Sunday, December 30, 2007

okay. i should just literally bang myself against the wall for 3 times, followed by chewing on metal scrub, punch myself and lastly send myself to hospital. okay i think you should be asking why. so go ahead and ask why. okay because i nearly though that there is school tomorrow and was intending to wake up and go to school.and seriously i though that i am clever because i know its half day tomorrow and i was expecting to report for school for like one two hours and i will be released but i didnt expect there's no school tomorrow!but! but! but! i am still super happy.=D
so there's no school tomorrow.yes! yes! yes! no school. but the sad part is that i didnt do my project at all! super sad.this school reopen would definately be the worst one ever. i can just imagine what could happen. someon please save me.but well.. school reopen is just 2 days later so lets leave the problem till the two days.
wanted to have my hair cut but guess what! the whole world seems to have decided to have their hair cut for the past 2 days, there isnt any salon that is empty.not yesterday not today. i even went down to ahve a look for 3 times and guess what. all of them have customers till night. IDIOT SHIT. okay but i am determined ot have my hair cut by tomorrow. since its new year but i am having the feeling that everyone would be having their break because its new year eve and none of the salon would be open.SHIT.
actually i cant think of anything meaningful at all, since i don feel right in my mind now.HAHAHHAHAHAH.okay lets play a game.if you think your name is inside. you are quite an important friend. CLIQUE forget about finding your name because its obvious you guys would be in it and 6 names is too much.
i think its super obvious!HAHAHAHHA.
so thanks for the year 2007 and we shall be happier next year.
shall blog again soon with pics and better conclusions.=D
theGREENfreak freaked 8:58 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
currently disorientated from daily life.
life have been way too much of life that i cant get enough of sleep.
i seriously cant remember which day it is so lets make it day 1.
Day 1.
kokliang decided to meet me earlier because he's feeling bored waiting for the time to reach for dinner.
and since we have discussed about making tang yuan the day before.
the very first thing that come to my mind is mking tangyuan for dinner!!
woo~such a wonderful chewy plan!HAHAHAHHA.
got our ingrendient and decided to mke our way back.
and TATA! in come the heavy rain.
and for the sake of the tangyuan!we ran arcoss the road.
Xiaodi and cle came over to have their share of tangyuan and we left to meet up with the rest.
dinner at thailand as usual after camp, this time round with more people otehr then the usual gang. failure, kokliang, kokwei, feifei plus winnie leong, colin and baoyun.
food was as usual fine and this time round we waited till the shop closes before we left the place.
shall move on to day 2.
DAY 2.
continued from day 1, decidied from dinner that its too early to end the day.
so we went squating around chongpang to think of event 2.
so we squated for an hour? and decied to have majong session at colin's house.
this time round with kokwei, colin, winnie.l, baoyun and eileen.
and guess what winnie leong drove me over with her bike.its comfty la!HAHAHAHHAHA.
majong session till six plus in the morning and home we go.
slept for a total of 11 hours before i relised that i am late for dinner with clique.
rushed my way towards bugis until i relised everyone is late.but i am still the latest la.
ended up dinner not only with clique but with so call extended clique.HAHAHHA. diva and ray. angelyn didnt make it most properly because of ehr church.
fish annd co is a disappointment because i wasnt full at all.HAHAHHA.but its nice afterall.then clique left for diva's house while i stayed to get the present for the gift exchange later on.
DAY 3.
met up with feifei and people to make our way to shannon's house.
gards knock out session.
people who's present are as follow.!HAHAHHAHA.
winnie leong
joyce khoo
winnie tan
i guess thats enough people to knock each other out.
games throughout the night and wine and beer were on the menu.
things didnt stop until all was gone.
gift exchange's next and i got a little drinking container!
had breakfast.and guess hat!
all was not gone,a what was on the plan is another round of majhong session!
colin's house and the game started
2 tables up.
games ended only at 6pm.imagine the hours of sleep we missed.
and until 6, this time round its really the end.HAHAHAHHA.
anotehr round was proposed, but i am way too tired and broke to carry on.HAHAHHAHAHA.
woke up to go for open house planning but to relised that they finished when we reached.helped around with xiaodi and slacked arouind the school until everyone's done and off we went for lunch.
met up with feifei and went over to interone08's BBQ.
and TATA! i am home safe and sound.
many many days of mahjong and sleepless night.
theGREENfreak freaked 12:42 AM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
i am hvaing this light headache since the moment i reach home yesterday till now.
so yesterday is the last day of school before term break.
everything went by too too too slowly.
believe me, you can ask everyone about it.
how terrible her voice sounds, maybe not so bad.
(she sounded more like a chicken then a chicken does.)
i have to hear ehr voice for 4 hours yesterday, and thats how sad i am.
met up with MAOMAO at town to get presents for the gift exchange later that night.
its diffcult to get a present for otehrs when you don know who you are giving it to.
you don even know their gender which is the worst thign ever.
so we walked around town for hours and we still cant get any idea what i should buy.
had luncg and JESSICA joined us to search for the present.
which is like finally.we got some red and big and wearable head gear.for the exchange.
went to get jasmine's present and to fourskin.
fourskin renion of the year.
even the warehouse boy JIAREN appeared around heeren today, which we didnt planned to.
so everyone started to arrive and TATA.
even people from the first batch like MIN appeared.
down to the last few people like JIAHAO.
went to get DINNER and started our gift exchange.
and the so called worst present's from MAOMAO.
and the weirdest presents' from KOON.
and so i got the weridest present.
some kind of ball that vibrates and jump about. with many colors lighting.
had a movie at 1215. ALVIN and the CHIPMUNKS!
believe me nothin could be cuter compared to them.
they talk , they sings and whats worst they sleep like stupid idiots and when you see them you melt.HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA.
everything is so. FUN=D
thanks peili for the present and KOON!
pictures soon!
note: SLEPT AT 430AM and woke up at 430PM.
note: headache.
theGREENfreak freaked 8:20 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007

[g]iMhWA ™ SERIOUSLY!!!!! EICO says:
u jus make sure ur wife is tyhe kind alw put chilli de can le
[g]iMhWA ™ SERIOUSLY!!!!! EICO says:
[g]iMhWA ™ SERIOUSLY!!!!! EICO says:
u jus put the ring in the fillet of macchicken
[g]iMhWA ™ SERIOUSLY!!!!! EICO says:
then when we open the fillet.....
[g]iMhWA ™ SERIOUSLY!!!!! EICO says:
[c=65]chunfudale=D you (all) are always on my mind[/c] says:
throw face la![g]iMhWA ™ SERIOUSLY!!!!! EICO says:
[g]iMhWA ™ SERIOUSLY!!!!! EICO says:
then u muz make sure u shout loud loud
[g]iMhWA ™ SERIOUSLY!!!!! EICO says:
embarrass urself for her sake
[c=65]chunfudale=D you (all) are always on my mind[/c] says:
then she will say "eh.. propose to me make my ring oily leh!"[c=65]chunfudale=D you (all) are always on my mind[/c] says:
[g]iMhWA ™ SERIOUSLY!!!!! EICO says:
my production
look at the last sentence of how thick skin this little guy is la.
so i am forced to put up his production!

tell me whats not nice about this picture!
theGREENfreak freaked 9:45 PM
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
its always hard to put things in your mind into word, especially with people like me who's not good with often ended up staring at blogger for mins and still ended up with nothing.
i hate it when people are always stuck in my head.
and no matter how i try, it just wouldnt get off.
and thats how important these people are to me.
"you (all) are always on my mind"how often i hope you will start the conversation =D
theGREENfreak freaked 12:17 AM
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Exams finally going to be over, left with accounting and i would be free for at least a while.met up with shuman, feifei, kok and hafiz for some meeting.moved aounrd amk to find a place wiht plug. and we found ourself at NEBO.
celebrated my mums birthday!
expected to go for crystal jade but turn out that the queue is way to long, so we got a change of venue at the seoul garden upstairs.details are way too much to discribe, so i shall skip that part.
"go to her grab her hand, look into her eyes and say "there is always U in C H U N F U"
erm... this is rather bad.i mean super bad.

theGREENfreak freaked 10:59 PM