Sunday, October 28, 2007
my mind haven been really right ever since school started.
getting really tired easily, and couldnt concentrate much either.
it somehow gotten heavier these few days and starts to ache every now and then.
really tired.
though of going to church during one of these week, shall see about it.
woke up in the late morning and remembered that recee is on for annual camp today but decided to join them in the afternoon.wasnt feeling all that well so decided to cab down thomson plaza which seriously make me feel really worst.
a little this and that of meeting and we end at eight.took a bus down bishan and chatted around with jason siah and xuanliang.
school's tomorrow and i seroiusly hate the though of going to school.
maybe something new would happen in school and make school more interesting.
going 18 in less then a month, should be spending my birthday in Annual Camp this year then. nothing much to look forward this year then.
well afterall its just a birthday! theres one next year too!HAHAHHAHA.
mind's too heavy for blogging.
therefore i proclaim this post RUBBISH.
note* adventure camp and training camp photos uploaded to my shutterfly.
theGREENfreak freaked 11:13 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
lets just blog before the bed starts to call for me.
finally its friday and the weekends are here, had been really tired and shag ever since the camp. still trying real hard to get back to normal.
lessons has been okay, i can say nothing about the lessons because i have no freaking idead which teacher is who.but i still manage to interact with most of the teachers.
recievd a shocking news from xiaomin that most of th stall will be changed and went on to chat with the drink auntie. the next time i will be there, i bet i would be talking anymore since i wouldnt know the drink auntie.sad.
went on to NCC after te lessons end and did the announcing of poistion of the key appointment holders.end and mingled around with the basic 2s and of course xiaodi.HAHAHAHHA.worst kind you can ever see.
continured with dinner with the rest of the clts.had alot of discussion as usual but this time round we had more fruitful discussion.
we talked about everythng and shared some stuff thus relising we really learned alot from UNCLE SHANNNON.thanks!HAHAHHAA.
well that should be all, dinner tomorrow.
and wait till my mind get clearer, all that i blog will be bullshit.
i thanks for having good friends around me.
theGREENfreak freaked 12:03 AM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Day 2 in school went past in a snap!and i am done with day 2.
heard from clique, tomorrow is sentosa day,dont really feel like going but shall really consider afetr i finish up my tutorial later on.
point number 1: still suffering from after camp not enough sleep effect.fatigue level way too high. and whats more?! tomorrow is a great day to sleep! a long afternoon awaits.
point number 2: doubt i will enjoy myself there, better then destorying everyone's day out right!HAHAHHA.
How i wish i can get all emo and upset now over the situation in school or maybe to me the clique but it just seems like i got all numb and i am over with caring about whats happening, and i seriously doubt clique will last semester of fun is already an unexpected, as for semester 2 , an extra day spent together is an extra day of reward. but seriously that kind of only applys to me!HAHHAHAHHA.and at this point of time i seriously think this sentence makes lots of sense.
"if any are meant to go, just go because i know no matter what i will always have my failure, my 2 super overdue understudy, the sucker who always manage to amuse me and make me super disgusted by his behavior and lastly my one and only Xiaodi who never seem to be talking any sense with me"
well, like what i have said, "lets just laugh through whatever comes along" no matter i am happy, upset, angry, irritated and whatever, lets just laugh it through =D since laughter is good for lets laugh thorugh day3 and onwards.
other interesting stuff.
offered a job of 10 dollars an hour by my friend for part time job from friday to sunday.rejected it, because no way i am skipping the dinner on sat.lets take it as the last dinner=D.
well to all BLESSING KIA!
i did not say that blessing is bad, but i just said what you guys really did!HAHAHHAHA.and since i am onces a blessing kia! BLESSING SERIOUSLY ROCKS.AHAHHAHAHAHA.

where my troubles and happenies comes in a package.
theGREENfreak freaked 12:45 AM
Monday, October 22, 2007
so afterall everythign can be solved in a way or another.
the deadline for the shoe might be over by the shop still allow me to hand in the desgin so nothing much to worry about now.
just waiting for the result to be out for now.
first day of school isnt that well because of a little thing or two, well for those that are actually worried about me, sorry and thanks for trying to we know we cant do anything, its still up to the people to decide what they want to do with me.HAHAHAHHA.lesson wasnt too diffcult to catch up for monday. hope it will be the same for tuesday and the rest of the day.
kind of accecpt how people in cliques are grouped up togetehr and kind of forget about it. just wanting to end this semester in one peice, and i am okay with everything now.getting lost in everything is what i do best, and laughing through everythign i dislike is the best solution out now.
met up with failure after handing in the desgin and wasted a few hours there with her.well, our kind of time spending la. no one will ever understand how we spend our time.i dont even undersstand how!HAHAHAHHA.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:49 PM just came at the wrong timing please.not in the right state of mind and not letting you off that easily.although i know i got no skill of tracing you but i still have my friends to trace you. so keep tagging annonymous.
I.P. address:
any info for this annony that comes at the wrong timing.inform me =D!
actually forget about it.just hell to you please.
just as i though school reopening is bad enough.
pinwen just have to inform me that the shoe desgin deadline is tomorrow!
so i rush over thinking thats the worst cyclilng way faster then i used to be. from 45 mins to 27 mins.
but to know that he got the date wrong and that the deadline is over!!!!!!!
what could be worst!HEELLLL WOTH THE SHOE!
decided to cycle back and guess what! the bike goes crooked.and seriously i am speechles!HAHAHHAHAHAHA.
theGREENfreak freaked 1:51 AM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
photo's meant to be up but failure cant seem to know when is the right time to send pictures because she doesnt send pics at all.just relise some pics back in july 1st still with her and only are sad to be taken by her camera becase its only meant for herself.and i mean seriously!HAHAHAHHAA.
back from dinner with failure kok and kok and fei.normal dinner and nothign special but not much of THAILAND!YUMMY!HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.
i got a serious big problem this very minute and that is to accecpt the fact that school is starting tomorrow!HAHAHA.needs lots of help to get back to studies.and i mean SERIOUSLY!! HELL WITH SCHOOL.
step 1
get on good term with lecturer.
step 2
ask them to get my attendence marked for the first week.
step 3
NOTE: Blessing is a good class! and i am in love with Blessing!
theGREENfreak freaked 11:15 PM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
okay i am back for likw after 5-6 days.
just got the notice that my leave didnt get approved, which also in turn mean that i skipped school for 5 days in a row.
but at least i know that i didnt skipped school for a very good reason.
for HPT.
5 night without much sleep is really chllanging, and not to think to spent 3 days with a bunch of crazy kids. SEC 2 BLESSING. the most challening class i ever got.but i manage to get through it with a trick or two =D.
despcrition of 2 BLESSING.
people walk up their bunk while they climb up their bunk.
people talk to human while they talk to frogs.
people talk to friends while they have to talk to teachers.(kana catch)
people stay where they are in a blink of an eye but they go missing in a blink of an eye.
people sleep in bunk while they have soccer matches in their bunk
people eat what they hvae while they provides FEEDBACK everytime.
theres seriously more stuff up! which couldnt be descrieb with a word or two.check with failure.HAHAHHAHA.
okay i am seriously in a lost of words now. because i slept from 630pm till 1045 am.which seriously broke my own records for after camps sleep.and i am not the only one gary slept almost the same as me!HAHAHHA.
my only worry now is the day when i report back to lot of things to do i suspose!clique help me!HAHAHHAHA.
photos soon i hope.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:48 PM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
fifth training camp=D
GANG personal precamp at pinwen's.
NOTE: would be away from 14 to 19, can try messaging me if there's anything to contact me about.but the connection there is malaysia line when i am in singapore.HAHAHHA.
na li de jin yu jui hao kan~
RAINBOW de jin yu jui hao kan~
theGREENfreak freaked 2:01 AM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
just think back,
how many great people it had build up?
how much leadership qualilties it had inject into everyone?
how much impact it had on everyone?
how much it had taught every idividual one of them?
how many changes it causes on every one of them?
its one of its kind
nothing similar to anything been seen
the special kind of feeling it gives to everyone,
nothing like the rest.
maybe it reaches its limits of nuturing people.
but is it worth it to see it go to waste after the many great things it had done?
to some people the battle might have been over.
but to others, its just the begining.
i sweat to get it
i cry to get it
i bleed to get it
no way i give up so easily.
just like what he always says.
its in our blood.
theGREENfreak freaked 12:15 AM
Monday, October 08, 2007
accompanied failure to school to collect the excuess letter for camps.
took quite a long time.went town and met up with kokwei and kokliang and made our way to queenstown.booties soon, failure's booties and deutuer and kok's booties maybe.home.
where i met edmund!
was in AMK hub with failure and was making our way to the MRT station when i saw edmund! with =Dhahahahhaha. GOT THE BLOODLY HELL SHOCK BECAUSE I DIDNT EXPECT TO SEE EDMUND AT AMK HUB.both of us are super shock the thing we did! BIG HUG! and said hello.and we both laughed.HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH due to the awarkad we laughed and said bye! didnt expect myself to be so happy to see edmund but i am super happy to see him together!HAHHAHAHA.and guess what the last thing i said. EDWINA BYE! HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA.
zombie walking day because, both of me and faiure are lacking of sleep because we slept late and woke up early today.hell of a day. done some shopping and zombie walking.
training camp in a week!woo~
theGREENfreak freaked 10:54 PM
for countless reasons i am feeling the happiest i can ever!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.people lets say HAHAHAHAHAHA.YOYO WHATS UP! FAILURE'S TWIN IS THE CHIOEST EVER!HOHO BUT SHE IS STILL NOT AS CHIO AS MY NEW FRIENDSTER PROFILE!HAHAHAHHAA.CUSTOMIZED friendster profile is FUN! super FUN! although i screwed up making a new blogskin!SHIT SHIT and SHIT.
people lets join in the queue to sign the paper to acknowlege that me and kailing are definately togetehr! because for thousand of time the first few words my friend would say to me on MSN is ...that girl is your girlfriend right and you two got FU QI LIAN.HAHHAHAHAHHA (NOTE: the queue is growing!)
YEAHYEAH! TOMORROW IS DEAD.DEAD. SAY GOODBYE TO MONEY MONEY MONEY.ALL OF THEM! for platoon tee, shopping at art friend and shopping at queensway tomorrow! not forgetting the money to feed my worms in my stomach!HAHAHHAHA.(NOT: wallet in pain.)
theGREENfreak freaked 3:02 AM
Sunday, October 07, 2007
today is a life endangering life for me!wowow~HAHAHAH.
only manage to grab a few hours of sleep before i make my way to PHS for dry run for training camp.quite a number of people turn up and almost everything was okay.dry running for program is super endangering too.i am the biggest in size so HAHAHHAHA.scary!.and with the MA MEE MO of eve anet and phebe really made me goes left right and all over!! and kokliang is super brave!HAHHAHAHHA.
went amk and had dinner and stuff.saw quite a number of people and it's shocking please.HAHAHHA.first we saw yongpin, esaint and one guy, baoyun, yiyong, the guy which i work with for cannon name unknown, andrew, meihui, lianxin, rachel, the sec 5 guy when i was sec 1 name forgotten and zhenhui and hong someting guy.a total of 13! wowowowowowo.HAHAHHAHA.
short entries and more heart breaking program would be next!
training camp/school reopening in 6/8 days!
adventure camp in 10 day!
theGREENfreak freaked 1:33 AM
Saturday, October 06, 2007
back from alittle major cycling with kokwei.kokliang ddint come along as usual.HAHAHAHA.met him at 12 plus under my house and we cycled over to AMK K Pool to play some pool.its already 1 plus when we reach there and it closes at just had a few games.wanted to go over to see if the training camp KAH are having a meeting a the MAC but when we reach there, none was there so we gave them a call only to relise that they are having their meeting at NTU. stomach started to growl so it's time for food.went over to caserina but relised its closed and over to the prata house.had prata and stuff and saw jewell and kay somewhere there. okay this post is getting rather monotonous but lets carry some drinks and we were on our way. reach some block in yishun and had some rest and talk for an hour plus.HAHAHHAA.and there we parted.
dont blame me for the monotonus of today's entries.cycled for a few hours is fun and tiring and thats the cause.
theGREENfreak freaked 6:16 AM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
yes something to blog about finally.lets start from yesterday night.
i did something really nice and tiring to accompany kokwei for his dinner/supper please, say i am a great person HAHAHA.cycled over to sembawang mac and had dinner/supper with him.accompanied him to study in the MAC since from what i know he loves studying i am a good person.wait till 430am in the morning then i started to rush home with my bike becauseit's starting to rain and please my laptop is with me.HAHHA.and i left my lock key with him.
went home and sleep.woke up early in the morning to do pretty many stuff.not vyer early but at 11am, to get my specs. NOTE: IT'S green!, have my haircut and lastly check out the avaliable colors of paints at the store.rush and rush and relised i am left with alot of time=!!!!!!!!!!!hahhahaha.met up with failure and vanessa to do some logs and there end and go.and guess what i saw.XIAODI.hahahhaha.he had quite a terrible time tryign to do a last min revision in the council room with failure a round.i bet he agreed with me.HAHHAHA.
met up with pinwen.went velocity where failure were in hope of looking for a suitable and nice trackpants which afterall she didntmanage to get. it's just a few size different.HAHAHAHHAHA.went town and home we go! wow~

us at.. gelare.=D
looking forward for tomorrow!
theGREENfreak freaked 1:34 AM