomorrow! luck!
theGREENfreak freaked 2:21 AM
Monday, July 16, 2007
okay have been a long long time snce i posted any pictures down here. its all in random enjoy.but cant sseem to upload pictures taken today.

Lets do the TBT SMILE! HE! i am really influenced by tbt to smile like that which seems rather weird to me!HAHAH.

This picture looks rather weird with it's background. It would be much much better if the background is a waterfall or mountain because it really look like so!HAHA.

OKAY! presenting AHBOY! one of the weirdest person you can actually find. but he seems rather amazed by the way failure and me interact.HAHA.

One of our latest picture!update yourself with our ever not changing style of taking picture!HAHA.

Brenda's Birthday!

ERM.something weird and special?

OKAY! presenting SHERMIN POK! okay i know her in a rather weird way! she is weird enough by her own and with her buddy its kinda terrible.HAHA.

Presenting Yanyi! combo queen which i am rather surprised that she wins me almost everything i played with her.
theGREENfreak freaked 2:02 AM
back from a FASTFORWARDED day. everything seems so fastforward today but i guess its considered weird and interesting.=D met up with feifei, brenda and failure. though that today would be WORLDWAR THREE.since both brenda and failure already told me they had a not-nice not-interesting not-friendly nothing but good talk on the phone before they actually leave their house. but everything turned up quite nice.
met up with kokliang and had little bit of that and a little bit of these. relised we woere ratehr late for our movie so we CHIONG!thats when we expecting the tickets to be ready and collected. details not revealing and the tickets not collected so its not ready. so we literially CHIONG from MS to VIVO. and from VIVO to the cinema itself. and gladly we were in time, wwe were all in shock for what kokliang said eariler "tickets are out for sale if not collect half an hour before the movie starts" we reached at 2025 whn the movie is starting at 2220, but too bad what koklaing said isnt real!HAHAH.
and congrate to me and failure that we completed the race for HARRY POTTER.we were real fast while running to the cinema. and yes we caught the movie HARRY POTTER and the order of the PHEONIX at VIVO GV. not bad but not as good as compared to the series before. and soon we were back home.=D
weeks of exam up next! weeks of undone project up next!
theGREENfreak freaked 1:49 AM
Saturday, July 14, 2007
guess all these days of staying up late is killing me.
and guess what i didnt appear at NYP for the whole day, ask me why? i went dating with dream goddess. just when i though i am in time for lesson dream goddess just cant bear to see me walking to school like a walking zombie and get me back to her side.
went PHS for 6th Student Council Investiture. Not bad.
had a little fun i guess=D sec fours steeped down and sec threes invested.Onces i was the one standing on stage with white long slevee shirt and onces i was the one wearing the blazer on stage and now i am the one invited to look at all these people doing what i done for the past few years. Nice feeling. Its really great to see the sec 3 being invested.
went for lunch at AMK mos. with yanyi ahboy xiaomin winnie kokwei kokliang failure. had lunch slacked and talked and one leave after the other.and guess what? my feather is stolen by yanyi. and guess who i saw?? ANGELYN!!!! WHOO! and she updated me about the day's happening!
my habits didnt really like change after a few years, and failure knew what i did when i went fun at all. i wasnt really very very sure where he really is and AMK isnt really all that small, therefore i walked to places where people seldom walk and follow where my feeling tells me to go. and i walked really far, and i mean really far but i am glad i walked that distance and followed where my feeling actually tells me to go because i found him.
found him, tried talking, talking dont work, so just sat by the side and accompany him since it seem to be the next better choice. but i didnt really enjoy the whole process, i felt rather sad looking at what he is then, i dont like the feeling sitting by the side and not being able to be of any help.hope that i could be of help.
theGREENfreak freaked 1:31 AM
Monday, July 09, 2007
went back to PHS.
to pass Xiaodi the pants and erm ya HAHAHAHA. i still have to make a trip to PHS tomorrow, for certain unexpected reasons!HAHAH.
how do you prevent someone from listuning from one ear and goes out the other ear?
cover the other ear.!(IT ISNT REALLY MEANT TO BE FUNNY!)
me: HELLO!
PHS sec 2: i think i know you!
me: O is it?
PHS sec 2: ya, you are that alwyn alumni right?
PHS sec 2: i mean that alwyn's senior.
me: erm ya! and why do you remember me because of him!HAHAHAHA
went back to school!
and yes i wore the green cap which i expected myself to wear! i love green=D.
lesson was unusually okay.
theGREENfreak freaked 8:59 PM
okay i am like rather tired now but come to think of it i am almost tired everyday. things just goes too fast everyday.woke up at morning and the next moment its time to sleep.sad.HAHA.
went church and met up with brenda after that. went fourskin and saw one shirt which i like.but the reactin i got from brenda is like i have a very very similar one. i couldnt remember if i got a simialr one so i called failure.she is not of anyhelp also.HAHA.then jolene came in the picture and said. you seems to have a smiliar one HAHA. and next she SAY I CAN JUST IMAGINE YOU I ANY GREEN SHIRT! i was like wa! i didnt get it afterall.
chat with jolene!HAHA.and found that she is doing well in ngee ann.
brenda left and i met up with kokliang and failure.i got a green cap and i am rather sure i am wearing it to school tomorrow. so we went around.had tako pachi, failure's cheesecake, o arh mee sua, some spicy thing, donut factory donut's and more and more la.
okay the day doesnt really end here but i am just too tired to blog!
BA TIN! clue of the day=D
okay.back.this is kind of like edited.
i read ah boy's wrote things like "GUYS CRYING" and stuff.
i used to think guys shouldnt really like cry but after so many time of experience i conclude that GUYS HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO CRY! everyone have its soft side and that everyone will go through diffcult times. i dare to tell people that i cried for almost every reasonable things that you can find. HPT, youth band, the people around me, and seriusly literally everything. but i am not really ashamed or anything but instead i am like PROUD since its like my own feelings? my own thoughs. people can laugh for all they want and tell me that crying is what sissys do. but it doesnt really affect me i have my own views and my own thinking. to me crying nutures man. who says man dont cry? thats an idiotic untruthful thinking! after crying i am a new man! a better man!
"crying requires courage,
people who have the courage to cry
are then considered real man=D."
theGREENfreak freaked 12:24 AM
Saturday, July 07, 2007
have been sleeping for almost most of my time.guess the past few days is like tiring?HAHA.or maybe i am just too lazy to wakeup.
went for PHS Thanksgiving at Honours Night.
the whole placee looks okay.
programme was boring.
but at least there is dance which is like whoo! nice.
no wonder they got gold for syf.
and yup i was rather happy because i got to see lots of familar faces.
not to say hpt people since i saw them not long before.
there's people like Xiao Di =D, Shuman, more and more.
got the chance to see BRYAN and SHUHANG(SHUHONG) in their graduting suit or something like that. and they have that square thing on their head!HAHA.
and there's this werid conversation.
me: HELLO!
girl: i am sure you dont know who i am!
me: YES I DO!
girl: whats my name?
me: trying to look at her nametag but she turned the other way round.
and seriously i dont really know her but its good to say hi to juniors!HAHA.because afterall i am a super friendly guy right!
went and meet up with failure fishy and brenda, kokwei was with me. to celebrate brenda's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!hahaha.had a small cake for her and we rush our way home to catch the last train.
need to get a spec soon i guess..
eye sight getting bad.
theGREENfreak freaked 2:15 PM
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
HTML ICA tomorrow.hope it wouldnt be as bad as POM.
have been laughing my way out these few days. laugh my way into nyp and laugh my way out of nyp.but it isnt much of a life to me.i would like a change of environment, an environment with
high life uncertainty, life these few days just seems so expected to me. except for the day which i met up with some of the sec 3 hpts. but i am seriously looking forward to meeting up with
5 agape on this friday and the meet up with
GANG failure brenda clarinda kokliang kokwei wilson fishy pinwen on next sunday but i am rather sure i will be meeting up will some of them soon.
special notice.pinwen changed his number but thats not the maon point, the main point is that he changed into the same phone as i am using now.he's not using the same colour of course, same as our fourskin bowling bag, i hold the brown and he hold the black.
like the changes i had.=D
i have learnt to put aside my views about things around me and thus i am not so affected.
i have learnt that some relationship arent meant to be carry on and i put a stop to it and till now i have not yet regret a little.
i have learnt to be like everyone else, just act and join in the fun.
i have learnt not to expect too much from others as some of them arent worth your expectation.
but learning all these haven really made me much happier. i used to be affected by my views about others and now i am affected by my views towards myself. dont really know wether its true but its what comes to my mind a few seconds back.
i still haven finished up wht i wanted to finish a few days back about the blog entry i read, i just didnt have the chance. give me a chance to talk la online or just pop out in front of me in nyp.HAHAHHAAH.don be freaked out by me anyway.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:26 PM
Monday, July 02, 2007
woke up super early in the morning.
nothing better to do.
so did something which i dont usually do.
go around reading people's blog.
i guess it isnt something that suits me because i guess get affected easily.
and i mean super easily.
i cannot be like failure who can go around reading people's blog and just take it as it is. i might just be affected for the whole day and go and find the truth out of it la.
and so this happened to me.i read this somebody's blog and was rather super affected for the whole day.
i didnt quite like what was written, and how it was written.
and ever since then i was rather affected.
my mood want very good, was rather werid for the whole day, something known as "XIN LI BU PING HEN" i wasnt very comfortable about it.
went to school for lesson and skipped lecture. to find out something but i didnt really manage to bring myself to ask here i am waiting for that very person to appear online and find out the truth.
no longer a youth because there isnt any youth day for us poly students.
not very comfortable about what was written, BUT I AM OKAY WITH IT =D
time to clear the "misunderstanding!"
theGREENfreak freaked 9:08 PM
Sunday, July 01, 2007
didnt blog much yesterday so touching on some details today!
went to eat at yishun LJS and saw a lot of famliar faces!!!
so i was rather excited!HAHA. mmm BAOYUN, DARREN, SHAFIQ.
talking about eating just gets me going!HAHA.just came back from HIGH CLASS dinner with feifei kokwei and kokliang and failure at TASTE OF THAILAND! its like the first time we did that la and we orderes about 7 dishes for 5 person. so its damm high when we saw all the food!HAHA.
i forgot about today's dinner and stayed at home until kokwei called me!HAHAH suprised!hahaha. dont blame me i just too tired. failure forgot to called the rest of the people to come so its only the five of us having dinner together!HAHHA but its still FUN FUN FUN!
theGREENfreak freaked 11:50 PM
today seems to be a super long day.
time passes as fast as thunder,
but today just seems super long.
YANYI: please take note, because of you! my hand seems to be in a super werid shape with red dots all over la.DAMM.
guess its time for me to be back to my studies.
or else.. i might just have nothing but lousy grades.
TIRED.finally after 10 days of reaching home after 12 the camp is finally over.=D
theGREENfreak freaked 12:03 AM