Saturday, September 29, 2007
FUN i guess.HAHHA.but the concert only last for 30 mins excluding the 45 mins of lineing up outside the auditorium.kind of not worth it.but seriously wong lee hom sings really well.
at least subcom was fun.went around giving tickets and doing all the little stuff and guiding the people to the lines.oya, wong lee homs fan club is really cool.HAHAHA.they came and lined up and wait for us to give them the tickes, they were really very orgnised and stuff.HAHAH.nothings much to for now, photos from my phone for the 2 days.other pics till the cameraman uploads.


and here's wong lee hom
look at everybody!HAHHAA.

and the SUBCOM=D yangrong, valarie, me and ewen.HAHA

the $30,000 DSLR!!!!!

the DSLR i was guarding.HAHAH.

laslty something to brighten up everybody's day =D WONG KAILING.hahahha.
theGREENfreak freaked 5:59 AM
Friday, September 28, 2007
i am serously not feeling the best that i can be because i am simply too tired.HAHA.didnt manage to get back to sleep aftering waking up at 3am in the morning.did photoshop and stuff and dragged the time till i am in time to leave for NYP.helped out in Nypal stuff and it's seriously interestnig,HAHAHA.took the board and went throughout nyp to ask if anyone wanted to have the tickets from us.quite a number wanted but it took us quite a lot of effort.after that left for work.
didnt meet up with the clique and ray and diva because of work today, guessed they had fun but i had my part of fun was a real eye opener.but the" saddest" thing that can eveer happen to a person is when you wanted a DSLR you have to guard a DSLR worth over thousands of dollars.the work isnt interesting but the show definately were.the girls dancing and perforamnce were great.wowow!HAHAHA.duty for the day, to guard a DSLR.while andrew guarded a DSLR WORTH $30,000, just when i wanted and hoped to have one DSLR.that DSLR is a real beauty, the DSLR i am guarding is nothing compared to that of andrew's.but at least i had the chance of guarding a up to know some of the people, didnt really speak t othem until the end of the day because they seem really unfriendly but afterall we got along well.we even had dinner togetehr for the fact that all of us were hungry and all of us stayed at yishun.HAHAHA.
update on wong lee hom concert tomorrow if any special stuff happens.
those girls is a beauty but the DSLR is more then a beauty.
theGREENfreak freaked 1:00 AM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
i am feeling super happy this very minute now! BECAUSE! i am super special from what i understand from failure.take a look.
WKAILING / I've been here before says:
the day went past pretty fun.although for most of the day there's just me and failure running around singapore.met failure and went J8 to past our time and okay FYI, i took part in the junction 8 shoe desgining competition.HAHHA.and please for some special would be gret if i can get into top 20, but will b better if i can get into top3 but it woud be wonderful if i can get the champion.but i dont expect too much.just a champion will do.HAHAHHAHAHA.
tried some of the stuff at the new renovated junction eight basement(at least it's newly renovation to me).not too bad.after that went over to NP.and yes i didnt have ny typo here i did seriously type NP not NYP. for the fact i accompanied failure over to NP for her seriously cannot make it interview with that person from NP.walk around SIM and NP and took a bus over to cold rock.
fyi. we stopped at the stop far away from cold rock.
cold rock is okay.not very veyr nice or maybe its due to the flavour i chose.quite terrble i guess.white chocalate with bubblegum.HAHAHHA.just for people who dont know cold rock but think that cold rock is some places while serve cold rock.HAHAH.
it's a place which serve many mnay kinds of ice get to choose 2 flavour and one add ins.and they will mix it up for you, which is ratehr interesting i tell you. while for mine, doesnt seem to be mixed well, but its okay because it's failure 1/3 good friend in NP.HAHAHHA
took a cab and picked up piwnen and met up with kokwei.had dinner and rushed over to feifeis house where we went from the 13 floor to the 10 floor to the 9 flooor then back to 8 i suspose or 10. lighted up the candle and quickly sang him a happy birthday song and chit chat and there goes his birthday.and please it's a surprise.surprises dont really goes well with theGANG because all of us kind of able to expect whats going to happen next so forget about all the stupid surprises while we go oldschool which feels ratehr good.HAHAHA.
lastly.happy birthday to FEIFEI
and happy mooncake festival!=D photos up next.

oya, seriusly this picture dont comes easy for the fact that i almost disgrace myself in NP for being in a JAMMED lift while seriously terrified both me and failure to death.HAHAH.

me with the swinging chair in cold rock=D


lastly the HAHA HEHE HOHO. FEIFEI!hahahah.
"if any are meant to go, just go because i know no matter what i will always have my failure, my 2 super overdue understudy, the sucker who always manage to amuse me and make me super disgusted by his behavior and lastly my one and only Xiaodi who never seem to be talking any sense with me"
theGREENfreak freaked 3:37 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007
didnt know how to start off so i decided to start off with the o so orignial starting like.which i personally think it's much better then any of failure's stolen pick up line from everywhere.and it's ratehr sad to be exposed by me.HAHAHHAA. and i am pretty proud of it.please say i am clever.
okay lets go history.
had of the most terrible day in dont knwo which days in the hoilday when i was editing some of the blogskin and u accidently press save the edits and there goes my orginal blogskin when i didnt even save a shit of all the codes. so i redo it all la including all the links and if you are clever enouugh you can see tha many names had gone missing and many names has no link.whatever.HAHAHHA.quite a terrible day actually.
"blogskinning" is really quite helpless to me now. to think that those that you done within less then an hour receive super good comment and rating while those that you done for hours receive terrible feedback and rating.and that makes me think what kind of people who lives out there. thiers sense is quite terribe actually.HAHAHHA.
okay now random. hey! icebreaking games is really quite diffcult to think when you have to make sure of this and that.and you really have to go old school to find some really GOOD but not so interesting games which to me i think it's super boring.HAHAHHA.
okay now back to back from joyceekhoo house warming which is ratehr not so warm since we stayed in aircom rooms most of the time.her brotehr is suepr cute while her sister is super funny.her house still look so super nice althouh it has been the second time since i have been i wish i can have a swimming pool right infront of my house which i dont kind of refers to those public swiming pool infront of the HDB flats.meeting to be really rich one day.and i mean ONE DAY, in years to come i hope.
okok back to blogskin.HAHHA.knd of forget about it but will still try harder when some super good idea knock by my brain which goes "knock knock" "who's there?" "your super good idea is right infront of your door!!!" HAHHAHAHAHHA. kind of depressing now.HAHAHA so i forgot for what reason or something i decided to aim for a camera.those BIGBIG BLACKBLACK ZOOMZOOM FATFAT CAMERA. which it's also DSLR.but's its way too expensive so i decide to go for some cheaper stuff namely Sony Cybershot DSC-N2 like it anyway.wait till i figure out how to play with real camera.which would really help in my blogskinning too.HAHAH. an it brought me back to the fact that i should have started working eariler when i had my hoildays.if i had worked eariler i would have my first pay by now and TATA! there comes my NICE CAMERA.but too bad i didnt work so TATA there goes my camera.HAHAH.or maybe someone would entertain me and tell me that i won $1500 so i can play with a DSLR in my hand now.
tomorrow is anotehr home relax day which i enjoy very much.and following it would be failure outing.kind of.bishan walking and NP interviewing for failure.accompany for that super long distance.shall prepare some sweet to prevent from BUSVOMITING.hahahha.and thursday. clique outing.WITH RAY. goes.CLIQUE OUTING WITH RAY!!!!!.
wait.before i start, i dont hate ray or anything now.HAHHAA.because i have my life nowHAHAHA and i always me thinking! SISTER,lynda is ratehr super weird forthe fact to her i dont enjoy having ray around with me but she ask him out with the clique, and if i still have my old thinking she can really forget about having me around la.rather weird la.luckily she asked at the right time otherwise there really goes me.shall blog about the happening of the day.shall be real hot i HOPE! shoe throwing, punch blowing, leg kicking, head banging and most importantly body twisting.and makepeople DIE!hahahahhahaa.
but till now still dont quite understand the purpose of asking ray out with the clique but it's ratehr fine with me now.HAHHAHA.okay something really interesting i found out.shall say before hand that i do often drop by mr ray's blog to check out how he had been doing.ratehr brainy and stuff as usual.s i do take notice of my link at this links.before i blogged that super long post about him, my link was there, after that, it's gone. and now it's back. so whats the meaning behnd?!?!?!?HAHAHA.hide and seek?
aoky need to kind of take pity with ray for the fact that people who knows me well will know that he is the one and only person who has been really axe and crossed by me because i dont treat people the way i treat him.i gets allow well with most of the people except those that look really weird example that alien and the 3 for 10 dollars kind of people.HAHAHHA.well, the less sentence it;s meant for failure and guys to laugh at!HAHHAHAHA.3 FOR 10DOLLARS!.
shall post some pictures up now.

had the feeling that i blogged this picture already but nevermind.FAILURE and the JCkias.(theGANG)

and this shall be known as day out with theGANG, FAILURES with the polykias.HAHAHHAHA.

less but not least my lastest theGREENfreak poster.HAHA.
didnt expect this post to be so super long and i guess this is the ongest it can go.HAHHAA.but thats all the rubbush i have in my brain for more rubbish please refer to failures blog with countless of rubbishs and complains.HAHAHHAHA.
theGREENfreak freaked 3:17 AM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
happy happy guy.
but i though i could be happy for long.HAHAHHAHA.
busy with blogskins yesterday night.and conclude that making blogskins is really lovely.made two skins yesterday.
the first one is, my way of life.=D
second is. Theatre, is LOVE.=D
have a look.HAHAHHAA.
the day didnt start out right today due to !@#$%^&& =D.
but turn out slightly better after meeting failure at her house, but having the horror of her father coming back from work and looking at me in the house.ratehr scary because her father is seriously scary.HAHAHHA.
met up with fishy and pinwen.brenda didnt come along because she's busy while the JC's kias is busy wuth left the Poly'sHAHAHHA.went for donut factory which the queue is getting seriously some sushi, drinks and stuff and we were super ready for our little pinic.had a little walk and went to out bridge.HAHAH=D. we are weird people and we all agrees to it but it's the mood that counts. although there isnt any mood to be consider up the bridge when, thw wind is super strong, dust is flying every where.HAHAHAH.but but it's still the mood that counts.HAHAHAH.started our walk back to MRT station but our day didnt end there.saw a little water display and slack around there.took some pictures and got a little wet.ended our day with lots of pick up lines though.HAHAHA.
till he next time we meet.onces a week still counts.HAHAHHA.

None other then FAILURE=D

the always so hated pinwen with me.

and lastly of course, the happy people.
theGREENfreak freaked 12:16 AM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
just came back from cycling.though of some stuff i guess.message kokwei but he didnt reply guess his's a few years had past from knowing the gang.=D rea; lovely=D! BELOW ARE THE PICTURES OVER THE YEARS!
nothing else but beautiful memories.=D

the start of the relationship.
nothing but love =D
theGREENfreak freaked 2:25 AM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
afterall, i am just a eighteen years old teenager.
no matter how strong or how intellegent i am, i am just someone who only have less then 18 years of experience in life.
maybe i have fall short of your expectation, which i mean maybe.
maybe you think afterall you ddnt know me well afterall.
i might be at the wrong place.
i might be there at the wrong day.
i might be there at the wrong time.
i might be expecting too much from people.
i might be saying the wrong things to the people.
i might be the closest to them compared to the rest.
but i am just doing what i think is best for them.
regardless it's so called morally right or wrong.
afterall i see myself as someone who puts in alot to guiding and helping people.
maybe after this incident you will see me in another way, its okay with me.
as i have the responsibility to bear for not turning up today.
if you think i caused the problem.i am sorry.
if you think i didnt, thanks for believing me.
will be fine i guess.
theGREENfreak freaked 11:07 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
no matter how hard you try to prevent things from happening.
it will always happen.
as what have to come, have to come.
it's quite unusual and interesting to see your juniors asking you to relax.
it's even interesting to find xiaodi asking you to relax.
the though of your head on the chopping board seem really interesting.
i am 3/4 dead.but i will survive it anyway.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:49 PM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
theGREENfreak freaked 10:07 PM
today had been great.HAHA. quite a number of surprises.while on my way to PHS for planning i saw XIAODI=D with basic 2 clement and jarab. had a little talk with them and relised that i am late for meeting.HAHAH.NICE! to be able to bump into them on the way to school.
so meeting. quite a number was there compared to the usual few.and RECEE is on. friday i think or thursday, kind of forgot about it.but jalan bathera here i come.HAHAH.just to remind myself how to go there.
NOTE: take 975 or 925 from CCK mrt station.
met up with failure and KOKers and had dinner.prata house plus "hongkong cafe". main point of the day isnt the food.HAHAH.i ratehr enjoy the walk we took.=D KOkers said its the last time out because their exam is ratehr near.HAHAH.
went home with yiyuan. surprise surprise.HAHAH saw him on the train.which is the first time we walked home togetehr ever since one year ago?HAHAH.
nothing much to blog today.but it's still a nice day =D!
NOTE: if you receive a MSN saying "i remember you used to have this hairstyle" dont be stupid and accecpt it.HAHAH. i nearly accept it because i received it from my primary school friend!wow wow! virus is the trend!
theGREENfreak freaked 12:25 AM
Sunday, September 09, 2007
"sometimes simple life seem so much better then a life full of spark."dale.=D
theGREENfreak freaked 9:33 PM
back home from movie 881=D!
after many weeks of yes and no and no and yes of meeting up for 881! we finally made it.rather unbeliveable, but we WATCHED it afterall.wasnt as good as i expected it to be, rather funny but just isnt so good.
there goes second week of hoilday! wow! result's out in a few days time! no SUP PAPER PLEASE! and please send my IC back to me! a few days down for next week, specially reserved for sec 2 adventure camp planning if there is any and wednesday's down.and there goes week three! camp/adventure please be here and let me have my six/seven days of fun in camp!
theGREENfreak freaked 12:40 AM
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
finally something really interesting to blog about.
spent the past 2 days with NCC, got to know a few sec 1s and sec 2s better.and back to the interesting thing, i just lost my IC. what good luck do i have?HAHAHA.but i am rather calm about it because i actually continued playing pool for 2hous after i know that i lost my IC.
wanted to make a police report, but didnt in th end because...
i saw baoyun on the way and she said that if you lose your ic you didnt have to make a police report but instead you need to call the ICA building.she know about it reasoning, she lost her wallet today.HAHAHHAHAHAHA.
both of us got the winning strike.
maybe, i hope someone is holding on to my IC this very min.HAHAH.
maybe a trip down to SSTC to look for my IC at the information counter.
and a sure unable to make it to FOURSKIN outing tomorrow.
well.decided to commit?
theGREENfreak freaked 11:49 PM