Wednesday, January 23, 2008
ask me our relationship.
i will tell you it takes lots of confidence to say that i trust you.
and it takes much more to maintain the relationship.
and i might tell you i am lacking in that confidence to maintain this relationship.
ask me about fate.
i will tell you how i first got to know you.
remember the days when someone shouted to ask me to eat shit.
someone saying he knows how to do balloon dogs.
someone laughing out loud together like no ones business listening to music in the middle of the road.
someone who gave flowers to the people i like.
talk about fate and this is what you will get.
fate might be the one to bring people together.
but it takes more then fate to keep the relationship going.
and definately it takes nothing to bring the relationship back like we had never known each other.
if only time could go back to where we first met.
i wouldnt mind.
being scolded to eat shit like for the rest of life.
someone to keep nagging he knows how to do a balloon dog.
to keep laughing in the middle of the road listening to music.
and of course to see you giving flowers to the girl i like forever.
but it wouldnt be possible.
unless i were to go into a coma (provided during the coma i still can think back)
so for now,
struggling to keep the relationship going.
lets meet up until the time runs out.
lets laugh together even when the joke aint funny
lets chat till the lights goes off.
lets all troubles to be away..
all quarrels to be mute..
all for the clear purpose of keeping this relationship going.
maybe we known each other too well.
maybe we have done all the things possible together
maybe we have told all the jokes in the world.
maybe we might have left with nothing to say.
since we are able to read each other mind.
i really dont mind staring at everyone of you for hours,
knowing we are still friends.
its consider a micrale that i am able to write this whole thing out.
anyway if i only left with a sentence to tell everyone.
"thanks for being there" (if you were there)
and please this is not a EMO post!
and choong wei just told me,
OGL having selection this week.
to think that a year ago i though of becoming one.
as for now. forget it la!HAHAHHAHAHAA
theGREENfreak freaked 1:24 PM
Friday, January 18, 2008
pinwen called the moment the lecturer says the lesson ends here.
knew nothing good's gonna happen, but everythign wasnt so bad afterall.HAHAHA
so pinwen is currently known as the guy with the super thick eyebrow to the clique girls.
luck to you pinwen!
the guy with the super thick eyebrow.
and please remember clarinda has decided to wax your eyebrow with those candle wax and get all your eyebrows off your face!
of course with my help!
met up with pinwen
and walked around town and started commenting on the materials on the clothes and the desgins of the shirts.
so we go like.
"eh, touch this.. erm no?"
or maybe more like this.
pinwen will hold up the shirt infront of him and i will go like.
"please. no (shake my head a little worrying we might juts get kick out of the shop"
and this continued for 2hrs?
the wanton mee store in heeren is going to be gone by end of FEB!
so people who has memories there or you have a piece of your work there!
go back there and have a look by then.
if not its gone for sure!
okay went to say hi to failure and her bailin and clarence.
things went by okay until she started saying i stood her up for the shooting.
she started shouting then i shouted too! kind of.
and i went a little like.
C! L! A! R! E! N! C! E!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! super super funny!
at least thats what i though.
okay continued with our walk.
and met up with CLARINDA!
found starbuck coffee.
sat down and got some drinks and the game begins
started the conversation like.
"eh what poly you want to go la?"
PW "come RP LA!"
ME "of course NYP!"
and he will start shooting how good how good RP is
then i will fight back with NYP super limited facilities.
then he said.
ME "EH NYP ALSO GOT LIFT LA!(everythign was normal until i say) CARGO LIFT LO! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA"
CRD "WTH" and she almost vomited the drink she had.HAHAHAHAHAHA
enough with poly and we talked business.
and PINWEN said his plan (as usual)
while i shot back whenever i could and CRD just enjoy laughing at that hell shit conversation.
talked about BOOKIE and stuff.
moved on to the wonderful creation on earth.
why people create handphone?
why people discover gravity?
maybe earth found some aliean living..
the invisable wall.
and of course my favourute question when i am young.
why is A A and why cant A be B?
started our own language.
SASHI while clarinda spelled it as SASHE
but i am rather sure we are talking about the same thing.
still thinking about the "homework" we had for ourself.
what should i name 1 and what should i name 2?
okay people lets SASHI/SASHE soon!
theGREENfreak freaked 12:54 AM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
done with 2 ICAs and excel project got approved (finally) and here i am.
i seroiusly though that after the 2 days of paper i would be feeling so mich better and would be sleeping like a dead log after school,
but i didnt.
people went home after paper to rest, while i rush to have "photoshoot" with the pals.(and note i am super duper tired.)
after "photoshoot" i rush to find jennica to complete our 2nd draft for excel.(i was super duper tired)
supposed to meet kokwei after my project to study.
but guess what?
i went to the place where we are supposed to meet and he's also on his way there but i went home because I AM WAY TOO TIRED.
cant wait for the exams to be over.
feeling way too abnormal for the past 2 weeks, and have been coughing for the second week already and i guess blood is going to be out of my mouth soon.
and if that really happens, i guess thats the end.
but anyway 2 ICAs over and i am really glad about it!
I wonder what would happen to everyone ten years dow the road.
by then i would have already celebrated my 28th birthday
i might have got married and have a good career
and i might have a child.
and all i am left with is my wife and child.
and when my child grow up, he will ask
"daddy! daddy! do you have many good friends?"
i guess i might answer...
"i dont have alot of them but i have a few of them who knows me best and had always been there for your daddy"
then maybe i would take up some pics and start pointing at some of them and say.
"look at the girl over there! normally she would be jumping around and shouting and doing some weird actions with weird tune of her own and she is really nice"
"look at the two guys! OMG. look at them, they almost killed your daddy when he was young because they are irritating in their own ways, but i guess nothing could be compared to them then a few people."
"oya oya! look at the huge guy over here! he's really irritating then, he followed his decision after we told him that he don make his own decision, and he followed it big time!"
"shit. i didnt think i would have his photo, but i guess i had it. there he is!, he's your dad greatest enemy but yet one of your dad's (weirdest?, closest? or grestest?, okay i dont have the answer to this blank...) friend. we sat at the mrt and told each otehr that we dislike each otehr so much that we laughed at each other."
then my child would say
"seem like all your friends are super weird and irritating, i hope i wouldnt have this kinds of friend"
i would most properly reply
"you better dont hope to have this kinds of friends but must have this kinds of friends"
then he will go "daddy! daddy! thats all you have?"
"oya you reminded me.. look at the six people here, they made your dad's year one in poly memorable"
"shit! i didnt though that i would forget about this person, wait i shall look for a picture where he look nicest in. there i have it! ya this little guy here, i guess nothing's able to get to his place. we met by chance but our relationship didnt get better by chance i guess. we just got close naturally."
then i would start getting other pictures of HPT, NCC, NYP, PHS and others to show him.he might get too bored and say.
"daddy! daddy! its getting late, and its my bed time!"
thats what i would envision myself to be,
but alots going to change in these few years i guess.
and i seriously believe if we are meant to be, we are meant to be.
theGREENfreak freaked 4:54 AM
Sunday, January 06, 2008
2007 went in a flash and 2008 is here.
ask me about my trustd friend and i tell you mine.
i doubt i need to stop for a second or two.
ask me whats on my mind and it will do the same.
ask me about the connection.
tell me whats life.
famous clique0607
life just goes by i guess.
intended to be a rather long post, but words just stop on my mnid and didnt manage to type it out.and next, picture shall take over.

enough of clique and gang, you see it you know it.

you see it! you know it even more!HAHAHAHAHHA

last but not least, the werido, buddy, enemy, idiot, friend, bullshit whos' birthday is today! 7 jan 09!!!
theGREENfreak freaked 11:33 PM
ask me about whats tired and i will kill you.
and i will try to literally kill you.
tireness is just written on my face, like this. T I R E D.
came back from orientation camp, and i suspose i enjoyed the camp this year.
ran the campfire again with swee koon for the 3rd year in a round and most properly we will still be doing so next year.we shall see.
Day 1 in orientation camp and Day 2 in orientation camp and in CCA open house.
ask me about how i feel towards the whole thing.
woke up and learnt about human selfishness and guess how it spoilt my day.
spend the rest of the day doing 12 pages of written report and i am so happy that its finally going to be over by tuesday. but yet sad to say the dateline for otehr project is one week away.just tell me when this hell will end. for that i dont really know.
i guess no matter how hard you try to run away from human nature you have to face it someday. if you were to think that everyone would be fair to you, you might just be labelled as stupid. try as i may to think that everyone would be fair.
next post within an hour.picture editting in process.
theGREENfreak freaked 10:46 PM
Thursday, January 03, 2008
kill me.
or maybe not because i have this lot of work to do.(imagine my right hand stretch all the way to the top and my left all the way down.) thats how much work i had to do.getting an organiser to keep note of what to do isnt really all that good.
WHY? because it just shows how much of job you have to do and how much you are left with.(as for me, its always how much of job i had to do, because everything is just coming in)'
currenltly playing with the moulding board which was suppose to be used for tomorrow presentation, but SERIOUSLY. its bloody hell hard and i expected that.HAHAHHAA.idiot of the century!HAHHA painting, sticking, drawing and ;lastly vomiting.
way too much to do, i don even dare to look at my organiser now. forfeited my sleep tonight and i wonder how tomorrow will go. with presentation, maybe training and campfire tomorrow. bless me with the energy and ther boice for tomorrow. have the urge to do some photoshop because the photos are in. but the though that i need to do my presentation just kills me.
because all the pics are in=D
GANG! no more wy le!HAHAHAHHA.
shall wait for the bext better candidate.
theGREENfreak freaked 11:40 PM